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Everything posted by Vindekarr

  1. The game itself isn't for everyone, but I'd really like to see more games take up Assetto Corsa's development system. It's worked outstandingly well here, and created both a brilliant game and a fanatically loyal fanbase-in only four months. I'd like to see how it works in other genres: players testing the game, and then being allowed to vote on the game's design direction. I don't know if it would work as well, since AC was already fully mechanically functional before Early Access began, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
  2. Assetto Corsa is another game coming soon that I'm really excited about. I joined the project in early November as an Early Access backer, and I've been watching the game grow ever since. It's been a lot of fun, Kunos has made a lot of good decisions, and the project's ahead of schedule and has grown beyond their highest funding targets. Cybergods willing, I'll get my 1.0 copy in about five weeks. It's been a really interesting experience. Kunos has given the Early Access backers an unprecedented level of control over how the game gets made: they've let us choose what cars and tracks they add, and what features we want. It's the most community-made game I've ever seen: player funding is what pushed the budget off the chart, and players chose the finalised 50 cars. Players fine-tuned the physics engine, and players chose what locations are available.
  3. I pre-ordered Destiny on principle. Bungie is one of my favourite studios of all time, and I've been hoping that they'd make an RPG since I was 12. Bungie's strengths as a studio make it perfectly suited to making a really landmark RPG, and I'm greatly looking forward to seeing what they can achieve. The main reason I'm looking forward to Destiny, is Bungie's last game, Halo 4. Halo 4 could have been a generic FPS, a bit like Call Of Duty, and still broken sales records. But it wasn't, it tried to be so much more, and that's why it's my favourite FPS ever made. It did nearly everything right, but the single-player Campaign mode was the real star. It was a very unusual story, but told well and paced perfectly. If Bungie puts that much effort into the story of a console FPS, knowing that a lot of people will just jump straight into multiplayer, imagine what a Bungie RPG would be like. That's why I'm excited. The other thing that Halo 4 had was some exceptional moments. Normally I don't associate quiet moments and complex characters with either faceless protagonists or Console FPS games, but that's how Halo 4 is. It's cutscenes rate among the best I've ever seen, in any genre-every bit on-par with Mass Effect. The ending is especially good. Even the far less serious Multiplayer campaign has some amazing cutscenes. I would link the Halo 4 ending, but it's really quite long-being the end of a franchise, so you'll have to search that on Youtube for yourself. I can recommend it though, it's the previous-gen of console pushed beyond all it's limits in both quality and graphics. Search term would be "Halo 4 legendary ending" since all Bungie Games have different endings on their highest difficulty-as a special reward.
  4. I'll be gone soon, too. ESO, Dark Souls 2, and the official launch version of Assetto Corsa will all soon be demanding my total attention. Plus I'm spending the long-weekend on holiday in Melbourne, which means I won't be around Friday-Monday.
  5. I had a really fun day today: the sort of day that can still seem good, even though you got woken up at like, 5 AM by your neighbours having a drunken argument about sex in the street. Even work was fun-the sort of day that reminds me why I love my job. Someone brought a spotless Ferrari F430 in to have some enhancements(on a Ferrari...) fitted, and I was lucky enough to be supervising. I've always been fond of Ferrari, so I was a little apprehensive about working on one: you don't really know a car until you've gotten under the paint, and I've been disappointed by dream-cars in the past. That being said, the F430 was a work of art. Everything you've heard about Ferrari attention to detail and engineering, is true: this car felt like it'd been designed by a racing mechanic, then styled. Which is actually how Ferrari builds cars. I even got to drive it-to run-in the new suspension. I wouldn't buy one, unless I could afford a second car-it's morbidly impractical. But in terms of driving pleasure, it's an opus. Most cars don't "grab" or engage you, but it's impossible not to get wrapped up in driving a Ferrari or similar super-sport. They're so responsive, so alert, and so damn fast, that you get inevitably pulled into it's "game" It's a bit like a playful dog; no matter how serious you're trying to be, it'll eventually get your attention, and make you crack a smile. It's reminded me today what driving should be about: fun, an adventure.
