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  1. Same here, but it happens with any stormcloack guard. The problem is that those guards are not only attacking me but also any friendly citizen!
  2. You are lucky. OBMM scripting doesn't allow that structure, SelectWithDescriptions "Choose clothed or naked",\ "Clothed" "Will install a body replacer with minimal clothing to prevent nudity in game.",\ "Naked" "Will install a body replacer without any clothing and exposed genitals." [...] Unless you add at the start: AllowRunOnLines AllowRunOnLines [...] SelectWithDescriptions "Choose clothed or naked",\ "Clothed" "Will install a body replacer with minimal clothing to prevent nudity in game.",\ "Naked" "Will install a body replacer without any clothing and exposed genitals." [...] Use OBMMEx to simplify the use of scripts, you can save these predefined structures -to not forgot those details-: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32277
  3. You have not read anything but the conclusions... or, am I so bad explaining anything? I have tested the mods one by one, then by groups; there are no conflicts between them. At 149 I could add an empty .esp -which I have done- and I would see the same issues. Mods are not conflicting neither provoking errors except when I reach the limit . When I post this is because I'm pretty sure that the hardware & software are not a limitation (core i7, 12GB ram, ....) Believe it or test it by yourself, I don't need an explanation about how to test it.
  4. It's the limit. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/278666-max-number-of-mods/
  5. Hours I have spent installing one, two and thousands of times the invalidation bsa because the tests were showing that it was not working properly. Then, revising the mods because the errors described here could not be caused only by a wrong archive invalidation system... Finally I have the answer, after deactivating all the mods and then activate them in reduced groups I have noted that there is a limit where it's not supposed to be. I have not found any info related with a max number of mods in FNV but considering it should be similar to Fallout or Oblivion I hoped it could manage up to ~255 files. The test have been made in many scenarios with different files, there is no doubt about it: the limit is 150. Below fallout limits. Check the screen-shoots to see the effects in the same situations. In the tests I just deactivated / activated any mod from the list. Previously tested -separately- that they are working properly when not reaching the limit. Deleting inactive an .esp has not any effect (oblivion for ex. could not manage a big number even if you have deactivated them). Normal game-play to show that all is working If I don't reach the limit, it's not a wrong installation issue neither a mod conflict. Total active plugins: 149 Total plugins: 198 http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/454/screenshot5hr.th.jpg http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8915/screenshot7wg.th.jpg http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/3134/screenshot6ui.th.jpg In my tests I'm experiencing serious issues with some less than 250: 150 Total active plugins: 150 Total plugins: 198 At 150 some textures and meshes start to be shown wrongly. The sound from some effects -shots, grenades- have disappeared. The game "still is stable". http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9526/screenshot00.th.jpg Total active plugins: 151 Total plugins: 198 Previous problems are present problems. Animations doesn't work at all. NPCs have strange behaviors ( suddenly a worker becomes wolverine, his hands have grown and now are claws, not a joke but I forgot to take a screen shot) Pip boy has flown. Exclamation marks everywhere. Even if a mountain should not have anything but the rocks: dont worry, there it is your exclamative friend. Vats doesn't work, a short-circuit. Pressing escape doesn't open the menu; to be more specific, in fact there is not a menu working. Not stable but I can not quit, press ctrl+supr and... http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/9243/screenshot1yu.th.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3310/screenshot2co.th.jpg http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5219/screenshot3mw.th.jpg http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/1561/screenshot4ui.th.jpg EDIT: Other user experiencing the same issues at 150: Game screwing up in textures & sound
  6. That poem -Jabberwocky- is supposed to be a geniality in its style, if that has any sense -considering that the poem itself hasn't it-. @myrmaad: Not related with this but there is any problem in the forum known at this moment ? I have looked for any info about my problems -and a topic relatively new- without success. -This specific topic -for ex.- doesn't show me the page 4 unless I access to them clicking in the "last post info" link. Any comment after my last comment is invisible for me unless I make a trick. -PM appears to count wrong, I always have X+1 PM according to the bar at top. The same in the User info and Tesnexus web. -PMs read are not shown as read and appear again as new messages. -Forum and Tesnexus need pages to be reloaded in order to successfully login after adding user/password. I have had success reading the lasts posts modifying the link by myself with a trick so I will explain you the misunderstand. My meaning of logic is really different than yours or that which is used by any person in the world, but that's because of my way of thinking. Anyway the right/obligation you commented -related with the posts- for me is valid if the reason given is valid. It Is not an order, I was only saying that it is useless if we consider the objective of the topic. When I wrote the last post was referring to something specific. In my opinion going here and ask users to stop writing about that known discussion is useless because I only created the topic: 1. To clarify a question related with an specific case. 2. To offer a suggestion related with the rating in the web. Not arguing/discussing about that known topic by others which provokes so disturbance but an specific suggestion to change something specific. The topic title and subtitle: Adult Rating in mods, SPB's