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  1. Can you be more specific? (I don't want to give you a primer on using TlkEdit for UTI edits, if the question is actually something like 'what numbers should I be entering?' or 'where are the properties in the UTI?')
  2. Just stumbled on some info regarding the recent GOG updating DAO as part of their Preservation Program, and it seems that their 'tinkering' broke the game. They've since made some alterations (looks like they rolled the installer back to an earlier version) in an attempt to remedy the issues, but from the feedback, it's still not 100% fixed. (And it ooks like they've also removed the 4GB prepatch from the files, so that's a thing in flux... I'd keep an eye on the patch notes on the DAO GOG store.) Links: GOG store - Dragon Age: Origins Current plan for the issues with DA:O Dragon Age: Origin...in GOG is broken.
  3. Do you just have the single, compiled chargenmorphcfg.xml file in your override? Are the hairstyles the only non-replacer cosmetic mods you are using? If not (you do have other non-replacer cosmetic mods installed) do they appear in the character creator? When you say that they 'won't appear', are there positions on the slider where the hair is absent (head is missing the back of the skull) or is there just the vanilla hairstyles? And as @BlickJustice notes, a list of the mods might be helpful.
  4. I'm still not convinced the issue lies with a simple mod conflict (i.e., two mods editing the same file), but by Andraste's fiery butt, that is a lot of mods. And far too many conflicting files for any level of comfort, to be honest. I recommend starting over, and being more selective in terms of what is installed. DAO can tolerate and even play optimally with a large number of mods installed, but it doesn't handle file conflicts well. I'd also suggest keeping mods in discrete folders, rather than putting files loose in the override folder... troubleshooting issues is much simpler when the files for a mod are in a folder and easily identified as being from that mod. Also, if I understand DAO 'load order' (or really, just how the game gives priority to files), loose files have the lowest priority in terms of being used. Edited to add that some duplicate files are perfectly okay, and won't cause any issues... for example, both Morrigan Restoration Patch and Zevran Dialogue Fix include identically named files that would appear to be in conflict, but since the files are identical, there's no issue with them both being installed. However, a conflict would arise if a third mod, like Improved Romance Scenes - Alistair includes different edits of the same files. Likewise, a customizable mod like Dain's Fixes may intentionally include multiple copies of the same file, each in the folder of a different optional component. And something like a texture replacer for an armor mod (both in override, with the replacer given priority through its folder name) is unlikely to result in any conflict related issues (though the high resolution textures may be problematic).
  5. It could be a conflict between two mods, or it could be caused by an issue inherent to a mod... for example, some armor/clothing mods are known to cause crashes in certain maps, or when equipped by specific characters. (IIRC, in that example it's an issue with the mesh and the animations used.) Once I encountered a hairstyle from a mod that caused my game to CTD. It could even be a bad texture. A complete list of installed mods would be helpful for long-distance troubleshooting, especially if it is an obvious or well known issue. You can also troubleshoot through good old trial and elimination, if you are certain that the cause is in the override folder: 1. Move all mods in the override to another location (you can even just rename the folder to something like override.BACKUP). 2. Run the game without any override mods, to establish a 'known good' baseline, when the game is working correctly. 3. Add a small group of mods (10 at most) back to the override, and run the game to confirm that the issue isn't occurring. 4. Repeat step 3 until the issue crops up again. 5. Remove all the mods in the last installed group, and add them back one at a time. Again, run the game after installing each one. Having isolated and eliminated a problem mod, I would then continue to add any remaining mods back in small lots. If the mod causing the issue was a chargen mod, be sure to recompile/edit the chargenmorphcfg.xml to remove invalid entries.
  6. According to the GOG listing for DAO, as of 13 November downloads of their version of the game are pre-patched to use 4GB of memory. And what OP has described doesn't have the typical symptoms of a LAA issue. @rebelatnight, do any of the mods you'd installed add additional standalone quest campaigns, to be played outside of the regular DAO campaign?
