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Everything posted by thompsonar
I have yet to have a problem running both Wars and Deadly Dragons... though I've only had both installed for about 10 hours of gameplay. I did not know there could be a conflict... hmmmm.
Critique of the game and why I don't like it (anymore).
thompsonar replied to 747823's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm surprised I've seen so many people bash the graphics in this game. I know they could have made them better (I mean the number of retex mods released all ready proves that) but they also had to fit the thing on one dvd (thanks to xbox) so I get both sides of the argument. But I thought the graphics looked pretty good (and I didn't have to upgrade my slightly outdated machine). I also don't care for the way the journal works, but I work around this by turning off the quest markers. I'll pop them on at the start of the quest to get an idea where to go then turn it off and set out to find the place. So it's not too big of a deal. The perk system I like, but I also liked the old leveling system... I don't think there's a perfect way to do it. As far as the "blahness" of NPC's, I can see where people get pissed at this. I play with the sound off about %70 of the time so it's not really something I'm concerned with. I don't really talk to most of them anyway and if they're annoying me I just run off mid-sentence. I thought there was pretty good variety in the towns / caves / ruins. I've only played about 80 hours total though so we'll see when I'm further in. I mean it is one region and I don't think it's unreasonable that the building style is somewhat consistent throughout. Giant cities would be awesome but I understand why it's not technically possible (unless it's pc only and the system requirements are insane). All in all I like the game and will be playing it a while. I don't play many games anymore which is probably why I'm so happy with Skyrim (nothing recent to compare it too). Another poster mentioned that he/she didn't play games to rip it apart and find every flaw possible... I completely agree with that. But I'm glad some people because it will lead to some cool mods that I never would have thought of. -
I recently installed Wars in Skyrim and Deadly Dragons as well. I can say you are completely right, it makes everything seem so much more epic. Although I haven't actually killed a single dragon since installing the mod (I'm level 25) I feel like that's the way it should be. When the two mods combine is where the real fun is. I hid behind a rock watching some Thalmor Wizards and Imperials trying to take on a Swamp Dragon. There was lightning everywhere and Imperials being thrown through the air, just awesome. Once the dragon took them all out I thought I'd go in for the kill. It only had half it's life and still kicked my butt. I won't be killing any dragons until I get to a higher level I guess.
I would think you'd be able to run the game + texture mods with that setup. I have a AMD X2 something something (not at my computer right now but it's dual core) with 2gig ram and a radeon HD 4550 1gb ddr2. I thought I'd have to upgrade but Skyrim runs fine with all texture settings on max (except shadows) and view distance at max on everything. I just can't turn on AA or AF and have to lower the resolution to the one under 1080p. I'm probably not getting 60fps (haven't even checked) but it runs smoothly and looks great. I also have a few texture mods (for armor/weapons mostly) and the lush grass / bushy trees mods. But as everyone else said try it out. I'd recommend adding any "wide-scope" texture mods one at a time and testing to see if they bog down the game.
You are sure you're hitting the correct button to unlock the shouts? I know I end up clicking on or just hitting "e" on a shout and I get that message. I still have that second of thinking "what the hell!?" then I remember I have to hit the other button (is it "t" or "r") to unlock. I'm sure you've checked this but I'm just throwing it out there because I do it all the time.
I've abandoned quite a few characters thus far. I've always been a chronic re-starter in TES games (and most games) though. My first character had high one handed, archery, and sneak. Around level 27 I felt too overpowered so I restarted. Did a mage til about level 10 and wasn't enjoying it. Also tried a thief, conjurer, then a pure archer. I'm happy with my latest character who is lvl 30 and uses destruction, conjuration, one-handed (usually bound sword(s), light armor. I'm avoiding sneaking and enchanting/smithing to hopefully not get overpowered. I've also never spread my perks around so much. I think I'll actually finish the MQ with this one though, I've never gone beyond "diplomatic immunity" before. edit: fixed some spelling
If it's a controller with x-input you just plug it in. Oh and make sure the it's enable in the settings menu. I bought a logitech controller recently and I didn't have to install any software to use it.
You should have posted this in the mod request forum. But yes I'm sure there will more than one mod for this. It's been requested many many times. There is all ready at least one that affects weapon placement (lets you put them on your back). There will be more after CK is released.
