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Posts posted by thompsonar

  1. You are sure you download and installed the file "Behavior Files V3_3_2" correctly? I just downloaded the top file on the mod page and the .exe is definitely in there. You can always just download the file manually unzip it and run the program that way. I suggest.


    -Search your computer for "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" using the search tool in the start menu. If that doesn't work


    -Try downloading the file again (Behavior Files V3_3_2) making sure you're getting the correct version for your game version. Then repeat my first suggestion. Download it manually if you have to (without NMM)


    Like I said the file you need is 100% for sure in there I just checked. You did download both files?

  2. why don't you click on the installation guide link on the mods page and read the entire mod description. Seems like they have good instructions / FAQ. I don't use this mod but it seems like it may require some other mod/program. Read Read Read. That's my advice.
  3. I feel like it's kinda random. Most of the time I have no problem hitting enemies with a bow or with a sword. Sometimes I feel like I hit stuff that I didn't swing anywhere near. Other times it can be a hassle to hit someone. It's strange. The bow does take some getting used to, there are some angles where you can't hit anything so you have to be posistioned properly. I guess the same goes for melee though.
  4. *Myst. That was my thought as well.



    Thanks for the spell correction, I couldn't for the life of me remember if it was a "y" or and "i." Switched it back and forth a couple times before posting.


    I enjoyed Myst for a while but ultimately got worn out on all the puzzles. I think I finished it though (not sure) but never picked up Riven.


    I hope Miasmata has a little more life. Wildlife, people, something. The description gave the impression that there was one "creature" and that is your only enemy (besides the virus I guess?). I hope that's not the case. Everything is just kind of assumptions at this point I guess but it doesn't look like there are stats/levels, or character customization.

  5. Reminds me of Mist (old game I know). Explore, map, hide, collect/combine ingredients. I'm sure the story is good and the graphics don't look that bad to me. I wouldn't compare it to Skyrim though, don't think it's the same type of game at all. Glad someone is trying out new things and stepping away from the norm, but don't think this one's for me.
  6. I wonder how the DLC will work based on if you finished the main quest or not. It would be interesting to see the Dragonborn quest line change if you haven't finished the main quest yet. Also, I wonder what Paarthurnax will have to say about the whole situation.


    Was wondering about Paarthurnax myself the other day. Wonder if Dragonborn will resolve the situation left in vanilla at the end of the game. Will be interesting to see if they just ignore it or if there are some consequences for doing/not doing the quest (trying not to include spoilers).

  7. The option to play offline does exist but you need to be online to set it. So it will fail when you need it more, for example if you aren't connected for any reason at the moment.


    So, to anyone planning to play in a place without connection is advisable to put it offline while still can. Once it is offline it will nag every new PC boot but will allow to continue offline mode.


    All in all, Steam itself invites the user to stay offline all the time he/she is not actively seeking for patches or for any reason other than just playing.


    Besides, be aware that a few games seems to enforce Steam to be online. As one example the modded Civilization V, for although allowed me to play the game, simply deleted all my mods. Maybe I did something wrong, I was just pissed when it happened and have not played the game since.


    What I was saying was I think they fixed that. Last time I had no connection and started it up it presented me with the option to switch to offline mode.


    Edit: Just tested this again and it works. You don't have to sign in online before switching to offline anymore. If you don't have a connection a dialogue box will pop up and it will ask if you want to start in offline mode. I'm so glad they finally did somethhing about this.

  8. I just had my first pleasant experience with steam the other day regarding offline mode. My internet was down and I was bummed I wouldn't be able to play any games (since I didn't all ready have it offline mode) but I tried anyway and to my surprise there is now an option when you start up and don't have an internet connection to switch to offline mode. It's about time. I never understood why they made you connect in online mode before being able to switch to offline. I'm pleased they corrected it. Anyone noticed this?
  9. Just to throw something out there... I think your problem may be related to when you were trying to install the mods by hand. Did you undo (delete) everything you moved around manually before you installed the mods with the mod manager? Pretty sure you jumped in over your head with manual installation and that's what has buggered your game up.


    I only ask since you said your game was crashing before you even installed NMM.

  10. Had the same issue when I was playing my mage. Every arrow that hit me, killed me. I just stuck close to the walls and behind cover, paralyzed the archers from a distance while I dealt with the melee Deathlords/dragons, then took them out. There are a few you can take out from a distance if you have good aim, or an area effect spell (or luck). But yeah I saved a lot. Use detect spells to see where the archers are before venturing away from cover, then plan accordingly. Can't remember how long it took me to make it through there, or how many times I died, but I did make it.


    edit: oh yeah, don't go out in the open! if you do alternate between running and sprinting and zigzag a lot.


    A rather showy (though in this case it may be more appropriate) example of sonic mapping is in the rather terrible Daredevil movie.



    You know I was thinking about that movie when I read this thread the other day but didn't want to mention it as I was embarrassed to admit I'd seen it. But it is a great example, even though it's a terrible movie.