  7. Impossible to give any advice without a complete list of all mods installed. How they were installed (DAupdater.exe, DAO-ModManager, Vortex, DA Modder, etc) may also be relevant.
  8. Changing the 3D weapon model is simple, as long as it is already a model available in the game: edit the UTI for the sword, and assign the desired model variation. See this tutorial for instructions on that; all three of the tools mentioned in the tutorial can be found on the Nexus: pyGFF GDApp TlkEdit2 If you want the material color to be fixed, then either assign a fixed material tier to the sword, or use an all black tint map; the latter will prevent an item from changing tint appearance when the material changes. To add glow, you'll need to create an emission texture and (add that information to the MAO file) for the sword... I don't have any working bookmarks to point you to on that subject, unfortunately. When I find myself in a modding situation like that (no handy tutorials or explainers), I look at the parts of the game and existing mods that do the thing I want to do, pull them apart, and try to reverse engineer how the thing is done. The unfortunately, the vanilla files for Starfang are locked behind an encrypted DLC archive, but there's no impediment to accessing the files for the glowing armor and weapons in Awakening (Vigilance, Sentinel chest, etc.) And I'd also take a look at mods that add glowing elements to equippable items, like Glowy Staves, Star Blades, Branch of the Cursed Tree Barnstokkr, and Elvhenan Weapons. (There are quite a few other older weapon mods that incorporate glowing elements, as well.)
  9. Okay, I understand what the 'Nexus Mod Version' is... those files were on the Nexus at one time, and when Risibisi removed the mods from the Nexus, she shared them via her blog. The Inquisition ports in that 'Nexus Mods Version' download are the version 1.0 files. The download I linked to above is Version 2. And as to permissions, Risi requested and obtained permission from the Sims modders to port those hairs, and, per her stated permissions, her ports are not free-to-use modder's assets. Risi is the only one who can upload those ports to the Nexus or give permission for them to be uploaded. And anyone can port the hairs from DA2 and DAI. (For example, tmp7704 also ported a number of hairstyles from DA2, back in the day.) But unless you have permission from the modder who made the ports, you can't upload those ported DA2/DAI hairs to the Nexus, or include them as assets in your mods. The porting modder holds the upload permissions for their port, regardless of the original source. Here is a link to the Nexus File Submission Guidelines: linky.
  10. Some general information on modding DAO: Installing Dragon Age mods Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies Installing cosmetic mods for Dragon Age (This is mostly relevant for mods that affect the player character's appearance; a merged chargenmorphcfg.xml file is not needed for NPC cosmetic changes.) Dragon Age Redesigned is one of the very few mods that uses an executable installer, a method which has fallen out of favor. If the installer is not working correctly on your system, you could instead use the manual override version of the mod, which just involves copying the folders/files for the desired options to the game's override folder. (The manual version download is missing the PDF documentation from the original installer version, so hanging on to that is a good idea.) And 'milky' eyes is definitely caused by missing textures, so you are on the right track for solving the issue. ============== My overly-wordy explainer for installing the manual version of DAR: To install the manual version of DA Redesigned: Download 'Dragon Age Redesigned Manual Version 1.0' from the 'Optional' files area. Unzip that archive. Move or copy the Dracomies Textures folder into the game's override folder (Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override). Dracomies Textures must be installed, as omitting that component will result in issues with the morph files, like shiny silver/grey skins and milky white eyes.) To use one of the general NPC replacer morph options, choose one of the three folders inside the 'Versions (Lore, Aesthetics, Recommended)' folder, and copy or move it to the override folder. If either the 'Aesthetics' or 'Recommended' options were installed in the previous step, then download and install the tucked hair mod, which is required by those non-companion NPC morphs. (See below for a step-by-step on installing tucked hair.) If you want to use DAR companion replacer morphs, download and install any required mods for them. Copy or move the folders for your preferred companion morphs into the override folder. (There are either documents or image files in the folders with the companion morphs, that list any additional requirements.) -------- Step-by-step instructions for installing tmp7704's tucked hair: Get tucked hair from the 'official' download location: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tmp7704/downloads/tucked-hair Unzip the downloaded archive (tuckedhair.zip). If you just want the hairs required for DA Redesigned, then unzip the tucked_hair.zip archive, and put that in your override folder. You don't need the earring hairs or the chargenmorphcfg.xml for the NPC morphs. If you want to use the basic 'tucked hair' styles for your player character, then you'll need to also install the chargenmorphcfg.xml file. If you are using any other cosmetic mods in chargen, you'll need to merge the chargenmorphcfg.xml files for all those mods... there can only be one chargenmorphcfg.xml file in override. If you want the earring hairs (for your player character), also place that unzipped folder in override. The earring styles aren't included in the included chargenmorphcfg.xml. You can find my merge-able chargen xml for both the tucked hair and earring hair styles elsewhere on the Nexus: tucked hair chargenmorphcfg (including earring styles); there may be other similar files from other modders. Again, if you are using any other mods for chargen, then the combined tucked + earring hair xml should be merged with the other cosmetic XMLs.
