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Everything posted by surg23

  1. Got it sorted now. Just had to remove "stopquest" entry from script, works like a charm.
  2. Well i guess it's not a resource problem. Apparently both parent files are automatically loaded. I've only found a handful of "can't save script" threads on the net and all seem inconclusive. I have even searched the GECK wiki for the error and no results.
  3. So after my numerous googling attempts i've narrowed it down to the Items and/or resources for the items the script is calling for are not loaded in GECK. Well since i literally started modding today, i have no clue about how i would load 2 files simultaneously. I am simply opening my favorite armor mod ESP, setting it to Active and loading it, then making the included armors appear in a vendor list instead of just lying about. I understand that this ESP has a parent file, which is Anchorage DLC - So could someone please tell me how i can load what i need from Anchorage while having the mod ESP loaded ? EDIT: I just noticed i can import things under the "Edit" tab, would importing "Gamesettings" from "Anchorage.esp" help my cause here ?
  4. Gah, i'm stuck. Whenever i try to save my script it says "Line18: Item 'yourQuest' not found for parameter quest" I saved my quest and it's in the quest list. The Bethsoft tutorial didn't say anything about adding an ID for it, so the ID field is blank. Is that what the error is about ? This is what the script looks like: Scn yourQuestAddItemsScr Begin gameMode VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateAdd001 3 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateAdd003 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateAdd003a 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001glad 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001gladns 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001imp 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001impns 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001jian 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001jianns 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001light 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001lightns 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor001ns 1 VendorContainerTulipRef.additem 3EFdrgplateArmor002 1 stopquest yourQuest End Where line 18 is the "Stopquest yourQuest" It's not happy about this line, but i've followed the tutorial to the letter. :O
  5. Okay, i'm in the process of making a script for the items, but do i need a new quest and script for each different item i want to add to the container ? - If not can someone share an example of how to string more items onto a single script please ?
  6. Hi there, I am trying to add items to a NPC vendor list/container, but how do i find which container/s belong to this NPC in the object window ? EDIT: I found it, but i had to search manually. Would still like to know if there's an easier way though.
  7. You could try RH-IronSights mod and use the Gun Oil to set hand drift to minimum. Works while using Iron sights, might work with sniper too. If you intend on trying this don't forget to grab the FWE bridge as well.
  8. Today i was picking herbs in the forest and had a chance encounter with a traveling Argonian, who i think was selling illegal substances, apparently he didn't like how i asked him if it was legal and a fight broke out. Though he was using bare fists and i beat him into submission soon after. I sheathed my weapon and he accepted my surrender, replying "It was good doing business with your friend" I then conducted business with him and bought some rare potion i have never seen before. So i thanked him and went on my merry way, feeling good about ending that dispute without bloodshed, but then from behind i hear a gasping wheezing sound, i turn around just as the Argonian collapses to his death. Turns out the poor sod had been drinking this rare fortify health potion during the fight haha! Skyrim is a big game, and i still find new and interesting stuff like this 300 hours in, gotta love that. :thumbsup:
  9. If you don't kill the Captive you will get a bounty. Yeah, he reports you after you save him ... jerk! I guess i should add, that you won't get a bounty if you free the prisoner first, that way the guards become hostile first. It's self defense from there. You can't just go whack them on principle.
  10. I am truly terrified. I can't even sleep now. :blink: (I wish this forum would let me edit the title. It was supposed to say "screenshots" at the end, but now it just says "scree." Sigh.) I thought "Scree" was the sound you made when you soiled yourself.
  11. Haha, yeah this happened the first time i went down to the basement, freaked the hell out of me. At first i thought there were Dremora invading my home!
  12. Yeah that was probably my fault. I clicked through 100 thread pages last night, back to 11.11 think i broke something lol.
  13. Haha, damn don't be too hard on yourself. Meanwhile with my Assassin i am getting 2-shot killed by the high level bandits, which is kind of annoying, but at least its fun trying to kite them around. Maybe it's time i switched to something better than elven swords that do 20 damage. It might be just me but the stealth mechanics in this game are really buggy/random. Btw is that a stealth Mage you are building ?
  14. That is odd. Have you tried reloading a save prior to when you first experienced the bug ? ... Prior to ever entering that cell maybe. That's all i can think of.
  15. I too have noticed the somewhat degenerative state of Skyrim, though my saves are not that big, between 7-8mb for my level 50 guy and 5-6mb for my lvl 30. But things are surely slowing down, which is really annoying. Can't wait for a savegame editor/cleaner.
  16. This brings back memories of Bloodmoon for Morrowind, where you had direct influence over the worlds evolution with the trading company building quests, that was one of the highlights for me. It would no doubt be awesome if such things existed in Skyrim. The fact that playing different races has almost no impact on NPC's disposition was quite disappointing. If you play as Khajiit, you were magically accepted in Holds across Skyrim, when your friends were left out in the snow. There is a strong feeling of detachment from your own people, knowing you have all the power and wealth in the world, yet you can't even put a roof over your friends that are freezing out in the wild, it's both unrealistic and hurts your ability to role play. I definitely support your ideas, and i would love to see things like: A major quest line unique to each faction. Historically accurate NPC disposition. The ability to influence the world with gained power and wealth. The ability to gift gold to unique or important characters and change their fate. Housing projects with the ability to build your own town and give refuge to your people. Setup trade caravans, merchant shops and more. Influence alliances between races through diplomacy. I guess it might be worth learning how to mod, because i don't like our chances of Bethesda giving us these things.
  17. I'de call you Rip-off because i'm your number 1 customer. Stupid inflated skooma prices!
  18. Those magic traps are some nasty-casty business. Just today i walked over one out of curiosity and it insta-killed me lol! :facepalm:
  19. This is a legitimate gripe, but your guised and misleading question is not. Variety is never a bad thing. It only promotes competition and increases quality of content, you know this. In reply to the question that you were really asking : Is anyone growing impatient for the CK release ? Yes.
  20. Maybe one of the most dynamic fighting styles, but also a class that is inherently static due to the magic skill formula. For me, playing a mage was one of the most boring experiences, simply because you have no control over how effective your magic is, you are essentially governed by a preset magnitude that remains static no matter how you gear or build. This is an RPG is it not ?... But perhaps the biggest flaw with the Mage class is that Magicka, the heart and soul of any spellcaster is meaningless. If anything, they should have learned from other RPG's and made it so Magicka increases spell damage effects per point, as well as perk based skill damage modifiers. Though i wouldn't say that magic is useless in higher levels, it still does some crazy damage, but requires more skill to put its usefulness into effect. I guess it largely depends on what difficulty you play and weather you wear no armor etc.
  21. Once you get used to the intrusive quest system, you can tell when a quest is going to be forced down your throat. When i sense that, i just Tab out of the conversation. Well it works most of the time. I've never been able to bring myself to do that quest for Brynjolf either, even on my Evil character. Maybe it's because i hate Brynjolf and i like the victim.
  22. Good point. Any girls out there wish to comment on this lol? I have often wondered this myself. I have never had the inclination to research that far into it. If i were to guess i would say yes.
  23. Looking at the symmetries of a female body induces our primal instinct to evaluate the potential quality of procreation. Nothing could be more normal or healthy. It's been proven that Men gain improved health just from looking at the naked female form. Good for the mind, good for the body, be it virtual or otherwise it still stimulates these senses. I'de say you have the problem.
  24. But you have to admit it looks kind of cool on evil characters haha!
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