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  1. I wacthed a great short cartoon-movie recently which effected me really deeply. Somehow, it almost made me cry. If you have 30 minutes to spend, here's the link;
    1. Deleted54170User


      I watched it. I enjoyed the ebb and flow from scene to scene. I got the general idea, but I did not understand a word the narrator was saying. Tree's. So much comes from having enough trees. :- )
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Oh! That's bad!

      There's Captions button to show up the subtitles.

      I thought them enabled as default. =(

      It's most meaningful when you understand whet he says.

      There's English versions but... Original is better.

    3. Naktis


      Very nice, thanks for the link!


      Reminds me some old Russian cartoons I used to watch when I was little.

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