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Status Updates posted by Tobjoern

  1. Happy Birthday, mate! :D Have a nice party or just a lazy/calm day for yourself - just as you want. I wish you all the best! :D
  2. YAY! Toady in the VERY early morning at 3:05am I became a father! It's so unbelievable that I'm a father now! (...better late than never - I know^^). After 2 days of birth introductory measures with lots of backache for my girlfriend, lots of waiting time for me, but without the success that was promised/hoped by the doctors, she had a "day off". After that everything looked much more promising than before. Yesterday evening (at around 21:30) she had her "termi...
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Endoril


      Tell me about being late!

      Huge congrats Tob!! :)

    3. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot, little Bosmer! :D
    4. wolfsangeleyes


      Aahh, I completely missed this big news because I wasn't around at the time.

      A very belated but sincere congratulations to you Tobbie and your ladyfriend. And a hug for your son. All my best to you and your loved ones.

  3. ...just stopping by to wish you a Happy (belated) Birthday! XD
    1. TesaPlus


      X-D Und ein auch etwas verspätetes Dankeschöööön!

      TesaPlus ist eine elektronische Lebensform, die natürlich am 1.1.1970 um 00:00:00 geboren ist (UNIX epoch). Emma (Vlija) übrigens auch (ich wollte wissen wie alt diese schöne Stimme ist, tja, k.A.). Ein Nerd Datum...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much, my dear! XD
    3. Ithildin


      Fabulous work, Tob! The Oblivion one is my favorite, of course, along with your very fetching witch portrait. You have a talented family of carvers. :D


      Happy Halloween, good sir!

    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much, dear! I'll send your kind words to all participants! :D
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Hehe, no problem, dear! Yes, actually (as I wrote *not under C:*) I meant *not under programm-files*. Thanks for clarifying! ...and thanks for the links. If I remember correctly I have one of these Install guides bookmarked... - ...somewhere in my browser... XD Wow, it's not that easy (and pretty risky) to move a modded game, so congrats to this successful manoeuver! ...and thanks for all your kind comments! ^^
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Wonderful images. All of them. <3
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanky you so much for all your kind comments, my dear! :D
    1. Ithildin


      Masterful work with this gallery! Delightful colors and quality of light, and so realistic, as if I could reach through my monitor (as through an open window) and feel the warmth of the sun. All that beautiful foliage everywhere ... love the unusual perspective in the second-to-last image, too. Can't even narrow it down to my top *five* favorites this time, so many equally stunning images.
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Gorgeous shots, all! My fave, though, is the last one. :D
    3. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much for all your kind comments, Ithil and Auri! It's always such a pleasure to read, and to see that it was worth the effort of taking thousands of shots, selecting, uploading and linking them! XD *hugs*
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Hahaha, I had no problems with the crab (it was one of the smaller/peaceful ones). XD

      I am really happy about all your nice comments! Thank you so much! ^^

    3. AurianaValoria1


      Beautiful images all! :D
    4. Tobjoern


      Many many thanks, my dear! XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      I'm happy to have made you happy! :3 Love going for nature walks, and your journeys look exceptionally beautiful.
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Gorgeous images. The second one is my favorite. It's just so pretty. :3
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot, Nighty! :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thanks you so much Auri and Ithil. I'm glad that each of you has found a favorite! :D *big hugs*


      Ithil: Haste makes waste. ;) I have all time in the world! XD

    3. Deleted6317247User


      Wonderful images. Nehrim has some really cool looking locations, and you capture the atmosphere of them all so well.
    4. Tobjoern


      What nice words! It's a pleasure to read! Many thanks! :D
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tobjoern
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Meanie Nexus didn't notify me of the your statuses. :(


      Very beautiful images, all of them.

