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  1. What follower mod are you using? I use AFT and had this issue a few times but manage to fix it on my own. I hope you have a save that is right before you encounter her, because that will help. One way to fix it is to reload before encountering her and making sure Onmund is not following you. You can also use console click on her, type disable then type enable to see if the options change. and another way I fix it is well there was a mod I had installed that I didn't realize causes issues. The mod " To your face" or any mod that changes when an NPC talks to you can cause issues with shez. There are dialogs that need to trigger without interruption, and mods like To your face, interrupt the flow of some dialogs thus causing Onmund of ingv to not be responsive or to have missing dialog trees. So check your load order for any mods that may do these type of things. This is what helped me but if none of this helps, my apologies. Hope all the best. The problem is solved by removing https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86872 / https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92811 Kaidan :( Looks like Onmund and Kaidan just cannot get along XDDDDD
  2. Hello :D I have just finished An Eye For An Eye and started Way Of The Voice. May I ask if Onmund would have dialogues regarding the Dragonborn joining either side of the Civil War? I would like to end it before moving on to the main quest. I usually join the Imperials XD But since Onmund despise the Imperials so much............. I finished the main quest once in the an old play through ignoring the Civil War, and Onmund was sooooooooo cute and adorable when the Dragonborn came back in one piece, everything intact XD Let's do it again after finishing the fight between 'f*#@ed up s#*!' and 's#*! f*#@ed up' XDDDD
  3. Hello :D I am about to finish An Eye For An Eye but not sure why I can't choose from any conversation option from Ingvi? It doesn't matter whtether I want her defeated or ascended :( Is there any setstage command I may use?
  4. Thank you very much for this great mod <3 And meow........... Pls send my thanks to Onmund's VA! Onmund is now 300 times sexier than he already is! Howeverï¼ I found I am unable to ask him following me though his amulet been returnedã I wonder what went wrongï¼I already tried redoing the return amulet scene
  5. I'm not sure if this has been discussed over and over, but the filter system has been broken for months! I can hardly get anything from a simple serach such as 'male follower', I tried to clear the filters but it just won't work :( Tried both Google Chrome and MS Edge
  6. I peeked the gay love scene via Youtube and it's much worse than DAO! That's not a love scene at all! Just a kiss and then it's done? And the game is using the same engine DAI used that made modding a headache? Ok, I am soooooooooooooo happy to save $$$ from MEA! By the way, I still have not finished my first playthrough on DAI :P No mod no game :P Skyrim is still my fav+ RPG though my humble laptop can run Sims 4 only LOL
  7. i have the same problem and it said: "[00:38] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2. The system cannot find the file specified>[00:45] Background Loader: finished"
  8. I am making a wood elf companion that lives inside the Temple of Divines of Solitude. However, I wrongly pull the toon twice in the render window. Now there are 2 of them (yikes!) which I didn't intend them to be twins at all. I can see the count in CK marked as '2'. How can I edit it back to 1?
  9. time for some decent hair styles for the guys pls!
  10. This is a great idea! Love it!!! :D
  11. Additem for money and lockpicks r working, addskills r working, i can add new magic with it. however, i cannot use the magic i added, why? it's always fire, i cannot switch to ice or other stuff
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