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Everything posted by Thoreai

  1. Yeah its a matter of view...i just dont feel any connection to the quests at all...many quests scream to me "sorry we didnt had time, so we had to put this fast together" if you know what i mean. The exploration is nice but even that gets boring when the world isnt really changing by your actions other then with a few lousy comments. Pantherfern made a good point about the quests in my opinion...but god knows maybe im just getting old. :ohdear:
  2. Yeah most of the quests are really written like for a p0rn movie...they are just there so you get some quest and have the sense there is always something to be done...wich is true, but sadly every quest feels the same...there are no decisions, no impact...no matter what class/race you play, there is none of that...i think thats why most people feel their characters are all the same.
  3. Sorry but "lil kids" is just another excuse, people arent comparing if something looks childish or supah realistic for the "mature" ones,only fanboys do that. Its about what the game has to offer, depth, story, combat, writting and i dont know what else...some people like zelda more, while others skyrim..its just about that. For many people gameplay and story is more then graphics or open world, but thats just my opinion.
  4. Well it's not one website, there are many others doing the same so there are various GOTY, this is just one of them and they are making such a big deal because Skyrim WAS so close to winning, and I say was because the votation is over and Zelda won with 51%, honestly this is just fanboism, if you look at the comment section you'll see fanboys fighting each other, "Skyrim lost because lots of votes were lost because people are busy playing this EPIC game" or "Only childs are voting on Zelda" I mean really, there are even comments complaining about other comments because they are so childish, onestly, I think it should be based only on categories, wich is a much better way to measoure if a game is better than the other, not how many fanboys this game has and the other don't :facepalm: Yeah "Skyrim lost because lots of votes were lost because people are busy playing this EPIC game" is such a nice excuse, if there would be so many fans striken by pure epic then they would knew about where to vote, besides skyrim is getting goty on other sites anyway.
  5. Thats not the point, the point if this is getting goty for a game that really deserves it...not becouse of marketing and fanboism. The modding community will make skyrim awesome, no doubt about that, but again that will make many people blind to beth's flaws, they count everytime on modders to fix things for them while they get the cake for it.
  6. And that is exactly the point. The game as such and the company i highly, if not excessively overrated. Wherever I read on the net, you have 3rd grade gaming journalists repeating the mantra of EPIC SKYRIM, as if they had reinvented gaming. And because of such behaviour and the way Beth steers the Elder Scrolls towards casual console games, many people did what they thought was right. Besides, who cares about this ONE vote. As long as there are plenty of organ monkeys repeating Beth's PR, they WILL become GOTY, just because of the advertising and agressive marketing. That's business. Yeah, the votes there are irrelevant i have no doubts skyrim will be goty.
  7. Meh its always the same...one side wins the fanboys are raging that everything was bought and people cheating, other side wins again the same. I especially like the logic of some fanboys "hey its a tes game, it can be only goty!" :hurr:
  8. You know what? I will vote AGAINST Skyrim. Thank you for the hint. :thumbsup: (By the way, you - with your one-post account - aren't (by chance) on Beth's payroll?) I second that.
  9. If graphics would be the only thing im worried in skyrim about, i would be a happy happy person.
  10. I liked the "I used to be downloading patches, then i took an arrow to the knee". There was also something like "I used to be fighting dragons, then they took an arrow to their behavioral script", dont remember it exactly...something in those lines :laugh:
  11. Ah dang missed it..sorry nvm. I guess that means he has the game patched to the latest patch wich broke all resistances...could that be causing the problems ?
  12. Oh did i spelled it wrong...my english isnt very good...if yes then i apologize :ohdear:
  13. and why is that???? Why is what. well you claim that it can't run on a console. under what reasoning? Claim? Here i post it again with colors so you see im asking if the consoles could even run it. "Not only that, but could consoles even run it(its ment as a question), becouse thats whats bethesda is after....consoles not pc."
