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Everything posted by oldspice2625

  1. Really? No. Just no. Military equipment is made to be one type, for all. It is not made with women in mind. It's made with a typical human body in mind, and of course, with adjustments for measurements, but there's one style for each type of job that you can have. I'm sorry, but it's a really dumb idea, imho. You have to remember that this was a time of scarcity. The government only made power armor because it was found out how to make the battery for it last for a really really long time, making it far more practical, given the loss of fossil fuels for conventional weapons. Power armor was made to be one size fits all, because the economy couldn't handle all of the variations. That's why you see all military uniforms the same, because of limited resources. The Pre War world didn't have (as far as I know) women playing a large role in combat. Remember, this is 1950's era thinking, being stuck in that mindset for 120 years or so because the world was so heavily militarized and on the brink of total destruction. Women in the Fallout World fight after the bombs drop in combat units (raiders, gunners, mercenaries, BoS and Enclave) but I highly doubt they would have ever wasted their resources. It's like with Joan of Arc... they didn't make armor to fit the female form because women were forbidden from combat because of gender stereotypes, just like how the 1950's and beyond were heavily stereotyped that women were weak and couldn't fight or be put into combat (until really recently). It's a mod so you can do w/e you want, but honestly, I think it's kind of dumb, seeing as the armor fits all human bodies just fine, although as the mechanic on the BoS blimp eludes to, adjustments can be made to it. Not trying to rain on your parade or anything, do what you want, but I'm just saying, it's totally not lore friendly at all and would be really out of place. I mean, what are you going to do, put boobs on it or something, make it look more like an hour glass shape? It's not necessary, those are high tech synthetic plates on a frame, it would not be needed, because in most "fantasy armor", the female form would benefit from a more fitting armor cuirass and greaves. However, the armor is designed to fit comfortably around the user, giving enough space to account for most body types and sizes, as you can see when the person gets into the armor. There's really no reason for it. Ah well, if you are feeling creative or something, go for it.
  2. Jesus Christ... some people are addicted it seems. I think I have like... 30 max on FNV, Oblivion (with the venerable OBMM) is sitting at 50, and Skyrim is the biggest offender with 70 maximum. Why on earth would you need to smoosh all of them together just to get above 255? If you need more than 255 mods or hell, even 255 to enjoy a game... you don't enjoy that game, just the freakish frankenstein that you created. It's not a bad thing, but damn, that's needing a hell of a lot of extras to "make the game playable" as some say. I don't even know how people HAVE more than like... 15 at this point. The CK isn't even out, so you just have those two bit, garage style thrown together ones that will be outdated the instant the CK is released, and put into the bowels of the Nexus, never to be heard from again. Does your hunting rifle really need to have 4K HD textures that badly? Was FO4 so incomplete? I'm from the retro days of gaming, so I don't really understand the need to pump a game full of steroids to get it "playable" or "enjoyable". Maybe it's just that I grew up with stuff on the 2600 that looked like a pile of dung, but we managed to survive without all of the gloss and extras. I just don't understand it, is all. Just because you can, should you? :P To answer the OP's question: When you "need" mods to make a game fun and even worth playing, beyond mandatory bug fixes, then you have too many mods, because the base game isn't fun enough, isn't "good enough" for you, to warrant standing on its own merits. I could play vanilla Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, NV, and yes, even FO4 (though I haven't touched it in like... three weeks) without mods. I use them very sparingly, and only when I feel like it's something that would be fun to toy around with a bit, not that I need it to enjoy the game. When I feel like I could never go back to playing the game without something, then I start to question whether the game is good to play at all, and not if I should add more and more and more to put the damn thing on life support ;). To each their own, I suppose. I guess some are just really..... really into computer games that much, and at the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter since it's your time and your effort anyways :P. If it's not fun anymore, I'd suggest thinking about if you want to even go on playing it, rather than just slapping down another mod.
