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Everything posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. Oh, where to even start!? I've formed great friendships on here Nexus forums. I've written my first code for TES:IV Oblivion, inspired by NexusMods. Then I've become a self-taught software engineer and worked professionally. Started and failed a startup. On the second one right now, and things are going good. Today I've randomly got reminded of Nexus, and great folks here. Love and miss you all! Hope you are all doing great!?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Hello Ithildin, great to be talking to you! Such a nostalgia )


      Thank you for the great quote and encouragement! Sure, if I am still breathing, everything can and probably will fail. I'll just keep starting over ^.^


      How is everything with you? How are you doing? Really hope everything is going great for you!

    3. Ithildin


      I'm doing well, thank you. My immediate family and I aren't vaccinated against COVID yet, but it's only a matter of time before we're eligible. I've been listening to a lot of music lately from bands I've loved for most of my life - speaking of nostalgia - sometimes gaming, watching movies, reading books to myself and aloud to my husband, and actually enjoying mundane things like grocery shopping that get me out of the house, even if it's with a mask on.
    4. Lazysheepherd


      That is really good to hear! Hope you'll get the vaccine soon.


      Ah yes. It's already beyond masks on the mental level right now I guess. I was waiting on a long queue in a coffee shop the other day, and I've realized that I even missed waiting in a queue somewhere. I've actually enjoyed it, imagine that! haha

  2. Hello all! Did I miss a lot??
    1. Ithildin


      Not from my corner of the world, at least. :) How have you been?
  3. I'm back! O.O ...79 Notifications?? Seems you've been chatty in the meantime! =)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Welcome back! :D
    3. brokenergy


      We like to talk a lot
    4. Deleted54170User


      Did you have any fun playing on the Adult Playground while you were away?
  4. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. brokenergy


      So you never watched Mad Max films?
    3. Lazysheepherd


      Ah, no. I haven't watched any. It was first time I heard of them when you mentioned. I really do not spend much time on movies. If I am to watch a movie once in a while, I pay some effort to check if that would worth the time. I have watched the trailer of last Mad Max movie. Seems a lot of action is going on in the movie. If you suggest it I'd try to watch it sometime.
    4. brokenergy


      Watch the first one. Then you realise why Australia is in love with the films
  5. Hello all! I won't be around for a while. Good luck to you all in your life!
    Me loves you all!
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      It should have been an interesting trip! Let's do that together sometime! =)

      And I dare to dream of having a digital agency. To do what I do for more reason than monthly paychecks.

      There's to much variables. I'll just play best I could and see the result, old man. =)

    3. Ithildin


      ^^^ I'm sorry I didn't comment about the song you chose! *hugs* My mom listened to S&G a lot while I was growing up; I know many of their lyrics by heart and never tire of their music. The prettiest and most heart-breaking song of theirs, in my opinion, is "For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her".
    4. Deleted54170User


      Are you dreaming of having a box with a bunch of digital tools to play with in it? Or are dreaming about, and talking to others about, the wonders of what you will be able to create with those tools, with the wondrous abilities you have gained, from being a producer of... um, ah... What will you be making? Fun Fantastic Stuff? Maybe? What kind of fun fantastic stuff?
  6. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      So answer to "what for" is simply, "for everything matters".

      I didn't had an instructor nor I had any idea what I was dealing with. I refused to refer to common knowledge about the topic for some concerns. My motto was that "a thinking machine should be able to analyze itself. If it can't, it does not worth much at all" And I'm happy it proved it's worth in my case. But maybe because of the way I chosen to reach to it, it have already taken a while...

    3. Lazysheepherd


      ... while and painful experiences to get only so far.

      Inner noise is sourced from inconsistencies within. Integrity is the key to have a quiet inner world. And inner integrity is something pretty expensive to ask for! You need to sacrifice a lot to pay for it. It is not a common thing to acquire. Simply because, the price won't worth it if you do not have a great reason to ask for it.

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Should be noted however, those of course, are not words of a wise sage. They all can be false, since they all sourced from my thinking and experience. And I'm just 22 atm. I do not mean to disrespect any of yours age and experience with stating those. I just believed you asked sincerely, and trying to answer in kind.
  7. I think I'll never get tired of watching this time by time. http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity Smart, stirring and inspiring: an awesome speech!
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Now I'm glad even more that I shared it! Thanks! What the guy says is a crucial matter and needs to be heard by much people as possible!
    3. Ithildin


      Loved the Shakespeare part too. :D I agree - I hope his talk is the catalyst for schools taking a very different approach, rethinking their priorities.
    4. Deleted54170User