  11. Holy Necro, Batman! Nope. No vanilla Item Property that does anything like that... the 'No attribute requirements' property is sort of the catch-all for gear that couldn't normally be equipped. Maybe look at how the game implements the Arcane Warrior Magic/Strength alternate requirement for some insight into how such a tthing is handled in the engine... it's probably a scripted function. Or you can change the attribute requirement for a class of item by editing the relevant GDA. (BITM, I think?) Look at the Dexterity Light Armor mod to see how that's implemented... from what I can recall (from when I patched that mod + No helmet + rune fixes to all work together, back in the fuzzy long-ago) it was a pretty simple edit.
  12. Risi's Terms of Use/Permissions for her mods (as stated on her site) are: 'Do not include any of my mods in your mods. If you want to use my mods for your mod: Just link to my modpage.' You can make morphs with the hairstyles and share those as a mod on the Nexus; you can't include the hairstyles as assets in your download without permission. (The same would be true of assets from any mods/resource that does not have explicit open use permissions.) (I can't seem to locate the 'Nexus Mod Version' of the Inquisition hairs, for comparison to the files on Risi's site... could you link to that page, please? Thanks!)
  13. I've always just used Dragon Age Redesigned as my base NPC replacer; for the NPC morphs, there is only one external mod requirement; depending on whether or not companion morphs are used, there can be additional requirements, but those are all on the Nexus from what I can recall. (I do supplement DA Redesigned with a curated selection of lore-appropriate morphs for some important characters, both by other modders and my own work, but that's mostly me being nit-picky.) I prefer DAR because it doesn't deviate too dramatically from the BioWare design of characters; I find most NPC overhauls stray a bit too far into the weeds for my taste, in terms of being lore-friendly... DAR mostly addresses the odd or poor proportions of many vanilla morphs. In general, the more 'beautification' an NPC overhaul does or the more it deviates from the original aesthetic, the more requirements it will have.
  14. DAO Normals should be saved as DXT5, or DXT3, See: DDS Export Settings on the DA Toolset Wiki. Can't help with any of the GIMP-specific questions, sorry. I still use old skool Photoshop CS2 + Nvidia plugin.
  15. In theory, yes. Stubble information is stored in the MOR, just the same as every other characteristic of the morph. You'd need to first figure out what value to edit, and probably have experiment with the values entered, since there's no WYSIWYG editing capability for exported MOR files. My first guess (and this is a wild guess, nothing more) as to which fields to edit would be under MORPH_NODES, Line 2 'FaceM1...' > 'MORPH_TEXTUREPARAM'; 'g_vFacialHairColour' and 'g_vFacialHairWeights' are likely candidates for the stubble parameters. If it were my project, I might find an existing morph with a stubble appearance I liked, and try to copy over the stubble data from that morph to the one I wanted to use. Or more likely, I'd just recreate the morph in the toolset using the morph creator tool, and add the stubble there.
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