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Everything posted by ViTAL0

  1. Just to clarify the nonsense that .NET doesn't run on OSX / Linux: Mono As long as no WPF and OS specific code is used, it is 1:1 compatible. ;)
  2. Well, it seems everyone is waiting for the CK, and this makes sense. Lets see what it will offer, especially in terms of havok integration/tools.
  3. Well adding bones shouldn't be that hard (blender ?) but the physics sim applied to the animation sounds interesting. I think the implementation of this is kinda hard. The result would be much better than nothing (=what we have now), but may lack lot of possibilities a real physic impl would have. Using the already existing havok engine sounds easier and additionally would provide more realism (collision detection with the environment / other actors). Enabling havok for actors would be indeed necessary. Any chance that Bethesda itself may give a hand on this? Because I don't think just noping out some checks in the PE files for the current object type suffice. Where there similar ideas/plans for cloth physics in Fallout/NV? And if so, what was the reason because they've failed? The funny thing is that this physic stuff is vital for the atmosphere in a game. Unfortunately, it seems that other people including Bethesda doesn't weight that too much.
  4. I actually expected real physics on the clothes - not in the Batman Arkham City Style but at least like they did in Two Worlds II. Could you please give more detailed reasons, why this shouldn't be possible? If I'm not completely wrong, we had some mods in Oblivion which added physics to some banners. So we could just put some physics aware banner on the back of the player for a simple cloak. Same for the hair - just hide the original hair and use a physic aware hair-prop instead. If we have access to the current player move speed & direction, more or less simple calculations may be possible. jm2c
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