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Status Replies posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Where do our thinking separate?

      I do see those wrong events or products. Believe me, it also annoys me deeply feminine or sex to be used in such... unjust ways and for cheap purposes. It really drives me crazy too! >.> But what happens is, I think it is a 'symptom'. (Sorry if I use medical terms wrong here but you are the biologist, not me =) )

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  2. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      As I said, I can also complain about many other daily things; I believe the current products of our technology, or our civilization(!) is nothing but embarrassing.

      > A qualified yes. I do think we have many problems, wrong thoughts, wrong actions.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  3. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Do I think is there a problem at all?

      Believe me on this, I am a very nitpicking person about everything I encounter. And there's helloads of stuff I can complain about. And I can understand what you mean and what you feel when you mention about pandering built-in impulses of humans or misuse and abuse of feminine.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  4. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      When a problem occurs what would I do?

      Everyone has their own way to deal with stuff. For me, it is; "If there's something wrong going on, it is needed to be fixed. There's job to do!"

      I know what each human can do. Each one of us contain tremendous amount of power to change our environment. However, that power is greatly wasted. Because of 'denial', most of the time.

      > When a problem occurs, I honestly seek a realistic way to act and solve it.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  5. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      It will shape views of some people who read or comment here, and with chain reaction, will shape the media which has been shaping back the people. It is a computable force and result. But however, it is being computable does not necessarily mean it is strong enough to be the desired counter-action.

      > Yes, it is sometimes worth to discuss.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  6. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Does this worth something?

      Fist of all, I agree with most of what you said, and feeling the same way. Only thing we may not agree, is 'what to do about it'. Let me say, I also believe the effect of media and public attempts to shape it. That is means that I believe we being discussing this here and opposing it, will have some effect on the future.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  7. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Well then, firstly, I'd like to say, and as you may observed already, I do not take side in this kind of discussions. I wrote to fix the impression given in my first posts that I am supporting the Witcher and others to have explicit sex scenes. I don't. However, for my attempt to state it in a vague way, has failed. Which brings us to part I either fall silent, or get people frowning with things I say. *sigh* I will go on...
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  8. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ..sword, etc. Still, I'm happy with gore level options in those games, even if I never use them. To the point, I agree that you don't need sex scenes to show two people are intimate. But showing that would make artists job a lot easier to give the sense. So I believe that statement already is an excuse. And it is pure choice to include such scenes. If you really feel need to stress that they having sex, you can just imply it. You do not need any explicit scenes even for that.


    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  9. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      A good example would be 'gore' settings of FPS's(generally). I do not have any problem with gore. Even when I am not supporting the violance. You know, it would not provide me any fun or interest to torture virtual people in Manhunt series, or slash a throat and rip off a head with a shovel in Postal series. But when I empty a magazine-full of bullet on a foe in a FPS, I'd like to have some blood splashing out of them to ground and walls. =) Or in Skyrim with a swing of a swor...
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  10. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Nothing would change in my life with or without them. But still, my stance to those is still respecting to who is interested in those, and most importantly, appreciative to filtering options. So, for people who is not interested to see such content in their game but have been enjoying the series, there should be at least options to provide an experience from game as if those scenes were never a part of the game in the first place.
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  11. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      My comment was clearly off-topic. Just wanted to comment on some detail I noticed. I would like it to interpreted as neutral to main topic. And to allow that, I'll state my thoughts about the topic;

      Firstly, I am stranger to the Witcher. Never played, never watched any video about(until today), or never read about(again, until today). I never see any point in cartoon nudity or sex. As a common example, adult images or mods around here have never drawn my attention.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  12. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ...some reference to a source. Hope I did not derailed the post here. Just wanted to make some "CSI media". *yawns* I really need some sleep >.>
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  13. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ...excluding etc. the final data will be even shorter. And that, we cannot really guess accurately. Depends on how much the directors are nitpicking. To take a guess, we would need many more variables about the process. So, only thing article telling me is the game is going to contain more than a few sexual scene. And that in this way or that, writers of the article on PCGamer is aiming to activate some cognitive biases on readers to attract more attention than it deserves. Or, I missed some...
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  14. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ...has quotes from a guy with 'senior game designer' title on the W3. Quotes contain nothing about '16 hours' or 'mo-cap'. Only reference containing those words is this tweet:
      and it says "...it took 16 hours to record mo-cap material..." which only corresponds about 2 workdays. And as we all know that recording times for video or mo-cap should be a lot more than the outcome, and by filtering, excluding...
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  15. You don't need 16 hrs of sex mo cap just to show two people intimate. Just saying... http://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-explains-why-the-witcher-3-has-16-hours-of-sex-scene-mo-cap-data/
    1. Lazysheepherd


      I'm little bit annoyed by the article. We all know that articles are being written to attract people. And more controversial the title, more readers you draw. With that stated, I'd like to come to source of my annoyance about he article, which also connected my statement above. Firstly, PcGamer article seems to be derived from The Gurardian article: "...which according to The Guardian contains 16 hours (!) of sex scene motion capture data...". And The Guardian article has...
    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  16. At least I have spent a tiny tiny bit of time on discovering classical music. Loved this and couple pieces among first 10-15 piece in the playlist so far.
    I thought I'd share and, as always, I'm open to suggestions =)
  17. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
  18. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
    1. Lazysheepherd


      App is a good idea really.

      And so la la laaa is =D

      Isn't there any feature request topic on forums for that?

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

    1. Lazysheepherd


      ...work, <--SPOILER ALERT- Ceph warship emerging from the wormhole and all stuff motivated me to search about large spaceships in science fiction.--> Then after seeing couple illustrations of Death Star, I found that article in the wiki =)
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

    1. Lazysheepherd


      Yeah sure! Deciding to oppose or not to people with Death Star is just like deciding clearly, to live or die. =) But tbh, I do not know anything about Star Wars series or characters. (I feel like I should have begun to that sentence with 'forgive me for I've sinned' or something... '-.- ) I was just seeking stimulus or inspiration, or both in big stuff in science fiction. I mean, literally big stuff. After Crysis 3 ending looped for coupe of times in the background as I wo...
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Ain't got no more exams no more
  20. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
    1. Lazysheepherd


      ahh, if I tried to post a sign every time I feel life drawing busy, and another when I'm back, my profile would be self-spammed terribly, haha.

      Especially now, my life is so focused, resulting to be so unpredictable. You know if you focus on many thing at some period, they tend to keep some balance of busyness and mood. Or large percentage = large effect, in math. =)

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

    1. Lazysheepherd


      *sigh* unfortunately broke, I suppose we would need another petition for that too. And some 25.000 people to sign (=

      *joins in Pag with laughing*

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
    1. Lazysheepherd


      anonymouse is currently banned in here currently. I know it because I used it before. After a quick google search, I found anype.com to access anonymouse.org XD

      I have English and Deutsch. And I guess the choice should matter in my case =)

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  22. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
    1. Lazysheepherd


      <.< >.> *cough* anonymouse.org *cough* DNS tricks *cough* freedom of la la la la laaa *cough* ;)

      And broke, I am not much around for I am a night creature again these days. And that isolation. I'm working on stuff. Carrying my personal asocialization record further each day. And needless to say, pissing off family and friends(if any left already) with that.

      *bows* that's how it sounds to be me. >.>


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