    4. Tobjoern


      Don't worry! Better late than never! ;) Thank you very much, my dear! XD
  4. After a long time some new screenies. I have 3 weeks vacation now and thus some time to play again. Wanderlust and thirst for adventure http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/148951 View to Erothin http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/148952 Andrusch's Farm http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/Images/148977
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Also many thanks to you for all your kind words! :D
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Such lovely images, all of them. My favorite are also "View to Erothin".
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much! :D
  5. Happy Birthday, papps! :D
    1. Tobjoern


      Part 2 of the message (because after pressing the Enter-key my message was already sent! ^^) ...so, I wish you all the best, much health, and may all your wishes come true! :D
    2. papp263


      O.o Sorry I missed your comment my friend. I have been A.W.O.L for some time. I do appreciate you stopping by with good wishes however!

      Thank you Tobbie. :)

  6. ...damn, again this Notification-setting-eating bug! I missed at least 4 or 5 days, as I noticed now by coincidence... *grrrr*
    1. Deleted6317247User


      I hate it when it happens. It's really strange how this bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  7. Hey, Happy Birthday, little Bosmer! I wish you all the best and much luck. May all your wishes come true! Have a nice day and party! :)
    1. Endoril


      Wow, thank you very much Tob! I had an amazing birthday :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thanks muchly! *hapybounce* :D
    3. Ithildin


      Gorgeous work with this small art gallery! The colors and brightness in the sunny images are very lovely indeed. I'm with Night, I enjoy the rainy ones, too!
    4. Tobjoern


      *starts to bounce again* Many many thanks to you too! XD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much for your always kind words. It is most appreciated. ^^ *makeshappyface*
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Wonderful images. I like them both, your images are always so colorful. :)
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much, dear! I use SweetFX and tweaked the preset (especially the colors and contrast) to my liking. Sometimes I have the impression that it looks a bit too colorful, but meh... ;) XD
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tobjoern


      ...different and more beautiful than in the other one. It was really hard to reduce all the pics to only 2 and then to decide which one to upload. XD
    3. AurianaValoria1


      Great shots, all of them!
    4. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot Auri! *and hugs to you too* XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thank you again for another big compliment! I really appreciate it! ^^
    3. AurianaValoria1


      Gorgeous, all of them!
    4. Tobjoern


      Many thanks dear! XD
  8. Exploring the great waterfalls east of Giliad http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/145826/? A camp for the night and a strange find http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/145827/? A mysterious light at dead of night http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/145843/?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Many thanks, dear! *hugs to you too!* :D
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Wonderful images, that thing in the last image is very interesting looking. :D
    4. Tobjoern


      Haha, many many thanks Nighty! I thought it would be a nice pet for you! XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      I'm really happy to see that you had so much fun while viewing these images!

      No problem. Help yourself! There's enough bread for all of us! - ...and if that's not enough there are still some onions and cheese...

      Haha, onions for breakfast! Should try that in RL! o_O XD

    3. AurianaValoria1


      As always, excellent images!
    4. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much, Auri! XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      Extraordinary images, one and all! I'm in foliage-and-Ayleid-ruin heaven right now. You're right on the money - I feel the way you do about nirnroot, when it comes to those Ayleid doors. <3
    3. Tobjoern


      Thank you so much for all your flattering words! *turns red*

      If I had know this before... I like these doors too but I have never made/uploaded some pictures of them... - ...uhm, wait... - ...hey, here is a little bonus for you. It's a little older pic and one of my first editing attempts. XD - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/111947/?

    4. Ithildin


      Ooh, I really like that one! Now it has 5 endorsements. :D
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      Amazing work! <3 I happily endorsed them all, but my favorites are the ones of the deer. I can't choose between the first version (canvas) and the ones subtitled "Pencil Sketch" and "Comic Effect" - really beautiful results with all three styles.
    3. AurianaValoria1


      Beautiful set of images!
    4. Tobjoern


      Many many thanks for all your support, Ithil and Auri! XD
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AurianaValoria1
    3. Ithildin


      Inspiring images! My favorite is "A rainy afternoon", but they're all very beautiful. Thank you for bringing us with you on your journeys through Nehrim - I'm really enjoying them. <3
    4. Tobjoern


      Many many thanks again, Auri and Ithil! *happybounce* XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobjoern


      Thanks a lot Auri! XD
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Very nice images. The last one is too funny. XD
    4. Tobjoern


      XD Thank you very much!

      I still have a big grin on my face when I watch this gif, and when I see you all laugh about it! XD

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