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  1. @ Dark0ne Is there anyway you can make a deal with "some company" using the Cost Per Action model and make their advertisement into a mod of some sort? Nothing that needs to be downloaded, but rather takes you to a page where you fill out whatever information is needed to meet the ad requirements. Give it the same functions as a mod ie.. A description similar to what you've written in this post, and how much $ you get per person that fills out the info. Have it show in the Total Downloads area how many people used it so that we can total up how much money you are making from it. A picture or pictures of the ad. Be able to endorse it so it gains popularity, or just stick it on the main page somewhere. If it's in mod form then it can't be blocked by any ad-blockers. You could tie it in with your throttle system that gives the kb/sec bonuses for successfully filling out the information, and more for endorsing it also. With as good as you write I'm sure you could convince a lot of people into using it. No money transactions by the user, and no ad-block problems. Just lots of money in your pocket, and a better nexus experience for all of us. To you and the rest of the team - Great work on the site. I've enjoyed it for years. I fully support anything you decide to do.
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