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Everything posted by Ru5tyShackleford

  1. Well, its back. Broken saves. Thought I finally got it. Any more ideas?
  2. I have started looking for a good follower mod, but I don't know which one I should really use. The top two i'm looking at right now is UFO and AFT however, I don't know which I should go with. I want to have multiple followers and be able to use my home is your home, convenient horses, and other follower mods I may come across too. It would be better if either of these have lower scripts and better compatibility. So which one should I use, or are there any others I should know of? Please let me know if I need to clarify anything.
  3. Alright, I have tried cleaning my masters and will begin testing and playing around with skyrim to see if the corruptions still continue. Sorry for taking so long to post this, and if there are any other tips or ideas to fix my problem please post it.
  4. Alright, the logs were in my overwrite and I seem to be good on memory now, but it didn't fix my corruptions. Also, aren't orphan scripts left when you remove mods mid-playthrough? because i'm not sure if they are supposed to be able to affect new games after removal. Also, will cleaning any dirty edits and making bash patches help at all? Also a lot of lines in the log seem to be coming from become a bard, skooming in skyrim, and possibly some vanilla skyrim and/or its dlcs.
  5. I spent some time trying to get Memory Blocks Log to do something with no success (MO is a pain sometimes), but I also made a memory patch which has stopped the Whiterun entrance gate exit. However I am still getting the corrupted save crashes. hopefully someone can help me with that soon, or my situation doesn't get any worse.
  6. Okay, I just ran my papyrus and triggered my whiterun gate crash this is what I got: Log 3: I have 3 other logs, let me know if I should post them. Also, this was not a log from loading a loading-screen crash, and I have no idea if this really is the most recent log or if the dates are just messed up. I will also try Memory Blocks Log later today.
  7. Thank you for the reply! My CTDs often trigger when loading my save game most recently from the save created by save manager. When I load before that broken save, I CTD as soon as I leave whiterun- It shows up, but then it just crashes. When I try loading the broken save it CTDs In the loading screen, not a long wait. This was happening with earlier characters too, and continued soon after making a new one. (I dont know about the whiterun crash on older characters though.) Im gonna try to pick up some tracker mods, and try to get my papyrus to start logging. I will try to post my results tommorow if I can, maybe monday. My load order Is on page one, and edited into the first post. My save manager: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34842/? Thank you for any help! And let me know if I need to clarify on anything.
  8. The autosaves are probably old. I am currently using the auto-save manager mod. I dont remember if Its the official CASM one though, with autosaves turned off. The CTD / save corruption still happens though.
  9. I finally found my save sizes (Was looking in steam... i'm an idiot) and most if them are around 9 KB minimum at 17 KB maximum, except for the auto saves that go into 3,500 KB minimum to 14,742 KB maximum. I saw nothing sized at MB at all.
  10. This is my load order: The dragon engine is currently disabled in my load order, but I still keep Racemenu active. I checked out the gopher video (The memory Patches) I already use SSME and Safetyload but not the SKSE.ini however when I make one myself it doesn't seem to work or at least doesn't help at all.
  11. Okay, I have tried making a new character, but the eventual corruption/broken save game problem still happened. Didn't even make it to level two.... I still need to try cleaning my masters and see if that helps. However, I cannot find my save game files in the Steam/Steamapps/common/skyrim area. Is this because I use Mod Organizer, and if so how do see my save sizes. Also, can Papyrus show anything that may be causing problems and if so, are there any tutorials for this with MO?
  12. Thank you for the replies! I will try cleaning the DLCs as soon as I have the time. The character that has recently had the problems is an old one so I should probably see how things work with a new character, Its possible I may have gotten or removed some mods I shouldn't. I will try to be back with the results asap.