  6. Evening folks, sorry I've been away, busy couple of weeks. I'm back now though: I guess you can't get rid of me.
  7. It's completely fake. I work in the Auto industry, VW can't come close to affording a project like that. Nobody can. That TV spot was created by VW to try and drum-up local interest during their move into the Chinese market. In reality, VW is a very low-tech and extremely conservative manufacturer; if any car company was to make a hover car, it wouldn't be them. They'd never fund the project, and if someone else did they'd be among the last to take up the technology. Their motto, "vorsprung durch technik"(lead through technology) is completely bullcrap: VW's factories and cars are years behind the curve, and the former juggernaut is rotting from within. They're the EA of the car world, and while they're too big to fail, they're no longer relevant. As for the hoverboard, that's fake as well. When I was at university I used to help out in drama class with their setbuilding: it's pretty easy to fake a levitating object, all you have to do is distract the viewer's eyes from what's actually supporting it. That's the trick to all magic and good hoax-work: distraction. Don't believe everything-hell-most of what you see on youtube. If a stage-hand can fake a flying skateboard, just imagine what a trained special effects artist can do. Also bear in mind, that's a very low-resolution camera. The lower the resolution, the easier it is to hide things.
  8. Speaking of consoles I was looking at some figures yesterday, and the PS4 is absolutely kicking butt! I guess there is some justice in the world; even in the US the Xbox is getting it's posterior pugilised, with the Ps4 outselling it by ~1.1 million units. Good to see gamers supporting the PS4, I haven't been able to get one yet(EB's PS4 stock is sold out into the 41st millenium), but atleast I'll have a healthy community to join when they become available. And given devs go for what's hot at the moment, there'll probably be a lot of good games. Speaking of good games, I found a little free-to-play gem on Steam called Victory: age of racing. It's like someone sat a forum of car lovers down at a coffee table, gave them cookies, and asked them to list everything they wanted in their perfect racing game. And then went and made what the racers suggested. Normally I'm not into "Arcade Racers"(such as Mario Kart) but this is so beautifully balanced and so much fun online that I'm quite completely hooked. It's a brilliant little game: the best feature is the car creator. Building your own Formula One car is any racer's dream, but the car editor itself is a truly elegant bit of game design. It's like an RPG character screen, except Int, Vit and STR are replaced with car attributes such as Horsepower, Torque and Braking. There's also an items system that trades Breastplates and Swords for Engines and Tyres; it takes something astronomically complex and makes it accessible even to those without much knowledge. And that is skilled design.
  9. lol. You'd probably save money by buying on really good mouse. I bought a G9 Logitech in ~ 2007 that's as good as the day I bought it, and is the oldest surviving component in my rig. It's not going anywhere either; there are zero technical issues with it, the case is still clean and it's good for another couple of years yet. I've got a similar story with my Razer Naga; it does duty with my laptop and replaces the G9 when I play MMORPGs(the G9 lacks a keypad) The Naga would be going on three years old, and it's absolutely immaculate. Like the Logitech, it can be dismantled which means it's easy to keep clean; just unsnap the grip and give the whole thing a wipe-down. Again, absolutely no mechanical traumas; it's still under warranty, too. Both cost < $100 USD and have given more than two years loyal service; the Logitech has given about eight and the Naga is rated for about that as well. I can really recommend the nicer mice; you get what you pay for, and the Naga and G9X are both absolutely exemplary. Here we have one of a slew of Naga models. Prices range from ~ $28 USD to this, the $99 Ultimate. The Ultimate is ludicrously customisable, and smarter than some computers I've owned. You can adjust everything, in real-time, and even have the mouse intelligently change settings based on a variety of factors. You can even change the lights to any colour in the spectrum or have a rainbow effect. Plus, it's really comfy to hold; it's all soft and velvety. http://img1.digitalversus.com/produits/117/10808/razer-naga-epic.jpg
  10. I don't know what it's purpose is in a gun, but that device is called a Plenum. They're more commonly found in car engines, and serve to regulated gas pressure, either to accelerate gas-flow or retard it. They're a common sight in modern car engines, and are fitted in both the air intake and exhaust pipes. They increase engine output by making the intake and exhaust cycles smoother and faster, resulting in a more efficient burn. They're particularly common on Turbocharged engines, which have a turbine in their intake that compresses the incoming air. http://www.autocomponenti.com/twinspark_tech/twinspark_intake_options_files/intake-plenum.jpg
  11. Bit of interesting news for you: scientists have conducted a nuclear fusion experiment, and managed to create a fusion reaction that produced more energy, than it cost to create. Fusion energy would allow us to produce theoretically infinite energy, without harming the environment or using harmful radiologicals or other dangerous substances. The problem is, Fusion is a reaction between molecules, and it's quite hard to trigger it. True fusion "ignition" ie a reaction that keeps going once started, has eluded us thus far. Today's experiment was a tremendous step towards working Fusion technology: this is the first time a reaction has generated more energy than it has consumed. Perhaps the only thing more awesome than the news itself, is the name of the man the ABC interviewed about it: Omar Hurricane. His full title would be "Dr. Hurricane" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-13/us-scientists-achieve-27turning-point27-in-fusion-energy-quest/5258788
  12. Noteworthy day in Australian history today, the 100th ever Victoria Cross medal was awarded. The VC is our highest military honour; vaguely analogous to the Medal of Honour or Iron Cross. The medal was awarded posthumously to Cpl. Cameron Baird, an Australian commando who was killed in Afghan mid last year. He died drawing fire onto himself to save his team; exactly the sort of selfless heroism the VC was commissioned to celebrate. http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/Events%2Band%2BExhibitions/Exhibitions/2010/10/~/media/DD8C1B2B820A48D3A7836AA3F3A186EA.jpg
