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Everything posted by zetenrisiel
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
zetenrisiel replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
tnu, search CAGE on the nexus, I believe it's also like the third most popular mod. I haven't tried it myself because after over a year I still haven't brought myself to actually finish a playthrough, I heard it's quite nice. Go outside? No way. My Intelligence and Endurance stats are ok but I took way too many points out of Luck and Charisma. Don't even ask about Strength and Agility. -
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
zetenrisiel replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Don't get me wrong Niv, I love New Vegas. Givw me a few guns and an old abandoned anything and I will spend the next hour digging through to find all the terminals and secrets with a smile on my face. You are right in that I am missing a big part of what appears to be the appeal for longtime fans. I don't however think that I'm the only one who picked the game up as "oblivion with guns" and find enjoyment based on that stance. IMO Obsidian gave a good experience for both types of players, perhaps unintentionally, but now we're hooked too and Bethesda has two fanbases to please and will have to strike a similar balance. For me, stick in all the medicine checks you want just let me keep playing after the ending -
Coca-Cola touched Controversy over airing a new Super Bowl Ad?
zetenrisiel replied to colourwheel's topic in Debates
I don't take issue with Coca Cola marketing to foreigners, but the underlying issue of our National Identity and the contempt for America. I don't think anyone except for the far right wing has a problem with an immigrant, crossing legally, comes here to make a better life for his family. Where I have the problem is when I go to McDonalds and can't understand the cashier, and then getting attitude because I ordered a cheeseburger not a chicken sandwich. I have a problem when I walk into Bank of *America* and can't read any of the signs because they are all in Spanish. We lost custody of my stepson to my wifes abusive ex boyfriend who used a fake social security number to file the case because of a liberal leaning judge. I've had to try and explain the terms and conditions of a cell phone contract to a 7 year old because his mother couldn't be bothered to learn the language. I live in California so my interactions are much more frequent then some, but I will tell you that companies and the media try to shame Americans for their cultural identity, and while Coke itself is not a big deal, it speaks of a much larger issue. -
Affordable Care Act is not a job killer according to the CBO?
zetenrisiel replied to colourwheel's topic in Debates
I agree, while it is good that people don't have to work just to afford healthcare, people leaving the workforce because they are instead relying on a government program just rubs me all kinds of wrong. In reapnse to the report, a quick google search could produce a dozen topics saying this program will kill america and twice as many saying it will save america. The parties can spin it however they want, and technically they are probably both right. My big issue is that any program run by our government runs half as well as it should and costs three times as mucj as it should. Look at our school system. Here in california we dump so much money in our schools, and the teachers are still poor and the kids still have to bring all their supplies, as well as a few extra for the poor kids. I know in my city two functioning schools have been shut down to convert into district offices. In one District, which already has a district offices. That means two full school campuses are no longer teaching, and instead are housing "administrative executives" that do not ever come in contact with the kids. I look at that and wonder why the Healthcare system would be any different. The government has a law thats been on the books for a long time that could create affordable healthcare in a week. Price fixing is illegal, and doctors and health insurance companies have been artificially raising healthcare costs for ever. Thats wjy it costs $200 for a vavcination you can get for free at wal-mart. Because the insurance company will only pay half that, so the doctor doubles the price and people without health insurance get stuck with the full bill. You knock that practice off and healthcare becomes affordable to the common worker, and no huge government entity needs to be created. The problem is Republicans and Democrats alike refuse to admit that they are innefective so they spin these reports and fight, obama laughs at congress for trying to keep him in check like they are supposed to, and I'm getting a tax penalty because I don't want government healthcare. -
Why do so many people NOT want Dual Wielding in the next Fallout?
