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Posts posted by GamerPoets

  1. In response to post #47742900.

    tonycubed2 wrote: Michael, GP, thank you for your work. I am
    Ashamed to look in your direction. Your dedication and standards are amazing. If ever The Sands of Time team can help you, please do not hesitate. Would be an honor. If you need computer parts try me, free if I have them. (I repair computers for a living)

    Good to see you Tony = )
    I still appreciate your kind words back when I did a short video on a mod you had that made enemies follow your through doors. I can't remember the mod but I remember your comment = )

    I've thought about trying to do some basic PC maintenance for people locally to raise some extra money but I never knew how to go about it.

    And thank you... you do some awesome work = )
  2. In response to post #47729385.

    CyniclyPink wrote: I really enjoyed reading this weeks "The Sunday Discussion" with GP. If it wasn't for his videos, I would never be able to grasp how to use utilities or mods like Merge plugins, or DynDoLOD etc. His videos are very concise and easy to understand. He has a nice voice as well. Thanks for all your contribution and hard work Michael. :)

    Always happy to see when the videos have provided help = )
  3. In response to post #47728350.

    Triaxx2 wrote: I'm incredibly happy to see Sorceror Dave mentioned. I found him when Youtube recommended him. Possibly the only time it's done the job of recommending great content.

    He's a fun guy. Him and Veriax have gotten a lot of view time out of my recently = ) I've been wanting to mod Oblivion (just no time, but I will) and when looking for content on it I came across them both.
  4. In response to post #47725090.

    Holywinter wrote: I love this guy, GamerPoets aka Michael has been a bridging link for me to better understanding modding Skyrim as a whole.

    It's the way he handles everything both in speech and in context and then some.

    His voice while deep in its tone is just as pleasant to listen to.

    I feel like if this guy took a day job as one of my college instructors I'd find myself absorbed into what he would teach based on the aforementioned reasons.

    I wouldn't mind seeing and hearing him do some Let's Plays like a lot of generic (and not-so-generic) Youtubers, I mean he is a Youtube channel and he can shape it as he pleases but it sounds like his time is divided enough as is. Still, Watching him delve into a good horror or whatever with commentary (Essential for Micheal) might be both fun and entertaining as well as educating perhaps, assuming of course it is something he would even like to do.

    I understand he has "Let's Roleplays" which are very interesting in a story telling sense, definitely fits his style.

    Maybe generic Let's Plays is a bit too much of a different speed but regardless I'm glad I read this and I'll continue to check your content from time to time be it however you decide to create it and apply it.

    I cannot begin to understand what it was like being robbed of a savings of two years and how as the situation as a whole was just dangerous.
    Somehow I peg you for the Modest type Michael, but expect a donation soon as a token of my gratitude for saving me a ton of headaches (believe me I've received quite a few during all this).

    Anyway, I want to end this on a big thank you sincerely from a novice of both creating and adding mods.
    If there is an algorithm to something I don't understand mod wise, I'm confident I can turn to you Michael Sensei.

    that's a hell of comment = ) Thank you Holywinter,

    I don't do Let's Plays because they are so quick and easy to create that I would easily saturate the channel with them and the tutorials and RP's would get buried (tried it before). I'd love to do a basic LP/RP where I just make the character do what I think he/she should do and stick to being the "mind" and share my thoughts on the subject, but again, I don't (even that at times I'd like to) because the time consuming content (creation wise) would get lose to a lot of folks.

    As far being robbed goes (and it wasn't the first time I had a gun put in my face, but it was the first and last time it will happen where I live) I didn't have to give the money up but I read the room and could tell that if I didn't I would have been risking the lives of others who were in the house with me at the time (who I cared about) if I didn't... and life is more important than money = )
  5. In response to post #47724210.

    simpalimpa wrote: Just the greatest, most caring dude on youtube who helped me get my Skyrim stable and took my modding to another level! Always takes his time to reply and share. Thanks for doing this interview Michael it was great to get to know you better through this, all the best mate! //Simon/Simpa5

    Well, I don't always reply... but I sure as hell try lol. = )
    Thank you Simon.
  6. In response to post #47723265.

    tjacks84 wrote: Great interview. I can't add much to what others have said. Awesome guy and service in GamerPoets. I got into PC gaming the exact same way... frustration with PS3 Skyrim. Was shocked to see someone so thoroughly helpful and instructive got into around the same time as me. Even more so, when I read how Michael got started after being robbed. Really sorry that happened, bud. Kudos to you for picking yourself up like that. It's inspirational honestly. Keep up the great work, and sincerest best wishes for success and happiness in the future, MIchael.

    Yeah, I'm still pretty new in the world of modding. 4 years on PC and 3 years to the day on GamerPoets. Thank you TJacks = )
  7. In response to post #47722305.

    AyoubiMo wrote: I've followed Michael for a couple of years now. At the time that I found the GamerPoets channel, I was going through my own "personal hell" & I knew of other channels like Gopher, Brodual, MxR, etc. (and though they deserve respect for their own) something about Michael's character drew me in. I was looking for a reprieve from the life I was living, and then I saw my first "Tale of Paxton" episode & it was captivating.

    Here was a guy just like us, and yet completely exclusive. As stated above, life wasn't easy for him & instead of brooding he took another chance and got right back up, exposing his desires, his fears & every day conquering them. Though his intentions were personal, no one could ever doubt his poetry and even he himself has become a staple of this community and (as he said, in REALITY) to millions of people around the world.

    Great job, Brother! This world wouldn't be the same w/out you!!

    You're always man... not much else I can say = ) lol
  8. In response to post #47721125.

    jumarbye wrote: Great chat!

    I have used almost all of the GamerPoet tutorials and find they are exceptionally made and extremely helpful.

    I only started modding in August, and some of the important modding topics, such as using TES5Edit to make a merged patch and WryeBash for leveled lists, were a little scary for me to tackle. His videos got me through those topics and more.

    Thank you for talking to to my favorite tutorial author!

    Means alot jumar = )
    I'm glad that the tutorials are serving you well.
  9. In response to post #47720905.

    BlueGunk wrote: I'd like to give you a BIG THANK YOU Gamerpoets. I've used a number of your videos to learn how to do things and they are slick, informative and easy to use. You and Gopher are the lead learning sources for me in Skyrim content.

    I'm fascinated to learn your background and the amount of work you put into these videos is astonishing. I knew they were amazingly interactive but, not being a video person I never appreciated how complex they were and how much work you put into them. I wish you all the very best as you build the channel.

    Robin - give this man a job.

    ... and I'd like to give you a big thank you for such an awesome comment = ) (and job recommendation lol)
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