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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by gird3r

  1. Well I got like 700 saved games. How do I delete all the saves I don't want without f***ing up the numbers on the saves? For example if I removes all saves between 50-600. Could I just go ahead and do that?
  2. True. But I find it hard that the mods I listed as the culprits. Pretty much the only ones who does anything out of the ordinary are the SKSE and SkyUI. And those two are the only ones that I could thing off. But then again, as you said. Bethesda is doing some major changes in the patch. Just hope they can get the stability on track while keeping the perfomance gains.
  3. The 1.4 patch was good in an sense. We got perfomance increases. But the stability took an turn down the gutter. CTD occours more often. But there's one thing that pisses me off greatly. And that is this: After I have been playing for some time. Sometimes it takes 20 min, sometimes 2 hours. But eventually, when I fast travel or do anything that requires the loading screen, it will get stuck at the loading. Showing images and different "hints" etc forever. The only solution is to restart the game. Anyone here got lead on how we can lessen or even eliminate the CTD's and the Hangup at the loading screen? I never had any problems with this before 1.4. SKSE is updated. As is all the mods I use. Mods running: SkyUI, Enchanced Blood textures HD, Respawn_optional-89-1-1, A Quality World Map and True DragonBlood - Shout Cooldown Adjusments - ShoutCDv100. All of them are at the latest versions according to the respective mod authors, mod page.
  4. Nah I was just thinking if I could use the ring to sneak by the flaws of being an real werewolf. Thanks for the answer.
  5. Does the mods you are trying to use require SKSE? If so. Download this: http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_04_03.7z Extract it somewhere into an folder. Then. Copy both DLL files and the exe file, then paste it into the skyrim folder. Then launch the game using the SKSE option in Nexus Mod Manager. If not, well I don't really know. Sorry. :( EDIT: If you are using the BETA patch by Bestheda, then go to http://skse.silverlock.org/ and choose thier BETA skse package instead. Which is for the latest BETA testing patch by Bestheda.
  6. All said and done on the quest bla bla. I got the clean original Ring of hircine. Not the cursed variant. I put it on, go to powers, and the supposed "Ring of Hircine" power that's supposed to appear does not appear. The "Alternative to Werewolf trasnformation" thing in active effects is there. What do? I can't use the ring to transform into an werewolf then? :/ Mods installed: SkyUI, installed using Nexus Mod Manager. Also using the latest SKSE for Skyrim 1.3.10
  7. How much did the motherboard cost you? Or is it an prebuilt computer directly? (Dell HP etc). I need more info than that picture. Meanwhile. The most common thing that most would recommend is checking so you have the latest drivers for your graphic card. Here's common things that can contribute to FPS drops: *Viruses *Malware *Outdated graphic drivers *Faulty Register *a lot of fragmentation on the hardrives. *Junk running in the background (Real-time virus scanners etc. Special case: SpyBot Search & Destroy's Realtime scanner is an resource hog.) *Running heavy programs meanwhile. *Cheap motherboard (Yes the motherboard itself can and will become a "Bottle-neck" if it's an cheap budget variant). *Overheated graphic cards. *Generally faulty hardware And finally: the developers themself. Also, to narrow down the problems: Does this happen with other games aswell?
  8. Setup? Or in other words: computer specifications? If you got a 512(MB) Vram graphicscard and are trying to play on ultra/very High then I would understand why you are getting FPS drops. Anyways. Need those computer specs. :)
  9. I don't see the point of installing sex mods, vaginas and penises. Not only does it make you look like an complete virgin (Don't bulls*** on this one, you know it's true), it's also lame. Why not go do the real thing instead if you crave to look at titties vaginas and penises? Oblivion was filled to the brim with this... And the "Adult" filter unfortanly also means filtering away great mods like "Deadly reflex" and so on. Hence why finding mods that actually made some sense, and also were good, is hard. Just because of this fundemental problem. Hence why I would absolutely love to see the filtering refined an bit. Adding in an Nudity filter does not hurt. Not only can we "normal" people search for the mods we want, you who want this "virtual" sex objects/nudity and whatnot can also use it to filter stuff. That way. Both sides are happy about it. We who are not particulary intrested at looking at Virtual penises and vaginas/nudity can choose to filter all such mods out, while those who want this stuff can keep the filter off.
  10. It's amazing how little patience people have. My CE (PC) Is intentionally not being delivered early even if "Posten" in sweden could do so. Yes that's right. They actually follow the instructions on the package. Which I bet says something like "Releases 11/11/11". Now I know that Steam won't unlock it anyways early, but "Posten" does not know that. Posten = The biggest mail company in sweden employed by the state. Handles pretty much everything. Even if I had an Xbox360 and the game was delivered early I would still not play it until the said date. There's no real hurry. Big shame on those who play it early. And bigger shame on the companies who break the street date. I hope Bestheda never ships anything to those companies again.
  11. I'll be having them Kill-able. It's just immersion breaking if each and every NPC of an certain type/age is going to be immortal. It's an fricking game aswell. Why mix in real-life morals in it?
  12. While we are at "tinkering with computers". Make sure you have an ESD-Armband and also do not wear fuzzy clothings that can easily generate static electricity. Same goes for what material the computer case is resting on.
  13. That my friend, is caused by the Copy-cat solution called UAC. UAC is just the "dumbed" down format of using Sudo in an Linux terminal....(Sudo is way superior to Windows shitty UAC anyways hands down.) And is also one of Microsoft's answers to Multi-user enviroments. UAC's intention is good. Just an shame Microsoft behind it managed to take what could have been an decent idea for once and f*** it up completly in true Microsoft(s***) style. Both in how it informs users and in the code itself. TL;DR just Rightclick the installation file and choose "Run as administrator". Oh and why UAC is inferior to sudo? Peforms no password check. Trojans rejoice at Microshit's latest attempt at trying to be the king of security....
