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Everything posted by Sheldrake

  1. Personally, I think completing the main Skyrim questline before starting Dragonborn would make sense chronologically. At the very least, go through the storyline up to the point where you have spoken with the graybeards and have been recognized as the Dovahkiin.
  2. Hello everyone! I recently got my alt character right where I wanted her for the Dawnguard DLC when I overwrote the savegame with my main. I'm sure almost everyone who has played The Elder Scrolls has done this, and depending on the situation I have found limited (if any) options for those with this issue. While contemplating the loss of my alt, I came up with a solution: Simply put, my idea is a script that copies a character's .ess file each time you save it. The files would be stored in a specified location, and would be dated. For example: Main save: Sheldrake.ess I save it on January 1st, 2012 at 6:00PM The script would copy that save file to a specified location. For me, this is a folder called "SkyrimBackup", located in "My Documents". The copied file would be renamed to: Sheldrake(01-01-2012-1800).ess Let's say I save it again at 11:30PM, just before I go to sleep. Once again, the script would copy the save file to the "SkyrimBackup" folder. This time it would be renamed to: "Sheldrake(01-01-2012-1800).ess This would continue for as many savegames as I have, and would activate each time I saved. Right now I'm thinking that the mod itself would be a .ess file that would read from a configuration (.ini) file. When installing the mod, the user would specify the game's save location, as well as the backup location. I'm not asking for this to be made (hence the thread being in Mod Talk as opposed to Mod Requests). Rather, I wish to know if my idea or something similar would be possible with the tools we currently have. Any input would be much appreciated. - Sheldrake :3
  3. Hello everyone! When I got the Notched Pickaxe it occurred to me that it would make an even better reference to Notch, the creator of Minecraft, if it was retextured to look like the iconic diamond pickaxe from the game. I don't have the skills to properly texture it myself, although I assume it would be quite simple. Is there someone out there besides myself that would like to see this done? Leave your comments below. Thanks, Sheldrake :)
  4. mouse: That did the trick. I lost about a day's work, but at least I don't have to start over. Thanks so much! :D CNash: I disabled autosaves for some reason that I have now forgotten, but I think I'll renable them and start doing regular backups... :S Issue is now solved, could a mod close this thread, please?
  5. That sucks...that really sucks :/ Well, thanks. I suppose I'll start over once more...when I feel motivated to...this kind of puts me off the game for awhile :/ - Sheldrake
  6. Ohai everyone! So last night while playing Skyrim, I decided to switch from my main save to another one to play with the console commands a bit. When I was done, I deleted the save I was on, and instead of loading my main one, I saved over it. My initial reaction was horror, and several curse words. I then collected myself and did a System Restore to a couple days ago, but there was no change. Is there a way to recover my save, or am I screwed? Thanks, Sheldrake
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