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About RedHeadAngel

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  1. I tried that, and I decided to just remove the effect entirely. The necklace glowing isn't really important to me. While it looked cool, it's not essential to my character's appearance. I'm just glad I don't have an 80s movie effect around my neck. Thank you so much for all your help!
  2. You'd think that they were a Guns N' Roses fan. For the record, GNR has an album called Chinese Democracy. It's not the best album by them, to say the least.
  3. Is there a program I need for that? I opened it in Notepad, but I couldn't find Emissive Multiple.
  4. @scorrp10 I found what you were talking about. The issue is that it didn't really work. The main issue is how they made my character look. Is there a way to just disable the lighting on the necklace? Or maybe reduce the effect?
  5. Ok. I’ll check it out in a bit. I’m currently watching a movie with my girlfriend.
  6. OK, so before I went messing around with ENB stuff, I decided to go ahead and check the issue 1 more time. So, it seems I was mistaken about the effect happening on more than my character's skin. When I moved the camera to the side, it appears that it was just the glow and not the weird effect. Here's a couple of screenshots. The effect also happens on NPCs. Here it is on the Angel follower. I didn't notice the effect on anything else. Also, I installed Particle Patch for ENB, but it didn't help.
  7. When I installed Fair Skin Complexion, I chose the option to disable the subsurface scattering. That’s why I didn’t believe the skin was to blame. I also did use free camera to take the screenshot, and the effect was noticeable from the side when I was getting the camera into position. I’ll provide a screenshot of that, if you want. I really hope that I don’t have to change my ENB because I really like it. But if I have to, then I will.
  8. I'm having this weird lighting effect that's being caused by my ENB. It's the necklace. After deactivating my ENB, the effect went away. Is there a way I can fix this?
  9. Sheesh. Some people have no conscience.
  10. I saw a lot of accounts on the bans thread that were hijacked. Was there some malware outbreak or something?
  11. It’s also where they filmed the Lord of the Rings films.
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