  13. That's looking great, the edited hilt size is spot-on for a Scots Claymore.
  14. It's nice and warm here in Melbourne; most of the surrounding countryside is on fire which is keeping everyone toasty warm despite the cold day. Just another beautiful day in paradise! http://images.theage.com.au/2013/03/04/4080872/Black-Saturday-408x264.jpg
  15. They don't do anything bad yet in the vanilla game. It was a mod we were using that caused the problem, it was a "speculative" mod that added basic mockups of planned features. The Borderlands-esque gore-splosion was to do with the Nexus' wonderful blood mod. IMO Starbound is unplayable without it. Still, all isn't lost. Haribo candy company makes these great Gummy Bears with a nasty little sting in the tail. The sugar-replacement Haribo uses gets mildly toxic at high enough doses; a handful or two is enough. The toxicity induces stomach-cramps, explosive(red) diarrhoea, (red) vomiting, muscle spasms and dizziness. These gummy bears are literally the only Class-A biotoxin you can buy off the shelf; if you really hate somebody and want to cause them permanent psychological harm within the bounds of the law, give them these. I've actually witnessed the effects of Haribo sugar-free poison in person; a colleague of mine was given some at christmas by some psychopath, and clearly hadn't heard the stories. She guzzled the whole pack over the afternoon, and well, it was ugly. ]She ended up passed-out on the floor in a lake of red vomit. Eventually had to get a doctor; it was that bad. A whole pound at once is extremely unwise. It's right up there with tasering yourself for both shear stupidity and ability to inflict pain without permanent harm. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51sMDDCJhTL._SY300_.jpg They look so sweet and innocent. They turn your guts inside-out.
  16. That's what I like so much about Starbound. It's one of those game that rewards exploration with some absolutely epic hidden easter-eggs. There's a couple of non-playable races with infinitesimally small chances of spawning, absurdly rare Biomes, and some crazy stuff that's almost unbelievable. I recently had a re-match with a boss from my childhood who gave me nightmares thanks to this feature; Glitch structures have an extremely low chance to spawn with a Well in them. Jump down the well and at the bottom there's a sewer with The Great And Mighty Poo from Konker's Bad Fur Day at the bottom as a miniboss. It's not an especially difficult miniboss but it is one I'd hoped an prayed that I'd never have to see again. Thankfully this one doesn't sing. There is a very famous video of the Great And Mighty Poo on youtube in it's original(singing) appearance. It remains the most WTF moment I've ever seen in a video game, and I'm not linking it because if that song gets in your head you will go insane.
  17. I had an experience like that in Assetto Corsa recently. I was driving around one of my favourite tracks, Mugello in Florence, Italy, when I noticed that one of the service roads wasn't fenced off. I decided to go drive along it to see where it led me, and ended up going on quite an adventure. The road lead me into the maze of tunnels and side-roads that the emergency firetrucks and ambulances use when there's an accident. It took me 20 minutes to get back to the circuit: about ten minutes of exploration followed by ten minutes of being completely lost. https://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Mugello&ll=43.997785,11.379175&spn=0.018801,0.042014&t=h&z=15 I ended up in Luco Mugello, over the ridge before I started heading back. The whole area was unfinished; just swathes of grass and conifer trees.