zetenrisiel replied to OpheliaNeoma's topic in Off-Topic
For those poopoing the idea based on realism, think about two men standing in a field, one has a single gun and one is dual wielding. The dual wielder is at an advantage since he has a clear shot. An accuracy penalty And lacking the ability to "zoom in" would apply and they would run out of bullets twice as fast as well as lack the ability to reload quick/at all, but to deny its a realistic occurence and should be left out or made inferior to single hand is just having rose tinted glasses. In skyrim the only npc that dual wields is an assassin, and an effective parry or block strategy negates this, but there are times when you need to hammer one opponent quickly that two weapons is effective. Same with guns. Rushing in to a raider camp with a gun in each hand is absolutly an effective strategy for mid-close range combat. You would then need to holster/drop one gun or risk a severe disadvantage once the clip is empty, and you woild run out of ammo fast, but having the option, going back to the OP's original point, in no way hampers the game. If an enemy is rushing at you dual wielding, you take him out before he can get close or you run like hell/hide until he has to reload, and since most enemies only carry a clip or two of ammo, chamce are he is done shooting things and easily killable. It's simply another strategy that will only add to the fun of the game. -
How long ago did you download it? I seem to remember reading that there was a new update. I know mine just flat won't connect to the nexus server anymore. As a temporary work around you can just download manually and use the mod manager to add it. If yours can't connect like mine just click "offline" and it will load. Then go to "mods" and click the pizzle peice with the plus sign. You will then get to browse for your file and can add it to tje mod manager that way. Good luck!
CTD about every 30 mins
zetenrisiel replied to cordelionreaver's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
The engine NV runs on is famous for crashing, normally I'd say it's pretty standard once you make it halfway through the game or so to get crashes that often, but if you played previously then idk. One solution I'd check out is the fallout 4gb launcher. I can usually go for over an hour with no problems (honest hearts maybe 20 min lol). I can rarely sit still for much longer than that. I'm not an expert, but I think alot of the problem has to do with how much data the game has to load into the new cell. If it bumps up against the games arbitrary limit the game will crash. I never run more than a dozen or so mods yet nearly without fail my game crashes when exiting mick&ralphs and when entering the mountains south of nellis/ east of the sharecropper farms. My suggestion is to wait a few in-game days for the cells to reset. -
Why was the PC near Goodsprings?
zetenrisiel replied to formalrevya's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
There is a (random?) Encounter near 188 that features a frumentaari dressed as a traveler/ courier. I arrived in time to see him get wasted by a couple of travelling merchants so I didn't get any dialogue but after a year of playing it's nice to still be surprised. Tbh I never though much about this. I figured you were buried in goodsprings so that's where you start. The passage blocked north always did get to me. I don't know how many reloads I went through trying to sneak by the deathclaws. On the topic of sloan, the infestation wasn't *that* recent since the bartender in boulder city mentions the town became deserted after sloan shut down. That wouldn't have happened in a few days, more likely a few weeks. If the courier had planned on going north, they would have been in for a surprise. -
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
zetenrisiel replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Yes i exaggerated, and your point about replay value is what I was talking about specifically. I don't want to replay it. I want a persistant world where my decisions mean something to it. For you replay and making different decisions may be fun. We both are fans of the game but we want different things. That's what i was saying. A specific example other than Gannon would be Veronica and vault 22. If you did the quest foe Ncr, even with Veronica with you, her personal quest is never resolved down that avenue. Even if (spoiler) she was three feet away when I deleted the data(/spoiler) Another since I just finished it, is Honest hearts. You are forced down an irrevocable path, which is fine, but then at the last scene with Joshua you are forced into a dialogue check, which you were totally unprepared for and will likely fail unless you knew enough from a wiki or previous playthrough to plan ahead for. There are similar situations in OWB and most especially Dead Money. Going to the Sierra Madre at lv 15, you would have had to consciously put points into medicine from nearly the start of the game, certainly well before the DlC in order to be able to pass the check to save dog/god. Many times the skill checks are moderately appropriate, but for a gunslinging treasure hunter/gambler to have medicine at 75 or 80 by level 20 is unrealistic for a blind playthrough. On a side quest sure, but if you stick it in a main quest and make it your *only* dialogue option it leaves me unsatisfied that the game chose my answer, not me. My response was more in regard to the earlier posts. I dont mind the graphics but the world doesn't seem finished. Most of the vegas outskirts are fully built places with nothing of note. I woukd rather walk through a huge area of nothing to find one neat secret that have an area like the housing part of primm, which serves no purpose storywise and has inly generic NPCs that dont even interact with the rest of the town. -