mod deletions @Admins, moderators The question & the suggestion was sent to the staff -in this case you and Vagrant-; as anyone is able to read, the topic I created is really specific and explains my intention. I wanted to edit it in order to clarify that. -if it's not enough clear now-. So when I see an user saying: Vagrant answered here. or The user admits there is a topic/debate but instead of adding something he/she uses it to reiterate how the staff is doing their work. I agree with your statement about the conversation but this in particular has not any conclusion related with the topic. Just create a topic to give thanks to moderators and we will see that after 40 posts -if the users give thanks to moderators- there will not be any conclusion, only many thanks to moderators. or I read that you are humorous, so understand that this seems to be an advertising of TV. Copy/paste_ Not saying that the 2 quotes are not true but I started a topic related with something specific and finally we are talking about: what (?), giving kudos for a general behavior, twisting the meaning of words, misunderstands every post, .... The post by Eiries is understandable for me. Not sure if myrmaad's irony was related to that, but that post contains statements never written by anyone in the topic. So as conclusions: staff have received the suggestions, they -or you- have given us a proper answer with reasons, the problem with the user have been clarified. Any other thing after the posts related with these terms you can see that is confusion, and no conclusions. So I think I was right. The conversation maintained by the users a few posts earlier had logic, now I have to reconsider it. @Lisnpuppy: Read the entire post and you will understand. I know that the topic have been already discussed -in other terms or related with the image share- but I was trying to give specific suggestions about other point. Understand is annoying seeing destructive or other posts -not yours in this case when explained- if I'm trying to do the opposite and start a topic with other objective. And I known that the topic would degenerate in this: misunderstands and words without an objective. Be aware that the intention can not be written and the humor can be understood improperly. @ Surenas: Choose one of the 3 ways. Connotation: Users [writing in the topic]. If an user have not read the topic, the user can not read the term. If an user have not written in the topic, the user can not take the hint. If an user knows that he/she should not be included in the description given in the paragraph below, the same. (I explicitly refer to users writing in the topic in the description, and not all users, only some of them with a more detailed description) Not sure why I have to give that explanation to someone who obviously has not written anything yet in the mentioned topic. Written language doesn't have specific ways to clarify intentions -except icons which I will not use- so a provocative intention can not be read in that phrase unless you make use of the imagination. In order to solve that, users try to clarify the intention in the phrase by writing it explicitly when an intention is within the phrase. The time a term has not been used by someone is not enough reason to classify a term as provocative or carrier of other intentions.
  7. Tags: New tag: Nehrim Related with: Nehrim at Fates Edge German Version - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26978 It may be soon at this moment but the mod is an entire world map non-dependent of Oblivion. Mods need to be modified in order to work in it and that's the same system applied with Shivering Isles which needs an independent tag -with the difference that Nehrim is a non-official mod-. In fact "Oblivion" tag should not be used because these mods doesn't work in Oblivion -neither animations, nor camera or body mods, ...- so a new tag would be required. Soon because there are not too many mods yet but it's something to consider in a few months.
  8. @myrmaad: Vagrant0 already explained that. And obviously I'm sure that no one -well that's not true, there are exceptions- wants to see advertising of the type we are suspecting in the web. So the web is right as it is. Therefore the problem is the way advertising, users, laws, governs, hosts and mentality of the society works... There is no connection between responsibility, logic and necessarily consider the web as "pornexus" web with the change. But I know that this can not be understood by the necessary people -advertising, users, laws, governs, hosts- mentioned and maintain the web as it is at the same time. The web would change with that unless these change. @To users: The last posts of some users here are bit [...]. It have been written in the first post that all is solved and explained -related with the user and the misunderstand-. If someone can not maintain a serious conversation don't write useless things. I'm not able to change the tittle in the first post so read the red letters -and then the entire topic after writing-.... And not sure why others are talking about the proper work of the staff, rating the reasons given by users -without writing anything specific-, explaining points that anyone with common sense knows, ect... without giving -again- anything useful to the topic. (I'm not saying that these points are not true but useless) Destructive behavior is not only what a few post was writing but entering into topics in order to praise some and/or despise others without writing at less one word related with the topic discussed at this time. Use other topic to give kudos, thanks or writing that. Being ironic about this, maybe there should be a rating for topics named "conversation between users" where is not necessary anything but writing about the topic. The image share was changed having in mind this consideration of quality. By my side I think that the questions are already answered and the suggestions received by the staff. So unless anyone wants to provide anything more you can lock the topic or at less change the tittle (not sure if that's possible) in order to not having more misunderstands with this. Users may want to write about the "image share and others" here but I didn't open this with that idea in mind and could provoke more disturbance.