  3. Super simplified and "streamlined" worry me. Fallout four was "streamlined" and "simplified" and the elderscrolls series was "streamlined" and "simplified" and guess what happened in both places... the s*** show :tongue: (although Skyrim was indeed better than Oblivion, so, progress!) This is just a bland, mediocre shooter game (with RPG mechanics, NOT RPG elements, which give a game more credit as an actual RPG game, mind you... but still.... rpg mechanics are better than nothing, although Borderlands is technically an RPG, and it only has RPG mechanics, so actually if you think about it, Fallout 4 is pretty close to Borderlands LOL take that how you wish). The only thing that makes it truly unique that other games don't have... is power armor, and they even managed to make that feel bland and not special at all. Now, do these facts make the game NOT FUN to play? Not really, I still have fun with it, and enjoy it to some degree. But that's like saying my favorite food is good to eat, when if I eat it too much, it too, will be bland and "just okay". I'd rather play something more entertaining which is why I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time to discover the magic :D. I'll look at some playthroughs of the DLCs to some degree in order to decide whether I want to come back, and i'll get some mods to try them out, but I can assure you that I won't play this as near as much as I did new vegas, FO3, Oblivion, Morrowind, or Skyrim. Not even close. Maybe i'll break the 120 hour mark, but that'll be it. It's not a s*** game, but it's not the messiah either. It's kind of "chaotic neutral", if you get my drift.
  4. Hey, Yuno Gasai rocked both an MP5 and a Katana, and she looked sexy doing it :P. Don't knock the Katana fetish some of us have. Sometimes, it's about fashion over function. On a serious note. I think there was someone who made a big ass mod for weapons, and most of them didn't work for me, or seemed really unbalanced, but it was ambitious. I agree with Moraelin on this. It's why most people pooped themselves when NMM updated and everyone rage quit, because that's the problem with huge mods. It's like America's corporations, too big to fail. Those huge mods have so many problems and are like an angry girlfriend, ready to explode at the slightest problem ;). I never bother with more than maybe two or three of those kinds of mods, because they affect so much, it's better to go without them most of the time. I really love MyGoodEye's work, but sometimes his mods are so big that it just destroys the game proper, especially buggy new vegas. Though, I really love Warzones :P. I prefer multiple small mods, because usually those are given more love and attention, and the modder can release them when they want to, versus pressured to release huge mod at once, where most weapons/armors are mediocre and "samey". There was a dude that introduced a bunch of weapons like that, modern ones, and I LOVED them because each one was so well done. That's something you really can't do in a big mod.
  5. The simple fact here is that Synths are not human by a long shot. The biggest piece of evidence that Synths are merely machines, is that a simple phrase is enough to render them completely helpless and at the whims of the person who said the pass code. Humans made Synths, therefore, humans would not make them able to become "too human". It's like not showing your full hand at once, you keep some secrets locked away and keep whatever it is you want submissive to you, weaker and unable to overthrow you. The people who created them, the Institute, envision them as machines. They program these machines with vague, general personalities. The synth then responds to stimuli within that parameter. In the creation of CURIE, she was programmed to be the way she was. She doesn't CHOOSE to be thrilled by medical advancements or science. She HAS to enjoy those things. She is FORCED to like those things because that's her purpose. She is a tool. Now, the problem here, is that many get an attachment to these TOOLS and see them as more than just tools. This is where you get the Railroad being created. People who project their own desires, hopes, and dreams for these TOOLS onto said TOOLS, and value them to be more than what they actually are. Now, you might be saying, well, that was CURIE, what about the rest? Think about it... has there ever been a synth that was able to completely override a recall code when uttered, through sheer force of free will and determination? I don't think so. No matter what, the Synth is a machine with built in, hand crafted, programmed by human LIMITATIONS and CONTROLS because it's a tool, first and foremost. Any affection that you might have for them, is YOUR feelings, it's not reality, it's just feelings... thoughts... emotions. Just because you think 2+2=5 does not make it so, no matter how badly you want it to be that way. Every single synth you meet is programmed to be the way they are. They don't get to CHOOSE who they are, like humans with free will do, they either get a personality forced on them by the institute, or by the railroad. I think the biggest roadblock, would be "Did they choose, via free will, to run away... or is it a MALFUNCTION of a TOOL?" They are sophisticated programs, so a malfunction might seem like it's free will, but I doubt it is, because at any moment, the tool can be reset. If anything, they are an upgraded version of SIRI or something like that. Nick, in his personal quest, sheds some light on this (Can't say anything, because spoliers) his reactions seem to be leaning toward being very frustrated about his revelations on the situation he's in. You might say though, "he's not a full Gen 3 though"... well, perhaps that means something in the end. Fair enough. Here's a question, "Does their programming fit within one programmed subroutine, or, is it like planting a few seeds, and leaving the seeds to be able to have the freedom to outgrow the planter's original design, and become something on their own?" In other words, did the institute merely plant the seeds for a basic personality, and have the program (Synth) DECIDE and make rational choices on how to react to the stimuli presented, or not? That's the biggest question, because if so, then the Synths indeed have free will to make their own minds up and choices, and therefore, are just like humans in nearly every way, and especially the most important way, full sentience complete with free will. If not... they are VERY WELL PROGRAMMED MACHINES. My two cents.
