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Everything posted by GreatLucifer

  1. The 'righteous attack' is a great idea, I'll work something out Unfortunately, I only have the CS and can do no retexturing... Everything above is not a plan, but what I have sofar... Master scripter? No idea... I am on my own terrain, but that's 2D (SNES). I just started modding oblivion, but I'm getting the hang of it :) With controlling people, I actually intented a more simplistic kind, though what you're saying about distance (not needing to be present, atleast) sounds nice, I'll start working on that. Not sure to what degree I'll succeed though... Right now, I'm simply extending my 'ritual magic' and sacrifices and such :P is rather fun
  2. Well, I don't have blender. And as I'd like to use them both, would giving them unique (yet meshes and textures identical) names be enough..? If it is, I feel a bit stupid for not having succeeded before. Can they stay in the same folder?
  3. Bummer that Havok is so drastic. In a different part of the forum I've indeed already been helped to fix OBSE since then, but I left this here, as I'd still love a good Havoked-sunbleached-shipwreck. Who knows, maybe someone has something similar lying around or feels like making it... You never know ;)
  4. That's right, aint it lovely? I can't get the 'clean' texture to work though. Any suggestions?
  5. It is custom; just not mine but Ghogiels. Don't know how to add link, but at tesnexus.com just search for 'Voodoo', or 'Ghogiel' in advanced search. The animated/morphing 'Necronomicon' is also his, and both are great work.
  6. I'm working on a somewhat personalised mod, though eventually I'd like to release it to the public. It's main settlement is a village, the Luciferian Village (Lucifer's Mansion, or whatever comes up better before the release). I'm adding as many unique functions and items as I can think of / find. Right now, I have many extra items I found here and there, but sofar my mod relies heavily on Ghogiels Voodoo-doll and morphing 'Necronomicon'. The puppet comes in three versions: -Puppet - with an altar and added items/stones/ingredients can summon/bind a creature(no expiration) -Voodoo Doll - as above, needs a certain mix and an altar to be turned into the Voodoo Puppet (note: aside from being eyecandy, you can actually hit people with it. It will probably, however, just piss them off). -Voodoo Puppet - Used to control people and creatures. These also require a (soultrap) spell. The morphing book is 'just' a slowly expending description of how to perform my ritual magic, with maybe later some added story. With enough skeletal parts and certain mixes, the altar can also summon/bind many other creatures, of which the quantity is expending. Example: With 4 bigbones, 8 thinbones, 2 clavicles, 2 skeletal hands, a pelvis, a ribcage, a skull, human blood, cursed heart (own item), tainted soul (own soulgem) and a cast soultrap spell (all ofcourse in/at the altar), you will summon (at random) either a Bound Grim Skeleton, Bound Skeleton Mage, Bound Skeleton Archer or Bound Skeleton Guard (note: bound, not summoned) I recently found some pentagrams (no devil; actual pentagrams) and extra creatures, so I'll keep extending the possibilities. Main goal is to create not only more usefull magic, but also more 'realistic'. I would love to hear any form of idea, suggestion, comment, or whatever. Please note: I already have more than I put down here. Just can't/won't type EVERYTHING up in here.... Lucifer
  7. I hope this'll work, that'd just be great! (Unfortunately, internet and oblivion are on two different computers, which is why I'm a bit outdated) Taking it you guys know best (so I assume it'll work), I'd like to thank you all for your help. Bit more offtopic; I love the Skooma pipe mod. Furthermore my 'mod' relies heavily on Ghogiels Voodoo doll, morphing 'Necronomicon' (I know, it's not really the necronomicon, but the book of the dead from Evil dead & Army of Darkness), ships (as far as I've been able sofar), and as much extra items as I could find. Oh, and ofcourse I'm getting ever better at scripting, which is more 'my terrain'. The main idea is that I'm making a more 'realistic' magic system (aside from the old, not instead of), focussing more on Ritual Magic (for instance; I made an altar (Ayleid chest) which, depending on what items you put in and what spell you cast, gives different minions. The Voodoo doll has many great uses as well :D Does anyone have a great idea or inspiration on what to make, improve (whatever) or download to add to the rest? Anything is welcome I think this last 'suggestion' is in the wrong place. Will move to other part of Forum.
  8. So I don't need to install the Oblivion patch (5MB), but only the SI (1MB)? And just out of curiosity; any idea what this patch actually changes?
  9. I know, I should be ashamed, but that's just it. I got a copy from a friend, and as I live in Amsterdam, you never know where something actually came from.. They are different file sizes; I think I'll just go for the bigger one. I'm just VERY AFRAID this will ruin something, as I have no means of reinstalling. Considering this, would you still advise me to try? Thanks alot sofar btw
  10. There is a Euro version and an American version. Seeing as both are english, how do I know which one I need?
  11. True, I'd love to get it to work, as I've long tried to get the Skooma pipe mod to work :) Thing is, OBSE says I have to old a version.. I have something like **.2* and it wants **.416* something. I myself could not fix it, but would love to hear a solution :D
  12. Hey everybody I'm looking for a ship with havoks, so it will react to its surroundings and prefferably even float. I downloaded the Sunbleached Shipwreck from Zedas, and made it into an item that can't be picked up. But appearantly, is will not react in any way and it probably has something to do with the file itself. The SBSW is great, and what would be ideal is this wreck with the hole in the side fixed, and ofcourse Havok. I'm not asking for great retextures or whatever (though I have no idea if adding Havok is simple) or interior. I'd be more than happy with the Havoks. The first thing that springs to mind is to somehow make it a (static) creature or NPC, as these seem to naturally float. However, though not new at modding or scripting, I heave no idea how to do this. I suppose it'd require extra tools. Oh, and OBSE wont work for me, so that's not an option (I doubt it'd help anyway) I'd really appreciate some help :) Lucifer
  13. Sounds nice. Of you somehow pull it of, I'll gladly submit 'myself', though I would be of no help creating this.... (still learning :P ) Lucifer
  14. First of all I should mention that OBSE will not work for me. Secondly, as far as I can tell those ships are sailable ships, scripted and everything. My main goal is to have the ship react like an item, so it would move when bumped into etc. A while ago I downloaded the Sunbleached Shipwreck mod, and tried to make an item of this, scripted so you can't pick it up. The not-picking-up part is simple. But not only does this have a gaping hole in the side, it won't react one way or the other. I suppose it somehow misses Havoks, and i think the hole is easily fixed (if not I'd be able to live with the hole, it's the Havok part that gets me) Thanks in advance :)
  15. Is there a ship with havok, so it will react to it's surroundings and maybe even float? Though I've never seen it before, I can't imagine there is no ship with havok available. PS: I searched my ass off. Hope you can help me out.
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