I debated for a while replying to this announcement because I for one am absolute death on being advertised to. I don't like my activity being tracked on the web. Its not anyone's business what it is I do, or do not do online. I can appreciate the fact that content providers have to generate income to keep their sites up, but certainly there are other ways of going about it. So no, I will not disable my ad blocker, nor will I disable ghostery. I will consider in the future becoming a premium member because I do appreciate this site and what is provided here. It serves a niche that cant be found elsewhere. But here's the thing, i did not spend the money to build a computer to generate revenue for somebody else. If I want to purchase something I will purchase it because I want it, not because I am being badgered about it. You see here's the problem, you bounce around from ad server to ad server, they are using the data they collect about you and what you do online to "figure out better ways to advertise to you" but what do they actually do with that data. You have no idea whatsoever, and there is no way to actively hold the advertising companies accountable for what data they collect. Granted, most if it is probably benign, but why chance it. I for one am not willing to risk it. My computer and the data it contains are too precious to me to consider risking it.