      He's certainly positioned himself in a place where the change should reverberate outward successfully. California! Everything that makes it in California even finds it way into Montana. :- ) Sooner now that we have the Internet. We don't have to wait for the local politicians to come back from party gatherings there anymore. ;- p
  8. At least I have spent a tiny tiny bit of time on discovering classical music. Loved this and couple pieces among first 10-15 piece in the playlist so far.
    I thought I'd share and, as always, I'm open to suggestions =)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      CinderFella, now, that was a movie comedy! Watch the, "Jerry Lewis Cinderfella dance". It's header is too long to paste here.
    3. Lazysheepherd


      LOL! Cinderfella looks like a fun movie to watch =)
    4. Deleted54170User


      I found the short clip on "Jerry Lewis Cinderfella dance" on YouTube. It is a fun movie with the Jerry Lewis touch. Even just the short clip is a tribute to his talent.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      They selected what they believed were the best of the best. They drove out the rest. They became the force. But is it a good force or a bad force? Have we seen the growing masses meld their skills like they did with MORROWIND, since? You folks that were here before I arrived are all that remains of the masses that once populated thenexus.com.. Is outer space gaming really where we humans want to go. I vote yes! But I'd rather be in a simulation game where it isn't limited to the...
    3. Deleted54170User
    4. brokenergy


      FoS is basically meaningless in the Internet due to people not understanding what FoS means.
  9. Changed my mind. What about a GIF time?
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ithildin


      Aww! :3 That's one thing I'd love to do: adopt a Siamese kitten and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy at the same time so they're friends. (My favorite breeds.) I'll bet whenever a strange dog came near your house trying to chase your cat, your dog fought it off because the cat was *family*. Dogs and cats raised in the same household are very loyal to each other, and I love that.


      Along those same lines, I once saw a cat who'd been raised in a pet store that was i...

    3. Ithildin


      ... ignoring all of the caged birds behind him, while staring out the shop's window at a wild bird outside and chattering excitedly. You could tell he wanted to try to catch it. The birds in the same room with him were his family, but the wild bird looked like prey.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Peace and Good Will to you and yours. Wonders of Peace GIFs: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/give-peace-a-chance#.vbJMAz4G2
  10. You can have some history guys http://www.stupidgifs.com/images/full/51.gif hehe. No offending pls.
  11. Yet another YT link.
    I just love this commercial! =)
    1. Ithildin


      LOL, I can see why! XD I think I like the kitty best, little high-pitched shriek.
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Hehe... interesting commercial. Though wouldn't wear that beehive in public.
    3. Lazysheepherd


      @Ith yes it is cute also =) I think my favorite is the last one. 'The old dovahkiin' =D

      @Nighty Hehe. I suppose I'm more a mechanical-minded guy. If it can come handy as expected, I'd use is anywhere =)

  12. It's good to watch Vsauce. 'As always.' =P
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      Fascinating stuff ... really surprising, too. For instance, I can't remember ever hearing the name Thomas Midgley, Jr. before. The way he met his demise seems karmic, in light of the damage CFCs and leaded gasoline have done.
    3. AliasTheory


      That's pretty interesting. Michael has a fairly interesting history, himself:

    4. Ithildin


      Wow, impressive fellow! :O
  13. There's a Hacker character and skills inside you, but you do not know it yet! Don't believe so? Visit: http://hackertyper.com :D
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Yay! Hackertyping party! I believe I will pack all my toys and move to a place where coffee is the normal daily drink. I have heard the country Turkey has the best coffee! :- ) Now where did I put my thinking cap? It is a requirement for me to continue. Thinking, that is! ;- p
    3. Ithildin


      Love that link; great find! Almost makes me feel like I know what I'm doing. XD


      A world without social media (except Nexus) sounds good to me - bring on the kitty photos!

    4. Lazysheepherd


      LOL ith.

      Hmm. Good to see so much fellow non-socialMedia people.

      *hugs all*

      And yes dear 5746, we should definitely let Nexus running as it is! =)

  14. I keep inventing literally 'brilliant' ideas. It is really most thrilling before I rush to my computer to Google it to see if something similar has found yet. This time it is 1960. Damn. Damn. Damn.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      "Evolutionary computation"

      Which seems first implemented in 1960 :D

      I really wonder if I will invent something un-invented one day, haha!

    3. Ithildin


      Impressive ... had to Google it myself, since I wasn't familiar with it. Wikipedia using the phrase "metaheuristic or stochastic optimization" was over my head, but otherwise the entry seemed to explain things well. I had to make a couple of "side trips" to find out what "metaheuristic" and "stochastic" meant. What sort of application were you thinking of when the concept occurred to you? Robotics, maybe, or something else?
    4. Lazysheepherd


      I am not familiar to any of those terms also. Like I said, didn't even knew that kind of branch existed. So I also had couple trips around articles. =)

      Well, evolutionary computation is a wide concept. I was not thinking about optimization. Rather more self generating entities. Closest title would be AI, I suppose. It's kinda complicated than it looks.

