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Everything posted by saadus

  1. Manly tears....they have been shed....I dread this news....
  2. just feeling ill today, but other then that, everything has been going pretty good =)
  3. stopping by to see how everything is going. =P I hope its going great.
  4. Hey, my cookies are gone. Have you seen them?
  5. lol dropping by for a peek.
  6. In the Help me part, that was after I inverted the sound, flipped it around, changed speed, pitch, and so on so I can make sense of it.
  7. speaking of all weird stuff that happens in the sky. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/808991-strange-signals-with-strange-lights/ For those interested, take a look/
  8. I was listening to my radio when a strange signal hit. I had no clue what it was, but with me being curious I recorded it and tried to figure it out. At first I thought it could have been just weather, but the sky was clear....except for a strange light. The light took off double the speed of a regular plane and when it left so did the signal. I took a picture with a low resolution camera (normally, I can't take any pictures of the sky and have any image at night. Not even a Harvest Moon) but this picture showed up right on it. http://imageshack.us/a/img29/7139/strangelight.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STjaDYXDd4k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvy-YhGFwTQ I have managed to decode some of the signal, and what I got kind of sends chills down my spine. Please give thoughts, help me figure out what exactly it is I am hearing and what I am seeing. Youtube links provide downloads of the signal. If all else fails, use Youtube Downloader. People who know me know I am logical, analytic, and open minded to any possibility. I am currently trying to decode more, but the more people working on it, the better the chances are we can get something out of it.
  9. Suffers from a rather bad case of "children" :tongue:
  10. Above user is wearing the highly experimental Iron Man Suit 5000, made out of titanium alloy.
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