    I have no problem whatsoever believing that the Falmer are blind and still use bows and navigate through the tunnels they usually live in. With so many things wrong (mechanics wise) with the game it's strange to pick out one thing and decide that because they look like they're looking around, it must mean that the Falmer can see since they behave like every other enemy in the game. Obviously Beth didn't want to code in different movement that would make the Falmer act a little more blind.

  12. Many mods will leave information in your saves that can cause glitches and crashes later on if you just disable them. There are procedures on how to make clean uninstallations of some more advanced mods. Always read the installation/uninstallation-notes for respective mods.



    Exactly my thoughts. Any time I read a thread that includes "removed all my mods and still crashing" this is first thing that comes to mind. You can't just go into the mod manager and disable all your mods (or manually delete the files), you have make sure there are no special procedures. A lot of mods are fine to just disable, but some will forever ruin your game if you don't do it right.


    Advise to the OP reinstall the game and you'll probably be fine. Make sure you follow a good guide for completely removing and reinstalling the game though.

  13. I am just very aware that if I was still playing Skyrim on XBox, I would be so terribly disappointed and feel let down over Hearthfire....Skyrim is an RPG about a Warrior, not a farmer or homemaker or raising kids....I would have preferred more choices inserted into the vanilla game quests and making it a much richer experience than farming potatoes and raising kids....what kind of parent would a Dovahkin make anyway...seriously....the Dovahkin goes and puts his life on the line everyday, lopping peoples heads off for a living....I am just so glad I swapped out to PC and don't have take such shockingly Sim like scraps to try and add content to my game.....my heart really goes out to the XBoxer's.... :( .....dawnguard is buggy but good, it remains in the flavor of the game and stays Elder Scrolls....Hearthfire is just a Sims remake.


    I understand your opinion (and believe me I won't be running out to buy the DLC as soon as it's released) but I'm sure you know there are a ton of people who play the game differently. That's why there are all ready build your own house mods and food & thirst mods, and so on. A lot of people ignore the main point of the game and do what they want, so some people are going to love it. That's what a single player sandbox game is all about.


    Plus I doubt it's going to be anywhere near the complexity of the sims (not that I ever played the sims). I also doubt people on the Xbox are going to be let down. I'm sure some will be, but they have no other opportunity to mod the game in any way. I feel like some of the same people talking so ill of the DLC would easily throw the same features in a list of everything that bethesda "left out" of the game if given the opportunity. Some people just can't be pleased (not referring to you here stayfrosty just speaking in general).


    edit: Just so I'm not misunderstood, I want to emphasize that while I'm not really looking forward to DLC myself, I just know that plenty of people are (and I have no problem with that).

  14. I don't see what all the negativity is about either. I mean it's not like they're not going to make any other DLCs. I mean the last one came out what a month or two ago, and now they're releasing another small one. What's the problem? I'm sure there will be at least one more large add on to come and probably a couple more like this one.


    My only question would have to do with the price. Doesn't seem like something I'd pay $20 for so I hope it's cheap.


    I'm sure there will be plenty more bugfixes coming as well.

  15. On the point about killing NPC's involved in quests, I happen to like having the game this way and wish there were no essential characters at all. In Morrowind you could kill anyone and make it so you could never have any chance of finishing even the main quest. It did pop up a message telling you that you killed someone important, but there's something about having the power to really do whatever you want, kill whoever you want, that I really like. The fact that some characters are essential in Skyrim is bothersome to me but a welcome change for others I guess.


    On bugs, I haven't really run in to many. I've had to use the console on one quest and had 3 CTDs through my 25 or so characters some of whom didn't last long while others got pretty far into the game. I run about 40 mods now and have the 1.7 patch and really don't see what all the fuss is about. I know tons of people are having issues but I'm not one of them.


    Can't comment on any of the Dawnguard stuff as I don't have it.

  16. If you've been in the house once with the key you shouldn't need it again. If you have yet to enter the house and lost the key you can try using the console to unlock the door. Just open the console, click the door, and type unlock.


    If that doesn't work you can look up the item code for the key on a wiki site and use the console command "additem" to add the key to your inventory.


    The Jarl's steward may have a key on him as well, I don't know for sure. If he does you could pickpocket it off of him.

  17. If you're not using mods you only get 80 perks points


    edit: and that's if you get every skill to 100.

  18. I had just always heard that opening it caused the achievements to not work, but never bothered to actually look in to it since I don't really care about them. My bad if it's not true.
  19. Did you use the console at any point during that session or accidentally open it up? You don't get achievements if you open the console. Otherwise I don't know.
  20. Have you checked your mods? It's more than likely one of them.


    What version of the game are you running, do you have dawnguard, when did the glitch start, what did you change right before the glitches started, what mods do you have, does it do this if you start a new game, how do you install your mods, have you updated all of your mods to the latest version?


    Think the magic glitch has come up on this forum before, did you try searching? The water one I don't know.

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