I know this is old as hell, but it recently happened to me and it was annoying me. I copied the quest in creation kit and checked "Allow Reserved" on all the quest parts/scripts. I saved it as an esp and started it in console under the new name. I kept using the console to advance the quest until I got to the locked vault containing the prototype at the switchboard. On a whim, I used the console to summon Deacon. Surprisingly, he started talking to me as if we were at the church and just starting the quest. He told me meet him at the overpass and the proper quest line started. From there, it continued like normal, finished, and even went on to the next quest line. I still had the cloned version of tradecraft in my journal, so I used the console to complete it. Can't swear this would work for anyone else or not break something else, but it worked for me regardless of how ugly and clumsy it is. I'll attach the esp I made. The quest name is TCRadioRR102. Sorry, I was trying to do something a lot more complicated when I named it. Attached is the esp. Just rename it. Everything but the name of the quest is a clone of Tradecraft/RR102 (quest steps) 1. enable esp 2. setstage TCRadioRR102 50 3. continue using console to advance quest if Deacon and the others won't talk to you. 4. Advance quest until you're at the switchboard vault holding Dr. Dickbird's prototype. 5. Summon Deacon to you using console. 6. Talk to deacon. Hopefully, this will start the proper version of Tradecraft. You may be able to get him to talk to you sooner. Idk. 7. Complete Tradecraft normally. 8. Use completequest TCRadioRR102 console command to finish/remove RR102 clone version