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Status Replies posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. Oh, where to even start!? I've formed great friendships on here Nexus forums. I've written my first code for TES:IV Oblivion, inspired by NexusMods. Then I've become a self-taught software engineer and worked professionally. Started and failed a startup. On the second one right now, and things are going good. Today I've randomly got reminded of Nexus, and great folks here. Love and miss you all! Hope you are all doing great!?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      That is really good to hear! Hope you'll get the vaccine soon.


      Ah yes. It's already beyond masks on the mental level right now I guess. I was waiting on a long queue in a coffee shop the other day, and I've realized that I even missed waiting in a queue somewhere. I've actually enjoyed it, imagine that! haha

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Oh, where to even start!? I've formed great friendships on here Nexus forums. I've written my first code for TES:IV Oblivion, inspired by NexusMods. Then I've become a self-taught software engineer and worked professionally. Started and failed a startup. On the second one right now, and things are going good. Today I've randomly got reminded of Nexus, and great folks here. Love and miss you all! Hope you are all doing great!?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Hello Ithildin, great to be talking to you! Such a nostalgia )


      Thank you for the great quote and encouragement! Sure, if I am still breathing, everything can and probably will fail. I'll just keep starting over ^.^


      How is everything with you? How are you doing? Really hope everything is going great for you!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Yeah, read it below, congratulations on that. And on process of getting a new PC.
    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey guys wish me luck for my interview on Tue
  5. A Festivus for the rest of us! Happy Festivus! Please donate to the Human Fund to make the world the better place
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Awesome piece, thanks for sharing and... welcome back! =)
  6. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Ah, no. I haven't watched any. It was first time I heard of them when you mentioned. I really do not spend much time on movies. If I am to watch a movie once in a while, I pay some effort to check if that would worth the time. I have watched the trailer of last Mad Max movie. Seems a lot of action is going on in the movie. If you suggest it I'd try to watch it sometime.
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Today I have found myself reading Chuck Norris facts. o.O How about that?
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
  9. Hello all! I won't be around for a while. Good luck to you all in your life!
    Me loves you all!
    1. Lazysheepherd


      It should have been an interesting trip! Let's do that together sometime! =)

      And I dare to dream of having a digital agency. To do what I do for more reason than monthly paychecks.

      There's to much variables. I'll just play best I could and see the result, old man. =)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      *The user is in depression of realization of he can never again post something equally poetic as his previous post*
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Yes, I'm still with the living
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Good to have you on this... or... *checks own position* Oky to have you on 'that' side! =)

      Have fun with the living, I suppose.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. *sneaks in* Helloes! =) How's going?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      *Takes couple steps in*

      Not feral but still fearless,

      Not to judge but to listen,

      Not with revelations but with realizations,

      Not as a kind faker but as a little evil for greater good,

      Here I have come, not as a hater but much like the mad hatter;


      Salutes you, The mad herald to tell unheard!


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm back! O.O ...79 Notifications?? Seems you've been chatty in the meantime! =)
  14. Hello all! I won't be around for a while. Good luck to you all in your life!
    Me loves you all!
    1. Lazysheepherd


      I'm ba... :O NO comments on the music!? Mh.. I still love that piece anyways. =D

      Thank you all, and *hugs all* =)

      I've been so much busy both day & night with business stuff. Now it's falling into routine for some time, so I'm glad to back!!

      Missed you guys all! ;)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Should be noted however, those of course, are not words of a wise sage. They all can be false, since they all sourced from my thinking and experience. And I'm just 22 atm. I do not mean to disrespect any of yours age and experience with stating those. I just believed you asked sincerely, and trying to answer in kind.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ... while and painful experiences to get only so far.

      Inner noise is sourced from inconsistencies within. Integrity is the key to have a quiet inner world. And inner integrity is something pretty expensive to ask for! You need to sacrifice a lot to pay for it. It is not a common thing to acquire. Simply because, the price won't worth it if you do not have a great reason to ask for it.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      So answer to "what for" is simply, "for everything matters".

      I didn't had an instructor nor I had any idea what I was dealing with. I refused to refer to common knowledge about the topic for some concerns. My motto was that "a thinking machine should be able to analyze itself. If it can't, it does not worth much at all" And I'm happy it proved it's worth in my case. But maybe because of the way I chosen to reach to it, it have already taken a while...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  18. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      "My mind" was the answer I found to both the two questions that I keep as the most basic of all in my life. Those are "What do I really possess?" and "What can I really accomplish?" Which are both sub-categories of the main question "What I am?". So knowing my mind/myself was going to be base variable of everything I will perceive, everything I will reason and everything I will do.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      That's what I feel personally, and that's what I am going to keep doing. We can think, and our thinking changes many things around. I believe that brings responsibility on us. And with globalization and technology we have today, more than ever since the beginning of humanity.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      And dear Pagafyr, at this point of time, we need much people as possible to do critical thinking about everything affects their behavior. And for myself, I believe doing that on me is the only way to protect my dignity against myself. I'm talking about "what I am do I think?".
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      First thing is first, thank you @Ithildin for the article and the poem. It is a nice one =) And somewhere in the article, I found a link to Jenny Joseph herself reading 'Warning'.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  22. Echoing Pagafyr: https://medium.com/@helena/the-purge-what-happens-when-you-unfollow-everyone-on-the-internet-7b05a27efae1?source=email-88facc5f8edd-1423058652610-daily_digest This great article illustrates a great principle. To get most out of that principle, I invite everyone to re-consider the principle in the article, but this time replace 'internet' with 'life' and 'networks' with 'norms'. Internet life is not only clutter we have ;-)
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Great Daniel Kahneman gloriously proves it in scientific theories and receives a Nobel prize for that. I'm currently reading his "Thinking, Fast and Slow" http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0374533555 I recommend that.
    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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