Modding Bramhin caravan and towns
zetenrisiel replied to JoKelly's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Well considering all of the games with the gamebryo engine and script extenders have never been able to implement this to my knowledge, I think the limitation is with the game engine, not you. Even skyrim had trouble with carriages and had to cut it. Seems like the havok physics just doesn't handle vehicles well -
I remember reading somewhere that several MOD mods were already out so they did it to prevent conflicts with those mods. That may not be based in any fact though, and i agree. It bums me out when I find a powerful weapon and the end up not using it because I can't mod it, only to have it never show up at gun runners
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
zetenrisiel replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I've read both sides of the argument, and I think it boils down to Which side of the fence you are on. It seems long time fans enjoy new vegas more, while bethesda fans tend toward the "shallow" world of F3. Personally, I tend to like the latter. Give me a world, make it "breathe" and I'll invent my own narrative thank you very much. Having said that: I like new vegas, but the fact that it's SO deep frustrates me. Having to talk with Arcade Gannon whilst standing in front of primm and having at least three apples in my inventory and choosinG dialogue option 2 in the beginning of the game in order to get his quest is not my idea of fun. I think Bethesda is going to catch a lot of flak no matter what they do. Just as ESO fans and TES fans will no doubt differ on what kind of game TESVI should be, so will FO fans and FO3 fans will try to pull the series in different directions -
what did yoy enjoy about Dead Money?
zetenrisiel replied to BlackSampleAdmin's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I'm having a hard time coming back to it. I loved the story and was not bothered by losing my gear. For me that was half the fun to say "alright, how tough am i without my superweapons and 20 stimpaks?" The villa could have been much smaller or cut out entirely for all i care. Having to go up the stairs, through the wall, across the board, around the cloud, over the roof just to get an item was needlessly tedious. The radio was fun for about 5 min until i realized it was just a gimmick to prolong my journey As was posted before the self destruct thing at the end was annoying because it seemed like you could avoid it but "nope here you go anyway". I didn't mind the loot tease and spent alot of time angry that I couldnt leave with it all, but that was part of the "message" of the story, and i really like when a game makes me feel something like that. I really want to do it on my current playthrough, but i think I'll have to get a few mods to get me through the villa -
Why Do You Play Fallout NV?
zetenrisiel replied to KKrueger's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Honestly, it's pretty much just to shoot stuff. The points about immersing yourself in an environment and using a game as a storyboard are true here as well, I have notebooks full of adventures that were thought up by me and played out in a game universe. I tend to favor fantasy settings but FNV was on sale and looked like a modern age version of Oblivion, so I bought it. I'm not a huge fan of the Fallout lore and universe( what do you mean the game ENDS!?) But it is nice as a sanbox futuristic shooter. Lately I've been using it to flesh out a sci fi character who has been thrown into a primitive world. The settings are different but it's close enough. -
Nexus Mod Manager not signing in
zetenrisiel replied to LordChipps's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
As a workaround you can download manually and then load it from NMM in offline mode. -
I honestly prefer The type 6, many people view it as too skinny/barbie, which i don't disagree with, but it's the only one I've found that minimizes the gumby shoulders. This may be a moot point since I wear armor over it but it irritates me because I know it's there. One thing to keep in mind as well is that the horrible posture affects the body as much as the proportions. Even the vanilla body is vastly improved by an idle animation that removes the slouch.
strange things happening in fallout new vegas
zetenrisiel replied to seargentbingle's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Just a thought here, since you uninstalled, add back your mods a couple at a time until you experience the glitch again. As far as enb i dont use it but may e try the 4gb mod to boost performance. -
@sajuukkhar9000 Where did you get this info? I have heard of the dragon breaks but have found very little information on them. Also this is the first I've heard of akatosh being separate from auriel. Your information is interesting. If you could provide a link I would greatly appreciate it.
