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  1. Now you guys are just making me feel bad about my programming/scripting skills (or lack thereof)
  2. I was thinking that I would probably need a global variable as well, and once again I probably never would have figured this out without your script/knowledge. Thanks a lot for the help man.
  3. Thanks! The game.player was a last resort after I tried all the things I thought might work, but I hadn't even read about getplayer(), so I probably wouldn't have ever figured out the script. Also, do you think it would be possible to allow the player to take over a fort after killing the bandits, like eliminating respawns in an area after some trigger and bringing them back?
  4. What about a Shade race mod? You would be very strong, fast, and intelligent (mad mage skills), and have a few shadowy powers to help you rule the universe, like hypnotizing/enthralling people so they basically just become mindless minions to command.
  5. I would definitely download a mod where you could be the head of a guild at war. Also I'm suprised nobody has mentioned giving generic quests to random new recruits/adventurers and watching them ascend in the guild.
  6. Hey, so I thought it would be really cool for the player to role-play as a bandit more realistically. Obviously. And I would really appreciate any help making this mod. Here is the first part I need help with. Basically the player will be able to wear a bandit mask, which will conceal his/her identity in a way similar to the Gray Fox's Cowl in Oblivion. So you put on the mask, and your crime gold goes up so that guards will attack you on sight, knowing you are a bandit. If you take off the mask, your crime gold is restored to it's original count, and it's as though you never committed a crime. I made a script (kind of a noob at scripting still) to attempt this: Scriptname AAABanditMaskTry02 extends ObjectReference float PlrCrimeGold = Game.Player.getcrimegold {Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.SetCrimeGold 1000 EndEvent Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.SetCrimeGold PlrCrimeGold EndEvent} But when I compile it, I get these errors: d:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAABanditMaskTry02.psc(2,22): no viable alternative at input 'Game' d:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAABanditMaskTry02.psc(2,26): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.' d:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AAABanditMaskTry02.psc(2,7): Unknown user flag Game No output generated for AAABanditMaskTry02.psc, compilation failed. (btw, I ran into an error without using "game." as well) I looked for an hour or two or three or four and couldn't find any hints for the proper syntax when adding or subtracting crime gold from the player. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also anybody who would be willing to help making the rest of the mod feel free to PM me.
  7. No beast mode mod? I made an improved vampires mod on the workshop look it up: Unrealistic Vampires. It has a beast mode thing, not that impressive but still fun enough. Oh and reverses the feeding cycle so that when you feed you become max power and when you stop feeding for 4+ days you become much weaker
  8. mod sounds awesome. i was actually thinking about making a mod like this, so i would be happy to join the team if you need quests made cause i am moderately experienced at making sweet quests. of course all of this would take place after i have squeezed every minute of gameplay i can out of skyrim. oh and what about involving werewolfs? like adding a little war between the two of them maybe, or expanding the werewolf hunting guild and adding a bunch of werewolf-only quests to bring them down.
  9. I am currently making a quest mod and i need some cave/dungeon designers to help me would anybody be interested? and i could possibly use another quest maker. If you are interested then just make a cave and sendi t to me ill place the entrance where it needs to go. ty. trust me its a cool storyline
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