  13. My game is getting a lot of CTDs when I load saves, fast travel, and sometimes just saving in game. I think it might be save game corruption I try to revert to older saves and that seems to help for a little bit but it always comes back. Some specs: Processor: Intel® Core i5-4460 CPU@ 3.20GHz 3.20GHz 8 GB of installed memory Operating system: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor 448 free 900 GB of space left I have a NVIDIA GeForce GT 720 grahics card (I think this is it) in gameplay My skyrim usually runs in the mid-high 30s to low-high 50s when outdoors and about 30s or lower in cities. I don't really know if my CPU is any good, i would also like to know that. My game is in the steam directory, on the most recent skyrim legendary edition, I use Mod Organizer, I use SKSE version 1.9.32 and use LOOT to sort my load order. I do have Tes5Edit and need to get Wyre Bash. Loot Log: I think that is all. Please let me know if I left anything out, or you need any more info. Thank you for any suggestions or help. EDIT- My load order:
  14. I've started downloading a bunch of mods for oblivion using OBMM and I began to get flashing orange textures in an area added by Unique landscapes. some beached ships and log texture have begun flashing orange when I look at them. I have no idea what is going on or how to fix them. I also use some compatibility patches for an area nearby that I don't think directly affect the area that the issues are at (I had a big black square over the water there, but that hasn't shown up since the first I saw it) I don't know if the area had any problems while I was working there. I would really appreciate any help, advice, or fixes. I can also supply pictures, more details, or clarification if anyone needs it.
  15. Alright! I have checked through the fnvedit and it seems like in my merge, the NCR trooper overhaul tries to take priority and sets armors for "all" for some reason I have no idea why it does this, and I can't seem to edit this at all. Fnvedit says it can't delete the original file to replace it with a modified one. Im not sure if this explains why they show up naked though. Im pretty sure it is because the mod is making double hat lists instead of a hat/armor set for some reason. Does anyone know how to fix this or edit that mod in order to correct it? The mod with the error: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54978/?
  16. Thank you for the replies! I do have fonvedit been making merge patches (they work except for my current issue) but I will try to see if it comes up with any conflicts between the two. I dont have a lot of experience... but could this be related to the amount of defense the armors they will try to wear its not enough? ...You know?, like when you try to make a companion wear any kind of suit that have lower defense stats than their original armor... If that's is the reason, making your armors a little bit better than the ones to be replaced (like 1 for example) should be enough to make sure the soldiers always wear it. The problem is that some of them wont even spawn with any armor at all, often they have 1-2 hats on their corpse instead. Thanks anyway!
  17. Iv'e been having troubles with adding new armor and clothing to leveled lists, specifically for the NCR troopers and Heavies. Often the soldiers spawn without armor entirely, and show up in their underwear while the ncr heavies often spawn with their original sets along with their new armors. I do not have this problem with legion units. I am trying to build this alongside the NCR trooper overhaul, could this be the reason? and is there a way around it or fix it?. I can provide pictures if needed.
  18. I need help or advice on getting some of Zenl's floater, wanamingo, and super mutant resources. I am unable to send messages to his profile and he doesn't have any downloads or rules on them that I can see. I would like to know what were his rules and permissions for using the assets and where to get them (All I can think of is moving resources from MMM or the Monster mod for NV but I don't know if i'm allowed to do this) I will remember to give permissions to him if I can use them, or will not use them at all if they it isn't allowed.
  19. Okay, so I can just use the creature assets within the monster mod - additions? I really want Zenl's mobs, but he has no resources for seprate download on his profiles and iv'e had trouble contacting him.
  20. Is it possible to use the mod's resources and give credit to all of the original author without getting the files directly from them? And still distribute it?
  21. I need help finding creature resources for New Vegas. I am mostly looking for classic fallout creatures, especially floaters for a creature mod I have been working on. Any help is appreciated.
  22. I'm not really looking for HIS assets, just Zenl's assets which was used in dogtown's mod. And I meant contacting Zenl not dogtown
  23. Should've given the topic a different name, I intend to upload this mod on the nexus eventually when I feel its at a good point.
  24. I have a monster mod idea that i have already been working on a little that adds onto the current spawn lists and adding new creatures. I am mainly making or editing creatures from previous fallout games and the New Vegas dlc creatures integrated to current lists and making new spawn points for ones that don't fit in anywhere else. But now is my problem, I need help finding resources for wanamingos and floaters. I have seen Zenl's work for used on Marts monster mod and Dogtown's monster mod but I don't know how to get his resources because he has no download on Zenl's profile and I cant send a PM to him either. I will remember to give credit to the creator, but I don't know how to get the files legally.
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