  14. maybe? certainly. go for t. Go on, get started! don't call it elder scrolls though, the lawyers will get mad. but by all means get started on a procedurally loading engine. get enough decent programmers to work for free and it might just be possible. then you just have to handle liasons with hardware manufacturers to make sure it doesn't fail horribly and crash a lot. Hire a large art team, a few writers, level designers, fifty or so voice actors, some foley artists, a world-renowned music composer, and enough funding to make them all turn up and do what you say. surprisingly, no. Modders cannot make a triple A game like skyrim. it takes such ridiculous quantities of work that it's pretty much im,possible without a ton of funding to get all the right people onside, and keep them. that's what zenimax media does, and it's why every game conmpany has that board of evil execs running the show behind the scenes. Uhh it was a joke, relax. :)
  15. Yeah but logicaly, noone would dare to say anything against them since they pretty much dominated the empire.
  16. Not only that, but could consoles even run it, becouse thats whats bethesda is after....consoles not pc.
  17. They know the modders will do the job for them, why would they even bother huh? :whistling: Maybe next TES game should be done by modders instead of beth...i think it would be awesome. :laugh:
  18. Khajiit, Argonians, Dark Elfs, from what i saw...not sure about orcs though.
  19. Awesome! I cant wait, finally i will be able to play the game without having to fight the ui at every step. :dance:
  20. Its not really about lore but more about the feeling of playing a vampire, they dont have to strictly follow some books or movies, but there's none of that in the game...nothing cool about them or interesting...its totaly lame. You basicaly play a human with canibalistic tendencies aand thats it...i would love even that if there would be interesting perks/powers, unique animations like with werewolfs for example. Like when you would change to your beast form, vampire or wolf...a new perk tree gets added to your existing perks etc., you get new ways of approaching your enemies, new dialogues...there is tons of things that could be done with it, but first they would need to stop picking good looking release times for their games and play/test them a bit more. :whistling:
  21. In a way you really dont have vampires in tes games, if you think about it...you are some master vampire, thats has some sh*ty spells (wich arent let you feel like a vampire but more like some mage) and the only way you can drink blood is when someone is sleeping..makes no sense...just a simple thing like forcing a feed on someone in combat should be availiable...overall there is no creativity there...atleast the werewolfs are...werewolfs. :whistling:
  22. Don't get me wrong, I would love a really complex old school CRPG but such a game would have to be turn based otherwise it would still be about how fast you (the player) can move your mouse around and not about the character. Taking into account that Bethesda titles are real time games and that the player's skill with the mouse and keyboard or gamepad is usually much more important than the character I really think that the changes to the levelling system make sense. I get what you're saying but Skyrim is definitely not as shallow as Fable. NWN was a turn based game and it didn't require any skill on the player's part. You had to think about things and plan your character actions but your accuracy with the mouse didn't enter the equation. Dragon Age Origins doesn't rely on the player's dexterity either so your character's stats matter more but unfortunately that doesn't mean that the game offers more variety when it comes to making different builds. That was sarcasm :)
  23. This really makes me mad. At the same time I really love Skyrim and really hate Beth for what they did with it at certain points. Bug... I was really hyped up, but I knew they will be there and I can tolerate most of them. Except for those which stop you from finishing the main lines. But ok, happens, the worse part is that the things I find to be scariest are not bugs. That's just something noone cared to test or port to PC, or the skipping in stories? And why not go the Morrowing way more than the Fable 3 and Dungeon Siege 3 ways?Weird... Then the DRM stealthy shot came. Broke the game for me. If I depended on Beth, I can't play. Then the patch came. If I depended on Beth, I can't play at all again, I would be just watching launcher in a loop. But fixed that as well. Noticed it screwed up a lot of things rather than fixing them ingame. I think Skyrim fits perfectly into "A diamond in a pile of shi*." while in this case, they brought most of the shi* on this diamond on purpose, for whatever the reason is. Bethesda wanted to bring us a cool game, later good patch. One of it failed a bit, the other completly, mostly because they couldn't be bothered to test it properly. Well. And so I and many people can't be bothered to spend 5s by logging in to vote, even tho we may like the game. Petty revenge, yes, next time I'm going to tie Todds shoelaces together...right after removing them from his boots. But they can still redeem themselfs and show it can be THE game and that they are just a bit clumsy. That we will know by the start of the next year. Ahh. Guess I needed to filter again, after all my guards turned violet for no reason. Yeah i asked myself many times wtf was this good for...sometimes i just dont get their behaviour. Skyrim had defenatly potencial to be that awesome game, its better then vanila oblivion, playable and fun ...but in the core its the same old oblivionish system we have here, with many unlogical/stupid things that slowly destroy the believeability of the world wich was created for that purpose and thats something i cant just pretend not being there, but ofcourse thats just my opinion.
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