  14. As for SDD. List of things that can make great use of an SSD: Operating systems. Windows Linux Mac Unix you name it, if it can use an SSD it can benefit from it. Games (Make an priority list, which games do you use the most?) Video/Grahics/Audio rendering (Examples: Sony Vegas Pro, Fraps, Adobe products like Photoshop, Maya, Blender, FL Studio, LMM, Audacity). Movies (Once again, those with high priority) And downloads. An great way is that you download to the SSD first then transfer old downloads to your "Storage" Ie your bigger mechanical harddrive. Generally. Take out the Top 3 Programs, Movies and Games that you play/use/watch the most and store them on the SSD. As for Operating system. The best way is of course to Make an fresh windows install (And making an backup of your documents whatever). It's also the easiest since the second method is ghosting your OS and copying the "ghost" image to your SDD (Simply copy and pasting the C: drive will not work or cause bugs and unstable peformance). Which takes longer at short term use, and are more advanced/harder to peform. (It's better for Long term for when you need to Ghost a lot of computers. Example are School laptops numbering in the 100's). I'd recommend you take precautions so that you atleast can get on the internet if in the unlikely case that you are unable to boot windows after installation (Corrupted MBR for example). Hence why I always carry an USB drive with Kubuntu preinstalled on it incase I need to do an emergency repair/driver download for my clients (I am freelancing since real work is hard to get).
  15. Any sane person would stay away from it. Even if you do not run linux at all. No i'm dead serious uninstall win 8 and stay with win 7 if you so much crave eyecandy. If you want to run it. Sure go ahead. But don't cry tears to the IT-derpartment when you can't run dit and dat or boot another operating system (if you would need to do so someday). All you do by running win 8 is supporting thier unjustified quest at taking your freedom to use your computer as you see fit. All that UEFI does, is giving Microsoft yet another way to add onto it's unfair policies to attempt to try to control the PC market to 100%. And people who think microsoft are not trying to mess with your booting. Think again for an sec. There's an huge ammount of retailers who would not even care to add the said keys "required" to boot for example Linux distributions. UEFI is s***. Even my friends who use windows daily has enough braincells to understand that Win 8 is going to be an huge pile of s***. Yes even worse than vista. What Win 8 does with perfomance, it makes up for it with Microsoft trying to lock down people onto one single plattform with no regard to freedom of chooise. Do the world a favour. Do not use win 8. That's pretty much summing it up.
  16. What's wrong with manga? Not all of them have half naked women, really western comics can be just as bad! They'll just never admit it... I can get what your complaining about, as myself, as well female, I don't like it when men, we'll I assume it is men, have mods or characters with unrealistic size breasts and no understanding of human, or mainly female body structure/anatomy. I don't mind skimpy outfits that much, as long as they are reasonable! I can see the manga complaint falling more to races than clothing, I have to admit that races with manga shaped faces, I mean manga is great when it's not 3D-ified. Really, you would have a better argument for things that are modern entering Skyrim since that would not fit at all with the game! Japanese things, like kimonos or katanas for example sort of fits since the Blades in Oblivion had a a lot of japanese styled stuff. The only thing, I think modders should learn when designing female clothing/armour, the different between these three words; Beautiful - Someone who can be physically attractive, but has a good personality as well, Beauty is never associated with with people that are ugly on the inside, if that makes sense... Sexy - Easy, someone who is sexually attractive Cute - Innocence people! Why do you thing it's a word used for babies & children! When someone is cute, they have a innocent look/personality, often Child-Like! ~Ayrin Ok. So can have an tag for Somewhat realistic mods within the TES sense? Ie no oversized boobs and such. You get what I mean. EDIT: The main problem is that if I search for something on Oblivion among 30-70 pages all I see is contant: Sexy sexy sexy mods. Extremly unrealistic mods and even fetish ones. Non-creative mods/imports "stolen" directly from an manga. Penises and vaginas. And other twisted "in every way I can imagine" mods that are completly none-lore friendly. Truly I should be able to have the adult filter on without having to wade across the distant lands filles with Eyecandy bodies Hence I think having an way to filter What actually fits into TES lore and what does not would be awesome. Not as an category, but as some sort of filter or tag or whatever. Sure someone might find such stuff intresting but some might actually wanna stay an bit realistic in size and lore friendly. As that Yong from TGN said, I fear it won't take long before some sick virgin decides to make f***ing animations for your wife... And then it would be great if I could filter such things out.
  17. Nice. But it's getting extremly annoying by the fact a lot of people here seem to be extreme Japanese fans or whatever. Because there's way way to much boobies. Boobies is never wrong. Oblivion might have been rather pale in the "warrior" sense and an gritty enviroment for men and (not to be an a**hole) real women. But it's way overboard and it makes one wonder if some modders here are just nymphs or virgins for life. It would be extremly helpfull if there was an filter to filter out all "moronic", "Manga inspired" or "fetish" mods. I wanna see mods for Men and Real women. That fits skyrim. Not some overcolored and bright "dragonball thing" or whatever. Yes I could use the adult filter, but there's still a lot of crap left over that is just manga manga manga rolled all over again. Make an filter named "Manga-inspired". Each and every mod who contain Manga material (Bleach swords for example). Or Manga bodies and meshes whatever. All of them must tick in an extra category named "Manga-inspired". And then I could just tick it off and I could filter away all manga mods whatever. SO I could see mods that actually would fit skyrim. If I search for clothing or anything such for Oblivion today. I just see it spamming with clothing for manga fans or whatever.
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