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About ZyaKen

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  1. Okay. I have an idea. How about a separate faction mod. One that gives a faction connected to the Imperial leagion. Writing a whole new script that changes the direction of the Thieve's Guild. Where Harmonus Lex, seeks out this specific faction. To infiltrate the Thieve's Guild, bringing the Grey Fox to justice. Where you can still actually unlock the new guild. To expand the nodded faction, as its commanding master.
  2. I've been trying to merge two specific hairstyles for a year, now. And every bit of information I have come across has been ramblings in an unordered direction. I know I need to attach a child node or a child TriShapeNode to the original image. Though. Because this is a situation where I've never had to do this. I don't know where, exactly a child would be located. Or how to create one if I needed to do that.
  3. I apologize for the double repeat. I'm having to use a crappy phone.
  4. There is a way to accomplish this. Modded weapons from a mod, can be middified, as such. Such as; I took a modded Sword and modified it to do mass damage of 6000, per blow. With a fire and a Prime mess effect, which usually causes enemies to explode, as where their body meat stays inflamed for a short period. Causing burn damage to other attackers, nearby. (At least I think it does). Though. I was hoping to do this with a Samurai sword, since I find it crap that out of all of Fallout 3. Not one genuine Samurai sword exists in the game.
  5. There is a way to accomplish this. Modded weapons from a mod, can be middified, as such. Such as; I took a modded Sword and modified it to do mass damage of 6000, per blow. With a fire and a Prime mess effect, which usually causes enemies to explode, as where their body meat stays inflamed for a short period. Causing burn damage to other attackers, nearby. (At least I think it does).
  6. I for one have none. No friends Or family. It has been this way for me for over 25 years. I have no ability to garner me an education so I've spent most of my existance. Trying to learn anything I can. Like NifSkope. Which I now can design cloths, though only for Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Though. Now I want to learn how to fuse two hairstyles For Fallout 3. And even though I've had NifSkope for over two years, now. I still don't understand what needs to be done. Though. Living without anothers conversation. Your creations become like a child. All you own becomes like a living person you would care for. Anything you create becomes signiphocant. And your obsession with these items, become emotionally tied. The room around you becomes a cell in an empty prison. Where only your own echoes are sounds bouncing inside your head. These vioces become your new and only friends. As the images you create, become their visages. This is what it means to be alone.
  7. I for one have none. No friends Or family. It has been this way for me for over 25 years. I have no ability to garner me an education so I've spent most of my existance. Trying to learn anything I can. Like NifSkope. Which I now can design cloths, though only for Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Though. Now I want to learn how to fuse two hairstyles For Fallout 3. And even though I've had NifSkope for over two years, now. I still don't understand what needs to be done. Though. Living without anothers conversation. Your creations become like a child. All you own becomes like a living person you would care for. Anything you create becomes signiphocant. And your obsession with these items, become emotionally tied. The room around you becomes a cell in an empty prison. Where only your own echoes are sounds bouncing inside your head. These vioces become your new and only friends. As the images you create, become their visages. This is what it means to be alone.
  8. Hello. I've been working with NifSkope for nearly a year. And I've managed to make some really awesome cloths for ( Children of The Waste). For my Character. Though. There are two hairstyles I would like to fuse, together. Though unfortunately every video or written information, is in an understanding I can't comprehend. What I would like to know, is what exactly is it I do? To merge these two hairstyles. And what choice in the right click block, would be the appropriate way to add the pasted NiNode as a child.
  9. I'm using the mod ( RobCo Certified) and wondered if there was a Console command id, for the RobCoWrench?
  10. Hello. I've recently started using Nifscope and I'm wanting to put two hair styles togather into one. Thing is..How do you acomplish this and what exact Ninodes do you use for parent and child nodes?
  11. Hello. I just recently installed Nifscope and am a beginner at this routine. I've only created a few new-looking cloths with other cloths that were compatible. I don't understand that which I'm looking at , so I have to figure out how and what to click through constant mistake. Hoping it turns out as I intend it to. I would like to know how you create a parent and child NiNode. As I understand it here. Nearly any two meshes can be combine as long as one is a child and the other a parent NINode. And which NINode over-branches the other? I'm trying to fix my character up in Fallout 3.
  12. Fallout. What a game. In every one you bust your hiney to become a warrior...and then die for people who don't give a crap, just cause everyone, except the player should live forever. It would've been nice to know at the end of it all, that whatever choice you made. You had the opportunity of seeing the outcome of you're choice, like the Divide. A Game like Skyrim that continues until the player is satisfied.. And Skyrim? Now this is a good game. Been playing it since Bethesda released it. Lots of power being Dovahkin. If only after defeating alduin people would look towards the worship of real-raw-power, instead of some statue that used an entire army instead of ( like the Dovahkin, which kick's everyone's buttocks mostly by themselves.) At least showing (Us, "The Player) dignity, for all they've done. This is very big down-trot for serious players. That's why I use alot of Skyrim Mods. Or any Mod for that matter. That re-scripts Attitude-Imposing npc's, adds unatainable items like Guns in Skyrim. If they're stupid enough to talk garbage to a Terminator/Rambo. That Player can choose to become their worst nightmare. Now as for Fallout 4? This would be an excellent thing if it was modified for PC offline and a continual that lasted until the Player had they're fill. Not another "play until it's time to die" situation. This gets old.
  13. I would like to ask a question. I just recently began using nifscope and so far, only know how to remove pieces of armor. I read that G.E.C.K. is needed for nifscope. So I've tried installing it and keep getting an error about a dll file which is present. Does G.E.C.K. require some sort of file reader to install properly?
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