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About kingdomheaven

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  1. good immersive story interesting npcs bad no crafting and in one area the vault 13 area there is crashing that does not allow you to complete that area its part of the main story and a quest line so you are not able to continue with the game this crash i was able to exit the game with a control alt delete and get it back to windows with out turning the compute off and on recommendations fix vault 13 area and buy the game
  2. good stable immersive story interesting npcs i was able to complete the full game all the main quests and side quests no lagging no crashing bad no crafting recommendations buy game this game was created by interplay and later bought by bethseda
  3. good stable immersive story interesting npcs expansive crafting system can get no respawn timer from bethseda.net/mods bad the damage resistance is confusing and illogical recommendations fix the damage resistance to either be percentage of damage reduced solely against the armor and toughness of the character or have the armor absorb all the damage until damaged enough where the armor breaks and needs repair or replacement thats reality buy game this game was created by bethseda
  4. game by gog nexus mods mods by timeslip fallout mod manager nexus mods mods by acleacius respawn timer ten years good game good stable immersive story interesting npcs small crafting system i was able to complete the whole game all quests main story and side quests no crashes no lagging recommendations buy game this game was created by bethseda
  5. for fallout new vegas ultimate edition its a sad fact but the fixes that exist on the nexus mods and also the gog site cant fix the game the game is not play able it will always crash and every saved game will be lost this game was created by obsidian i will not be buying any more games that they create
  6. i spent one month every day every hour that was possible playing this game i completed a lot of quests i leveled up to some where in between 20 to 30 i had 328 saved games then it crashed the circular loading icon would spin it takes 5 seconds to load nothing happened i gave it five more minutes it continued in this nothing happened i could not close the game i had to shut down the computer and turn it on i opened the fallout its okay i loaded a game then this happened again i tried this with other saved games same thing i do like this game the story line is enthralling the factions are interesting the crafting system is expansive the game is immersive i wanted to finish my play through of this how many other people have had this problem is there a fix
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