  15. Now my computer has Pikachu syndrome. I cannot keep it in hibernating position when I wanted to. It keeps getting out and opening itself at randomly. '-.-
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      So, seems I persuaded Pikachu to stay in the pokéball. All is good for now =)
    3. Ithildin


      Terrific work! :D *cheers*
    4. Lazysheepherd
  16. No room for me!? I went to internet provider to ask why my connection is not yet work. Gasped by the answer. "Sir, infrastructure of your street does not support another phone or internet connection. Sorry"
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ithildin


      There are many internet providers available in the U.S., brok. How much competition there is depends on where you live. Rural/isolated Vashon Island had mainly Dish Network satellite service available when I lived there ~17 years ago. Looks like some Vashon residents use CenturyLink, DIRECTV, Comcast, Blaze Wi-Fi, and HughesNet now. Angie's List claims there are 126 ISPs available for Vashon, but that number sounds ludicrously high. Worldwide? Don't know how accurate this is, either:...
    3. Ithildin


      ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cable_Internet_providers


      Sorry for derailing your thread, Lazysheepherd. -_-

    4. Lazysheepherd


      I'm alive and online now. '-.-

      Oh, but Nexus has been very silent as well!

      @Ith No problem. We may call it as change of rails instead =) I believe we have just opening titles here, not whole threads. That's actually I find it more fun =)

  17. Moving from countryside to big city... Awkward times waiting for me, I'd guess.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      ...good wishes! =D
    3. Deleted54170User


      I bought a flask from the city near where I live yesterday. There are words on it that say, "I only drink to forget how old I am." I'm saving it for one of those people I've met who is sadden by their age. I've met a few Old Farts who are down and out. I'll probably give the flask to a friend I have known who did not get my meaning and/or take it like "advice to take with a grain of salt". Enjoy your adventure into the thick and rich offsprings who took from th...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ... the farm a wealth of knowledge to share into the city, cities are also known as Chaos and Whineries. >;- }
  18. Guess what!? It's Medieval Music time! =D
    1. Deleted54170User


      Wow! My mind almost prepped me for a foot race at the start of the music. LOL
    2. brokenergy


      I thought it was Footloose. YOU LIED TO ME!
    3. Ithildin


      I like it - lively and stirring. :)
  19. Today was special for some. Many people gone to bed with greater self-confidence today. With belief they have influence over their life. Hail! Hail! Hail! All hail the DEMOCKERY!!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      It was presidential elections here. It was a rage status update, sorry all for that. I just really cannot stand those... >.>

      And, the Moon was indeed gorgeous! =D


    3. Deleted54170User


      Forgiven. The trials and tribulations we must endure during the elections can be cause moon madness because we know what's going on. Let me guess? The crowds went wild like a bunch of people who were trying out for the high school role of cheer leaders. After all the cheering and shouting fizzled out the people stopped jumping up and down. The dust settled and, AND, The guy with the most support who got tons of donation money won! Yes, the great familiar old man in the moon whose...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ... face graces it in outer space can look lovely at night. LOL
  20. Is it somehow wrong to love and listen this??
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      .. when you are also relatively calm.

      But what's interesting is: if you trying to focus after a long, tiring and also perhaps troublesome day, it is good to use more noisy and repeating ones. And I suppose that's the reason why it works better;

      When you get used to that noise in the background, it effects you less. It should be something that can overwhelm other shouting voices coming inside of your mind, and from a noisy environment around you. You focus to that, and get us...

    3. Lazysheepherd


      ...and get used to that, where it will no longer distract you, and it blocks any lesser noises from around or within =)
    4. AliasTheory


      I actually agree with that. Playing some upbeat, faster-paced music can help me to concentrate when I get more on the tired side. Sometimes I just listen to techno remixes of the same things all night while crunching math.

      I also did mention Coffitivity. Rainymood works well too.

      There's also this: http://vip.aersia.net/vip.swf

  21. You have very exceptional screenshots sir. Congratulations.
    1. gtf323


      Thank you very much! Really glad that you liked my shots!
  22. Hey! Stopped by to say that ur' avatar is pretty cool =D
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      DLC's sound awesome for you, hope you get them soon, haha

      And how do you do these days? (gotta ask this first next time I suppose? XD)

      You seem not much active here no more recently. Hope stuff going alright =)

    3. zzjay


      Lol indeed im not rly active XD

      but im doing fine..i kinda miss comments and stuff...i got hooked up on lol and now i got school too

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Haha, evidently, yes =)

      Good to hear that you're fine also! Oh, and you must tell me about lol and stuff. Haven't played it!

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