  6. They all kind of suck except for very few, to be honest :/ That's the reason people keep bringing up Silver Shroud and big dig, things like that... honestly, they are all forgettable and bland, with few really good moments. Silver shroud was great. Devil's Due first time around was really great. Cabot House was good too. Other than that, they are all lazy, cobbled together "Go shoot this, kill all them" or "Go get this, while shooting those, and then bring it back for some caps" kind of sidequests.... This game is like macaroni and cheese. Sure, it's great the first few times, but then it's just "meh, it fills me up for a while, so I guess that's okay" kind of feeling. Honestly, I paid 120 for the special edition of this game, and got MORE enjoyment out of 10 dollars spent on Undertale xD. If that s#*! ain't telling, I don't know what is. So many quests had POTENTIAL but they just ended up flat. Too bad, as well. There's a lot of little things that are not quests that were SO much better. The banter you find in the world, Arlen Glass, fake Preston Garvey, Zetans, "Will you comply?". I remember the FO3 missions not sucking as much overall, more interesting quests, but I guess maybe that's not true either, been a long time. I can remember all of FONV's sidequests being really good the first time around, and I actually desired to complete all of them, even the Sunset Sarsparailla one. I dunno, maybe I'm a bit jaded, but those two I listed were honestly the only ones with a great payoff, the others were just generic go kill them quests with the veneer of being new and unique painted on them.
  7. I think that it's kind of weird that it's okay for a faux Roman Empire to be totally okay to be depicted in game (NV: Caesar's Legion) yet it's totally off limits for Neo Nazi or extreme racist groups NOT to exist in the fallout world via Raider gangs. In literally all gangs, there is extreme racism. The Bloods and the Crips, MS13's, Vice Lords, and such... It's weird that there's never revival of these extremist groups in a world that's scarce on resource, and that's usually what causes these extreme ideologies to gain traction in the first place, it always has been the reason. I'd honestly say that it's a stretch to have Caesar's Legion and NOT a revival of Nazism or Stalinism, considering the commies were the ones that were super dangeous right before the bombs (Albeit, Chinese commies, but, you know...). I mean, it would make a lot of sense, because the message would definitely alure a lot of people who felt miserable and wanted a common cause to rally around the make their miserable lives better. The wasteland is the perfect setting for such a vile ideology to rear its ugly head. And Beth likes to do the whole "The good guys versus the bad guys" trope in their fallout games. I guess it's just that people are too weak stomached to accept history. As a historian, I cringe whenever people want to wash away the pain of the past, because you'd only be doing the service of removing what NEED NOT BE FORGOTTEN in the first place, and potentially allowing it to be reborn. No. It happened. If you can't handle it, tough. Anyways, I thought it was really interesting, and a good job all around for removing the roots of bastardizing history and getting people all riled up. Cheers to that! Anyways, I wouldn't mind a world war II themed mod that reintroduces some stuff into it. It'd be a nice touch, I think, with the whole "minutemen: Freedom Trail" and all of the revolutionary war stuff having extremism to fight.