I too was going to request this mod when I found this thread. I really do like sitting back and using my controller most of the time but when things get serious I just want to be able to grab the mouse and take care of business. The SKYui problem is frustrating. I have to unplug the controller and use my mouse to shop and store items in containers. It can't be too hard to fix this can it? If I knew anything at all about anything I'd try to do it. But I don't.
Bethesda's blog updated progress on CK and 1.4 saying they would be releasing it toward the end of the month. List of bug fixes for 1.4 patch looks good.
The first few character I focused on just a couple perk trees, I haven't taken any character further than level 30 (I am a chronic restarter). My most recent character I've gotten to level 21 and I'm enjoying this one a lot. I have my perks more spread out than ever with them going into one handed, light armor, destruction, conjuration, regeneration, and speech. I have purposefully avoided marksmanship and sneak as my other characters got to be overpowered with those perks. I have also yet to place a single perk into enchanting, smithing, or alchemy with any of my characters. Seems that's the opposite of most, but again I don't want to be overpowered... I like a challenge.
@ginnyfizz believe your reasoning for thinking the ck is ready and waiting to be released is a little flawed. I understand that they said we would have the same tools the developers used. But that doesn't mean it's the same program. I really don't think the CK they will be releasing is the exact thing they used to make the game. Nor do I believe that because they said January it's reasonable to start questioning it's release halfway through January. After January there is more than enough reason to be pissed. I don't want to get into a big thing about it, I just think you can be a little more reasonable. Bad mouthing Bethesda no matter what and sticking up for Bethesda no matter what are the same thing. The scale tips both ways. I'm just trying to be reasonable. Wait for the appropriate time to get pissed.. that's all I'm saying.
I think there is somewhat rampant over-speculation going on around these forums. I admit I didn't read every post in this thread but I read the majority and it amazes the conclusions that some have jumped to regarding not only skyrim but all future TES releases. For instance, -Mods will not be free -We will be "leasing" the CK with the next game -The CK release is only being delayed because of the steam workshop -Skyrim will be abandoned by gamers if the CK is not released immediately and there are more... Where and how do these ideas get started? It's assuming the worst possible scenario is definitely what is going to happen. No one knows what's going on except Bethesda (and they have said nothing except the ck will be out this month). Perhaps they saw how everyone ripped Skyrim for bugs (which yes some of which should have been correct pre-release) and now they're busting ass to make sure nothing is wrong with the CK on the release. The game has been out two months.... chill. I'm not blindly sticking up for Bethesda, I'm not saying some of these comments won't end up being true.... I just don't get how this is such a big deal. It'll be out when it's out.
I don't think these mods say anything about this nexus site... which is what your horribly misleading thread title states as the focus of this "discussion." What you're talking about isn't role-playing either, I don't know what exactly you're talking about. There are thousands of mods, why apply a meaning to an entire community based on one category of mod. This thread says more about you (the OP) than mods say about this site.
I think someone hinted at this, but it's a interesting point. There are complaints about using the same boring equipment for many levels because nothing exists that's much better. Yet you want to be able to get some legendary weapon/item early on and then use it for the rest of the game.... kinda contradictory no? Wouldn't the legendary weapon/item then be the same old boring equipment you've had forever? You know there will plenty of mods to add new and interesting weapons eventually.
I have a 40 hr a week job, a live in girlfriend, and a 16 month old. I completely agree with OP. I rarely play any games anymore but I have a soft spot for TES so I had to pick this up. I've had the game about a month and have only used one character who is now level 21, I've got about 30 hours played. I pretty much have to put in a hour here, 30 minutes there, usually when the g/f is watching some horrible show on MTV or TLC. She can't stand it if I play for (god forbid) two or three hours in one night. She calls Skyrim my "dork game." So I pretty much have to use fast travel just to get anything done at all. I have a lot of down time at work so I read these threads, hardly ever post anything as you can see. Just get ideas for when I get my next opportunity to play a bit.
Regarding mountains making exploring too difficult in Skyrim. Um, yeah, they're mountains. Does this not add to the realism a little bit? I mean having to find a way around mountains (while tedious) makes it feel like more of an adventure. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I finally manage to make my way to my destination after looking for a mountain pass for a while. I think there's enough to do and explore all ready that there's no need to make every single spot on the map accessible. That being said levitation would be great.