  9. Obviously if these are the reasons any suggestion following that way is useless. Anyway -at least for rational people- the change doesn't necessarily imply the opposite of that image for the web -obviously because the content doesn't change, the mature content will be here with or without it- but a practical change, on the other side I already know that this can not be understood by any person related with hosting, advertising, ... and may create other undesired changes/problems. So probably maintaining it as it is will be the option at this moment. Related with the Image Share -I felt curiosity about it and just read the explanation by Dark0ne, now understood why there is so disturbance about it-, should the old images not allowed by the rules be deleted too? Because being logical in the past they were allowed so If you start to explore images from the last, you will see a lot of them. After 4 pages I'm right... http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/423507-1192397900.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/462890-1193583875.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/462890-1193583721.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/462890-1193584806.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/66282-1192500071.jpg [...]
  10. haha Ok, ok... I'm already aware that there are legal problems and users are not always what they are supposed to be. But we are talking about different things. My suggestion is not related with the last change in the rules neither the images... as I have said any limitation in that aspects is necessary in practical terms. My unique suggestion was the deletion of the requirement for the author to rate mods as mature content by warning that this is a web with mature content. A general rating -for the web- instead of specific rating -for the files-. It's just logic, there is too much mature & non-mature content in the web to still consider that you can classify and rate all. By rating the entire web the content doesn't necessarily will be changed to more/less mature content -neither you need to care about specific rating- but you can assure that there will not be misunderstands with users/authors/hosts (at less that the host doesn't allow that type of web). Considering this, then other points you have remarked (B) can be applied -my meaning of mature content in this case doesn't mean that pedophilia, bestiality,etc. should be permitted- but a general rating simplify the rules, legal problems, .... For ex. there are mods which includes in the description: Ok it can be useful if you don't want to see it after registering. But in the rules the requirement: But the tag "adult content" &/or the mature content rating (?) (not uploaded anything yet, not sure if that exists when uploading the file or the rating is only applied when you use the tag mentioned) should disappear. I think that we agree with this: if the author is not forced to rate the content & the user accepts the fact that he/she could see mature content (in logical terms) in the web there will not be another problem like this or any other misunderstand. They will do it with the actual system or applying my suggestion so no changes...
  11. Read the 2 last posts: Everybody already know that many users are underage, it would require an incredible system, the users are in general a bit "users" (ejem) etc... For me all these topics are useless, as well as the forbiddance related to age and others... but as I know that in a society this point of view is the point of view of a bad-tempered doctor I will offer a practical solution.... The point is simple, everybody can choose. The user is responsible of what wants to see -as soon as the web notifies it-. Freedom to authors (which should can limit the porn in the images related with theirs mods). @ Vagrant0 : My discussion is not related with the "image share" or any other variation (in the mods, the user page, ...)... for me all is alright because I don't use it and there are enough webs to upload stupid images or porn. A limitation in this case is necessary in practical terms for the management of the web. And now about the web ( I consider the web as the web which offers mods, support, etc... the images and others addons are not included in my considerations and are useless here) By considering Tesnexus a web which should be only accessed by adults the system is simple: -In big letters a warning related to the possible content of the web. It doesn't mean that all the content is for adults but it makes you be aware that you can see something related with any type of mature content. (notification, no limitation) Children will not connect by themselves to the web. It's not a game for children; if they have it, it's because the adult consider it's right and can explore the web with them if the adult consider that some mods would be great for the game. (DarkNinja13 situation) Adults from the existence of the human specie to XVIII century -aka teenagers- will connect download/ see what they wanna and will not they will not bother about useless considerations. ( It doesn't matter what type of system you implement) Adults from the XIX century to present will not be bothered with useless considerations. -Add a the mature filter only to non-registered users. This solve the possibility of an user seeing something that he/she doesn't want to see. Registered users knowing what they could see (see above requirements) should not have that filter. Anyway the option should be still available. -In order to register the user should be +18 (or whatever the age it's supposed to be in the country) Less hypocrisy, if a teen wants to register he/she can do it easily. It's the same than now, but in my suggestion the web