I know the dawnguard weapons are enchantable, even with the vampire damage enchant on there, so I would imagine the others would as well, but as for breaking the quest idk.
Mine went dashing off after a mudcrab my familiar was attacking and right into a giant camp. I resurrected her with a mod spell and she dropped all pretense and just started hacking away at a mammoth. I assume she died because as soon as the giants began making tracks for me I ran like a sissy back to whiterun and never looked back
Y'know, every now and then I come across something that makes me laugh and repeat it all day. Kudos Sierra, I will never be able to buy a weapon skyrim without giggling again.
I prefer CBBE, with the custom body slide that recreates th HGEC from oblivion, but I switched back to UNP since I like the style of the armors that are release for it. CBBE is nice when its not over the top but since I don't run around naked much I chose UNP
I'm not bored with it yet, but one thing Skyrim lacks for me is the exploration that oblivion had. Bethesda tried to put more content into a smaller area, but half the fun of oblivion was galloping out west of Kvatch into the wilderness and finding all the neat stuff out there. With skyrim as first glance it seems like there's a lot to explore but when you are constantly being blocked by mountains trees and steep slopes it really does give a limited feel to the game. I've never been one for dungeon crawling, I like my world open and accessible. Which is why after completing a faction quest I usually start a new character.
I found out about Oblivion about two years before skyrim, when the mod scene seemed to be in full swing. And to tell you the truth I never really played the game as it was originally meant to be played. I was level 2 running around in silverlight armor with sanwa's 2680 sword on my HGEC Cute Elf, Wielding Midas Spells all over Glimmerstone Keep. It was a blast for a bit but I never got more than a superficial inkling of the lore and depth of the Elder Scrolls Games( I had a friend who used to go on and on about Morrowind, but I was a console gamer at the time and never paid much attention.) My advice is to wander around a bit, notice all the little details the Developers put in to every cell. There are corpses and abandoned camps that tell a story without one single line of dialogue. I must have run by the ruined wagon in the Rift a hundred times before I noticed the little parchment stuck to the nearby signpost warning traders to stay clear of the giant camp. Little stuff like that can really make your trip fun. I f you are like a lot of folks on here and have already ferreted out every secret the game holds, try DLing a couple player made quests. Sure they may be short and definitely not as flashy as a new Armor set, but the modders really put a lot of work into these and release them for other's enjoyment, not just to hit some deadline or fill some quest quota for an area. (I'm looking at you Temba Wide-Arm...) Or if all you care about is pushing the game to the limit of it's code and beyond with big flashy OP weapons, buxom babes and 4 dragon followers at the same time, that is certainly your prerogative( And quite fun in it's own right), I just think you are cheating yourself out of a lot of interesting moments by passing over all the little mods that the community puts so much care into making.
Like others, I really haven't had this problem until my current playthrough, in which I decided to go sword and board in nothing but imperial light armor(being a soldier I thought it crucial to be in uniform) and cranked the difficulty to master. The main trouble I have is with the Thalmor patrols. For some reason I can't just let them walk on by, And while I can face down two or three foes, doing so while a mage sits back and nukes me from afar usually ends up being too much for me. In response, I use the terrain. Since a lot of skyrim has little ledges and overhangs, I lead the Thalmor on a merry chase around the same few rocks, keeping the mage out of sight. Occasionally I'll stop and take a few swipes at my attackers then I turn tail before they can retaliate. In this way I eventuall clear them out and then go take care of the mage. It's kinda cheating I know but in a game where I can't hit an enemy with a spell from 4 feet away yet they can snipe me at full sprint with lightning I figure turning the tables and using their inability to jump is only fair play.