  18. Today I killed a Starbound player with the kindness. They didn't like the thought of eating meat, even in a game so I let them into my food warehouse. They subsequently started eating from a box of Habanero chillis, and then all hell broke loose. Literally after downing the first chilli, their character vomited a three-metre cone of gore and then exploded from the inside out. I've never seen anything like it; I probably should have been shocked and horrified at my friend's loss(Hardcore character; permadeath) but I've got all the social graces of Patricia Tannis, and started laughing my head off. I think they're kinda pissed with me, and I'll be sure to apologise. In the meantime, if you play a Hylotl in Starbound, DO NOT eat Habanero chillis. They give new meaning to "Gastrointestinal Armageddon"
  19. I'd ask for a Godwyn .998 Boltgun. It's the most obscure science fiction gun I can think of, and ironically probably the deadliest standard-issue service rifle I've used in any video game to date. They're designed for use with Power Armour, and are essentially a hybrid of a Service Rifle and a Grenade Launcher. 20 round magazine, fires a 45X125mm(not a typo, fourty-five millimetre) high-explosive projectile with enough power to liquefy half a human's upper torso. The whole thing weighs enough(22 kilos loaded) and recoils hard enough to kill a normal-sized wielder. http://obdpictures1.wikispaces.com/file/view/Bolter.jpg/314177676/Bolter.jpg
  20. Very, very eerie day today. It's blisteringly hot and the wind's a near-constant shrieking gale. Because of that and a "dry-lightning" storm last night there's fires everywhere and literally I swear the entire sky is just grey with smoke. There's two building fires going in-town, a massive fire burning somewhat south, and another that's so big that it's closed the entire Strzelecki Highway. I'm not in any danger at all; the fires are nowhere near me and even if they were I live near a huge shallow lake, but it certainly is eerie. The sky is just a mottled grey mass of extremely low woodsmoke clouds, and it's turned the sunlight a dull pumpkin yellow. It's 3 PM and as dark as twighlight (normally around 9:30 PM here). In case anyone's actually interested, here's a link to VicEmergency. It's a public service that shows all the hazard zones in the entire state via Google Maps. It's a pretty simple map. Orange marker means you're in immediate danger and should flee. Black and Red means you've literally got minutes to flee, or you will die. Red means it's too late; your only choice is to hide somehow. As you can see there's a lot of Red and Orange alerts today. http://emergency.vic.gov.au/map#now
  21. K00l, Billyro is in Australia. It's late afternoon on the 8th in Australia right now.
  22. http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131231150822/psi/images/2/24/65-wat.jpg
  23. The funniest thing I've watched recently was Django Unchained. It's not a comedy; the core premise of the film is very dark indeed, but it's this that makes it so funny. The humor usually hits you from out of nowhere, and the dark themes surrounding it just serve to give it more impact. It's beautifully done; normally adding humor to a dark, bloody film like this would ruin it, but somehow Django pulls it off perfectly. This is one of the best scenes, BE WARNED, IT CONTAINS EXTREME AMOUNTS OF SWEARING.
  24. Rumours abound of an upcoming fourth Unreal game; the Unreal 4 engine launched last year to considerable fanfare and Epic stated they'd be making several games on it. Whether or not this means UT4, I don't know but there aren't many games I'd buy purely on principle but it would be one of them. I'm yet to see an Unreal game that I didn't like.
  25. Evony and Civony are laughable Korean made knock-offs based on the Civilisation games from the md '90s. They're so outdated that it's almost unfair to laugh at them. II can't help but feel a little sad when I look at the Korean games industry. Korea is an industrial juggernaut; it's a major player in almost every conceivable field of manufacture from cars, ship and aeroplanes down to toasters and kitchen knives. It's also got a massive gaming culture; and yet I've never seen a passable wholly Korean made game. You'd think of all the countries in the world, they'd possibly be the best suited to making games, but it just hasn't eventuated. The various Korean made games I've played tend to fall into two categories. The first group are inferior copycat versions of successful Western and Japanese games such as Monster Hunter or God Of War; usually built on a shoestring budget and rushed out the door. The other are so over-sexualised that they're basically interactive porn, often built on formulaic and generic MMO structure. There is hope though; it was a similar story when the Korean car industry started. For the most part, the first Korean cars were shameless knock-offs of various Japanese and European vehicles, usually built so badly that the doors fell off in a week or two. Nowadays the two main Korean brands are industry juggernauts; Kia and Hyundai are ironically, famous for their exceptional reliability and bulletproof construction. Following that logic, in another twenty years Korean games with be massively imaginative and stand out as champions of the Feminist cause. Until then, it's boobs and disjointed hipbones galore.
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