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Everything posted by silwerbullet

  1. Wow thanks everybody for the input. Started building something new that i would like. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you. Am just going to focus on my next build and have fun with what i do.
  3. Thanks, i think my personal goal was to high as it was related to the work i put into the mod. Will step it down a bit.
  4. Thanks, my problem was i was looking at mods with say 50 downloads but have 6 endorsements. I will keep your words i mind, thanks for the advice.
  5. Thanks, the comments is a bit strange on my mods. I find very little comments but a few downloads and then there is people that say they like the build but then is find they have not even downloaded it.
  6. Hi all. This is my first post here as a newly "mod" creator even though i don"t know if my work really count as a proper mod. How do you judge the success of your work ? I mainly have blueprints of stuff i build and even though there are downloads the endorsements are so low compared to the downloads that i feel like i failed. My creations are my pride and i put many hrs of work in them only to see it disappear into obscurity. Please put me right if my outlook is broken or if you think my work is really crap and so the endorsements is thus valid. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/1944257/?tb=mods&pUp=1
  7. Thanks greekrage. Funny how a person can miss the small important things when you focus just on the big picture.
  8. Right, after reading your answer it gave me an idea. As shown in the image the editor id in the layer was DecoMainA1x1Wall01 so I searched in the object window filter for deco and found the same name with a purple icon before it (highlighted in image). After a bit of guessing in cell view I found the cords and a lot of struggling with the controls the castle it self. Is there something I can toggle to see what the name is of a wall or block in this window? http://i.imgur.com/V6LNx6a.jpg
  9. Here is an image of what I meant by the yellow block and possible combined image. http://i.imgur.com/AUG5NAf.png Thanks for explaining how the form id works.
  10. That was totally not the records I was looking for. I will add the line to my custom ini and head back into the game to have a look at those walls again. Could the 06 - 01 change also be why the ids I get in the FO4Edit is not the same as in the Creation Kit ? What you say about the combined mesh makes me understand that that is why the kiddies kingdom castle id in the CK has a yellow block before it. It show 15 items but can not be selected with its own id. This info will be of great help, thanks again. Am currently watching every video tutorial I can get about building a settlement/fortress with CK, but the nerves to start is not there yet...
  11. Thank you, I will have a look at FO4edit right now. If anybody ells has more advice , please post as I am sure others might find it useful as well.
  12. Walking around in Nuka World kiddie castle I found some walls has id and others don't, is that normal? One wall had a id of (06036ad5)[ep] , how do I search for it in the search text field ? One id I found was (0602bacf) in the kiddie castle but search text just bombs out with no result. In the editor id field names of items has a coloured block (green/yellow..) what do they mean and which ones can I use to build with. I know this is a lot of questions , but I am really trying to get my head around the workings of the creation kit.
  13. Thank you very much. You clarified I lot of things for me that is not mentioned in the videos I could find. My SS is going to have a whole new way of looking at the world for the next few hrs, searching for walls.
  14. Thanks you. Could you also tell me how I go about the building of this , on the land (like when new settlements is created) or the same way dungeons is created and then attached. If you know of a video to help me it would be swell. Thanks again.
  15. Wish to start playing with the CK and attempt making a mod, but I am slightly confused. There are no tutorials that I know of that shows how to go about making a building that has both an interior and exterior and do not need a loading door to enter it. Where do go to for the wall that has both sides.. like the walls we build with in game and do I build it on the terrain or do I first create the building then place it in the world? As a total noob to modding I really need help on this and get my dream of the ground. The link below will give you an idea of what I want to create as a mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/29390/?
  16. Level 54 and then build my first settlement. Now I just build bases for the fun.
  17. I already created it in the game , do I need to redo it then ?
  18. Is it possible to take a base constructed by a player and turn it into a mod ? Idea is not load a whole save file but just a mod/file that will add the building to the downloader game.
  19. No, but I don't at least need to be close to them to kill them.
  20. Been listening to TeamBacon Silver Shroud radio. My main weapon is .45 tommy gun with exploding bullets, no robot has a chance against it.
  21. If maybe the weird armor of the trailer has special strength that PA does not have and is needed for protection, still as you say that is really weird looking armor.
  22. True yes, I also only started shortly after that wearing PA. It just would make cense for me if they say made a reason why players would think of getting the new armor and not just stump forth in the current protection and not just because of looks.
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