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Everything posted by Cybervore

  1. Here are some references, I love scenes like these and would love to see something similar in-game during firefights, it would be really engaging and fun. If someone could work around what those links entailed, that would be great.
  2. Would be cool to feel like I'm in the movie commando or Terminator when in combat, synthwave and retro and synthpop comes to mind.
  3. Once the GECK comes out, I know modeling/animating will become much more of a thing in Fallout 4. So one the eve before the Geck comes out, I want to get this request out. There is a Manga by Hayao Miyazaki called Nausicaa. In this Manga there is a faction called Torumekia, the aesthetic that they have is unique and cool, and I realized how the Brotherhood and Torumekia are so alike. If someone or a group out there could do that for me, as the huge fan as I am over the manga and feature length film, I would be more then grateful. A little insight on the mangas unviverse: http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/manga/nausicaacharacters.html Reference: http://www.mangareader.net/nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind/5/29 http://www.mangareader.net/nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind/5/27 http://www.mangareader.net/nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind/3/105 A similar mod has been done for Fallout 3, but I want to take it on for a whole faction conversion for the brotherhood if possible.
  4. Doom guy companion and armor, maybe the companion quote things from the game?
  5. I saw that mod not long ago, I installed it and had a go with it. I liked it, definitely,but I think I should be tweaked to where you could at least understand what their saying...otherwise good mod. Honestly I want a synth replacer model like the T-600 or T-800 Terminators, that would be amazing.
  6. Yes I apologize for that ^^;; I am a bit new here.
  7. If someone would make an attempt to replicate the feel and 'Noir' of, preferably the original Terminator movies, and the future war against the machines, that would be more than awesome. Heres a source for modders to work with, and get a feel to what i'm talking about. Reference movie scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYXZyPg04a8 Best regards, thanks
  8. If someone would make an attempt to replicate the feel and 'noir' of, preferably the original Terminator movies, and the future war against the machines, that would be more than awesome. Heres a source for modders to work with, and get a feel to what i'm talking about. Reference movie scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYXZyPg04a8 Best regards, thanks
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