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  1. Report it to Patreon. You need more than 1 person making a complaint. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=70716
  2. In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626, #64111786, #64111926 are all replies on the same post. .. except that Nexus is not a hobby for those who run it... nor is it a hobby for those who create content 60 to 100 hours a week... or for people like me who are disabled where "going to work" isn't an option. If it was an option I'd be doing it lol
  3. In response to post #64079816. #64079916 is also a reply to the same post. If I could turn off ads all together I would = ) Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. Selling products of any kind is not something that anyone who has to make a living from this realm, while continuing to be a part of it and growing within it, can count on (sales for things like this are bonuses). Even so, personally, ads alone will never even come to close to helping me pay just for the equipment/costs of creating. Thank Talos for Patreon (my form of Premium/Supporter Memberships). Took 4 years to break even on PC parts with the help of pledges. I do the same thing that Nexus is doing here. If you allow me to keep existing while doing what I enjoy I try to give you perks/"thank you's" that I'm capable of giving without alienating everyone else. Nexus isn't changing anything here other than giving some supporters a "thank you" in a way that they are able to while encouraging site growth.
  4. Just from my personal "YouTubing" experience. My analytics show that I've missed out on roughly $9,500 due to add blockers since I started making videos. Do what you need to do. From a long time premium member it sounds reasonable enough to give supporters a bump to say thanks.
  5. Nice to see Nexus bringing these back = ) Always enjoyable to read about the community members.
  6. I don't understand the confusion by so many (the paid mod questions and what not). Dark0ne (nexus) is giving money out of his (nexus') pocket to mod authors based on downloads as (a very small) incentive to keep creating mods and as a thank you for uploading to Nexus (1,000,000 unique downloads would be $1,000). Users don't pay. Authors don't get rich. There are options to turn it on or off per user/mod. You can gift your points to community members who may need some system upgrades so that they can continue working on mods or whatever...more moderators are being put to work to keep an eye on the site... and that's what was written.
  7. In response to post #54458443. #54460308, #54466883, #54472658 are all replies on the same post. I appreciate that = )
  8. In response to post #54458443. #54460308 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks for the reply Arrow, What about using applications like Mod Organizer? Do you know if they still work with the gog version?
  9. In response to post #54450488. #54456198 is also a reply to the same post. Hey Dark, Large Address meaning 4GB? If you feel like tackling my other questions that I posted here I could use some help.
  10. Hey TerrorFox, Have you had any experience (or have heard of anyone) using mods that they that they require steam with Bethesda games from gog (figure since they are listed here it was a good place to ask)? I don't know anything about using mods with gog games. I assume that most are the same but what about mods like FOSE (Fallout 3's SKSE). It has a steam-launcher (I believe). Does that mean FOSE won't work if you purchase FO3 through gog (and other mods that say they require steam)? I haven't been able to get much feedback.
  11. Yes. Riften and other places have lag due to a bug in the game. Check out the mod that fixes it: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10547 If you feel inclined to check out the video that I created for the mod:
  12. Almost as good as a perfectly preserved pie = )
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