  8. You have to remember that the Laser rifle is not a dedicated sniper rifle, like the hunting rifle, so it doesn't have the inherent problems that the hunting rifle has (slow ROF, big recoil, etc...) The recoil stock, beam focuser, and other goodies make it essentially an assault rifle with sniper accuracy, damage, and range, without sniper recoil. I use it for weak mobs, and save the plasma for tougher guys, I have the improved sniper on the plasma as well, and the thing with improved sights, recoil comp stock, hits like a TRUCK and has almost no recoil, fires quickly, and in third person, has no visual issues when aiming whatsoever. The automatic barrel is s#*! though, don't use it, use the improved long barrel or improved sniper with recoil comp stock. Marksman's if you feel like it sways too much.
  9. The amount of weapons in this game are pitiful for a so called "AAA Title". NV has more base model weapons, ammo types, craftable ammo, etc... and this is not excusable. It should be FREE DLC for that. I would be willing to pay a small fee for QUALITY power armor paints, not s#*! ones that are worthless and boring, although we have some good ones on Nexus already. VISUAL upgrades when you apply upgrades to power armor, to make it look unique. Don't just say "advanced receiver" and have it look the exact same. Put some effort into your game and have some dignity. Other games do this with no trouble, respect your customers. This should be a free DLC as well or included in a patch. Let's be honest, the game's story was s#*! and had more holes in it than swiss cheese... I'm actually hoping for NO ADDITIONS to the main story at all... and hope they just start from scratch on some kind of side story to tie things/references from older titles together. New lands DLC, trip to other places would be nice, similation of an attack on China through the Husband's memories would be nice. Expand the minutemen... THIS SHOULD BE FREE DLC AS THE BASE GAME IS ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC IN REGARDS THE THE MINUTEMEN. Whoever designed that part should be ashamed of themselves. That was C- work, no where near acceptable in this day and age, when QUALITY and STANDARDS in the game industry are well established. That's 1/4 of your game content right there, totally reliant on shitty radiant quests. Awesome job /sarcasm. Let's face it... they are going to milk us dry for the GOOD STUFF that they most likely left out on purpose, to get more money on things that should have been in the game. Unless they realize their royal f*#@ up and do something for goodwill. I don't hate them, it's just I really hope they learn from this experience and come back for round 2 refreshed and ready with their A game. DLC has been pretty good (sans HORSE ARMOR), so I expect a better round of products.
  10. It's a Gamebryo thing... it will never be fixed because it's a limitation in the engine. They refuse to abandon a 13 year old engine, so you get stupid s#*! like that happening.
  11. Nothing happens.... seriously, there is zero risk whatsoever. They can't die, get their stuff broken, etc... The only thing is repairing turrets and such. Everything is exactly how it is, it is trivial and pointless. If you were smart, you built your stash of stuff up a level, then deleted the entrance to whatever safe/vault area you have to stash your valuables, so it's literally impossible for your stuff to be stolen.
