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  1. Not every mod comes with a plugin. Thus not every mod will show up on the load order page. Do the mods you install work in-game?
  2. Project AHO: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15996 Carved Brink: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24351
  3. Guess I'm sorta interested. (currently using a custom EKWB watercooled 3080, so that's gonna be a b&@*$ to replace) Mainly because of their claims that the founders edition will be 2 slots high. Would be nice to see the cards gettting thinner again. Maybe less heavy too then? *cough* GPU sag *cough* Their claims about performance seem a bit... exaggerated. Probably only true in very specific cases.
  4. Yes, you selected the correct plugin type. Exit the editor and it will ask you whether you wish your changes to be saved. Remember to enable the newly created plugin in your mod manager. Also, you edited the already exiting wetsuit that came with the Far Harbor DLC. The plugin just alters (overrides) the already existing wetsuit.
  5. Correct. You cannot edit a master (.esm) file directly. You'll need to make a new plugin for that. Right-click the marine wetsuit entry and select "Copy as override into". See the attached image. Select the .esp type plugin and give the new .esp a name. You'll be able to apply the effect in the new .esp file you created.
  6. See here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13505350-requesters-tell-us-what-game-its-for/#comment-130484617
  7. Easy peasy. Are you able/aware of how to find the marine wetsuit entry in Fo4Edit? Form-id = 0103A556
  8. Probably this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24830
  9. Just report the post and move on. Don't waste time/energy on this kind of stuff.
  10. Considering the OP mentioned OBMM, I'm guessing it's Oblivion.
  11. Do not apply a filter and let xEdit load all mods. Then see what mod causes the name change.
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