notifies that the user could see mature content. The legal problem is the free show of mature content in a web which doesn't warn the users about that, the problem is for the admin but not a moral or ethical problem. Already solved by the warn related to the possible content in the web for non-registered users and the requirement in the registration -No prohibitions of any type related with mature content -except if the author wants to limit it in his/her mod- (remember I'm talking about the "tesnexus-mod-forum" and images within them -which could be limited by the author, not the web-) The filter still exists but now the web differentiate a basic point: No limitation related to the content for the authors. They shouldn't care about differentiate what is obscene, nude, +18, +16 or any other thing. For the mass this type of content is invisible. If you want to see it, register. But if you do that you now that you could see something related with mature content. (the filters still can be activated by the user but tesnexus is not forced to assure that all the mature content will not be visible due to requirement in the registration; if an underage user don't care about that, he/she not necessarily will see mature content but... ) There is not too many differences, but a main point: The responsibility is for the user, the web only notifies that part of the content included in the web could be consider only for adults and provides the necessary tools in order to protect the user but the author should not have any limitation in the work -neither care about ratings or classifications by ages- because the site is considered as a web with mature content.
  12. Ok, but anyway the main problem is the inefficiency of this system. The first case can be reported -there are not too many-, but the second would require many, many reports to moderators... I don't mind do it 4 times, but I perfectly know that using reports for bad tagging will make me loose a lot of time and the reports will be many more. I suggest to add other icon apart from "suggest/accept" & "disagree" icon. Just a "Report tag" icon. With this option the mod should be added to a list -with the tag reported- in order to be revised by the moderator. (it would be great the application of an independent moderation staff for tags as it has been written before) The decision of the moderator should solve the problem: disabling the tag permanently, adding the tag permanently, ... And a multiple tagging management not only when adding but when disagreeing/deleting and reporting. No more 6 page reloads in order to apply the proper tags
  13. @Vagrant0 & LHammonds Related with tags & the post number 3 : -Can new tags be added/suggested? -We need something to ensure a proper sorting of the files. More options to delete/add & manage tags. I have tagged at least +1500 files and many of them have the most stupid tags you ever saw. Obviously I can disagree with them -in some cases the files have all the available tags added by the author in order to appear in all the searches, in others added by the users because it's funny- and maybe they are deleted but in others situations I can not really do anything against improperly tagging, specially when it has been done by the author -an user can not disagree with him/her- or users who like to tag the file with all the available tags again -be aware I need to select one by one when disagreeing but the user can add all in one step-. If needed help let me know. If I'm already doing it I would like to do it properly.
  14. Thanks Vagrant0 & myrmaad for the explanation. I'm sure that you and other staff members tried to explain him/her that but the user would not delete it without reasons, that's clear too. I have added an edition to the first post, because I can not understand this: I will not discuss about what is porn, +18 content, if it's good, if it should be permitted in "Y" section of the web, etc... but for me is not logical that Tesnexus is not considered an entire mature web.
  15. @bben46: I'm sure that some users have not read that rules but if you follow the link you will see the opposite -in my case- and which is more important: a direct question to the staff. As far as I know you are a member of the staff so instead of copying / pasting the 5 reasons "why this is as it is" I really would appreciate that you read my entire post. I have not problems with the deletion of porn images uploaded by users without any relation with the game in the mod webs. This is something I already explained in my post. In my case my complain is not about the rules but about the incorrect application of them in a specific case and an user forced to delete files -Mods- without logical reasons. Anyway in my opinion all this is an hypocrite idiocy. But I assume that no one living in a society will agree with me so... I hope that you (or someone from the staff/moderation) read the 2 posts and answer/consider my questions, all what I have said have been considering the rules. And other point I'm not fully able to understand: Oblivion is rated as a game with mature content in any official web. http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/games/games_obliv_goty.html If underage users can't (or shouldn't) buy & play the game because of the mature content, tesnexus is a web with explicit +18 diverse content. Game=+18 ----> Web of the game with content related to the game= +18 (+18 in my country, depending on the location) I can not understand why there are classifications of mature & non-mature content when the entire web should be consider as mature content due to obvious reasons. The register of underage users (age depending on the location) should be prohibited.
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