  12. That's what I'm talking about, Sinner and Dante, you got what I was trying to say! :P It's not about the fact that there's not 9999999 choices to make. Realistically, these people have jobs to get paid for, families to see, etc... that's what there are sequels, so that the company can get paid and have funds to make the things that they just couldn't do because of logic and resources. What I meant was, there are no meaningful choices that you make in Fallout 4. Besides the poorly written ending sequence, what other "choices" can you make, that are not RPG Mechanics (skills, perks, the fact that there are missions/quests, the "numbers" tied to weapons and armor choices, etc...), and rather, RPG elements? There are a very few moments where your choices are absolutely meaningful, and don't seem to be, or are not artificial and flaky. Giving me the choice to return an egg to a specific place, or to sell it, are not meaningful choices. There are more quests like that, and less quests like the Cabot House quests, where there is a tangible difference to doing one thing versus doing the other. I know this, it's called offering the player the ILLUSION of choice. That's what I want. Realistically, you can't possibly account for everything the player can do, but you can design the game to allow the player limited freedom by carefully planning out what they might do in a situation, and then alter the situation to meet your resource/budget needs while still giving some freedom of choice. Can you be a rockstar or epidemiologist in the Stanley Parable? NO. But you CAN choose within the limited parameters of the game world that make sense. THAT is what I was talking about! The game world does NOT react to ANYTHING that you do, sans changing a little bit visually for settlements. But you can get a quest to help Sanctuary when you are IN sanctuary, and literally nothing has attacked at all.... that's what I'm talking about. The problem is, that Bethesda wrote the story first, without laying out what the player could possibly what to do in the given scenarios. It's the same problem that plagued Final Fantasy 13, because the player was given little freedom to form their party or explore at all, and the parts that did allow for it, it was very limited compared to the other titles. Things were forced upon you, like having Lightning in your party when you were supposed to be at the point of the game where you were "free to make choices and explore". Players get used to certain things being present in games, and removing them is a cardinal sin. Fallout is a franchise based upon Choices made. In fallout 1, you can decide to tell where your vault is to water caravans or not... that is a logical problem and choice that needs to be made. If you don't, you have less time to save everyone, if you do, you have more, but the Master's army finds out where your vault is quicker... That didn't require programming 99999 choices like you might seem to think that I want... it was just logical as part of the basic idea of the game "Save your people from dying", and the devs focused on things related to THAT BASIC CONCEPT and wrote them into the game as choices... And if you disagree with that, I'm sorry, but we'll just have to agree to disagree, because to be honest, if you write a quest and don't account for a player NOT wanting to be good or choose something else and at least offering a different choice, then, you shouldn't have written the quest to begin with if you are writing a quest for AN OPEN WORLD CHOICE BASED RPG SERIES THAT IS ADVERTISED TO BE SO.
  13. FluffyNinjaLlama does a tone of videos on youtube, Check her out
  14. Really? Most of the mods out are bare bones basics that honestly don't do THAT much of a difference. An admirable thing that people are doing, but really, these mods are so basic that I don't think that anyone would truly need them that much to make such a stink about it. Yeah, it's inconvenient to have to go through all of that or not be able to do what you want in your game, but this, "I'm the customer, so what I want is right, no matter what!!!!1!1!" mentality is silly, IMHO. The good stuff, the Script Extender dependent mods, the overhauls, the SkyUI's of FO4, have yet to even come out because of the CK's delay. If that was the case, i'd understand, but form what I see on the nexus, there's really not a whole hell of a lot out right now that'd be so terrible not to have. Body replacers and all that will be updated, texture packs and so forth, all of these things will be updated eventually anyways, so why not wait until they are not so unstable? If you really despise this game so much that you can't "Bear to play it vanilla", then just can the game and wait till the CK comes out... now's the time to be rediscovering the hidden gems of FNV, FO3, Skyrim, etc... that you didn't bother with, while you wait. I know I am, until the CK gives modders the full ability to really let loose, because I know what I want can't be done with such primitive means as of late.
  15. Honestly, if you played FO1 and FO2, it makes much more sense to have FNV's storyline. Bethesda just wrecked your head by blowing everything up and making everything into a tribal shanty with no hope of every being anything but a little shack.... There were many thriving communities that were expanding, so FNV's story continued with that, and logically it would make sense for both Caesar's Legion to confront the NCR at some point, the strip was a new addition, but it made sense, given that there were other communities that were much larger and more sustainable than the strip, so it didn't seem so out of place in the WEST COAST FO universe. FO3 was okay, but FNV follows the lore by far in a more superior fashion, though it's no perfect game by any means. FO4's background was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to predetermined to this kind of game. FO3 was alright, too much, but not nearly as terrible and unforgivable as FO4... I'm dead serious in saying that FO4 was just about as bad as Mass Effect 3's ending. Rushed, incoherent, none/limited cohesiveness in plot, and the endings themselves are lack luster and give little satisfaction.
  16. There's not a whole lot of weapons in this game to begin with, just rehashed attachments on very basic models of a few guns, almost no variety in melee or unarmed, and maybe like 6 big guns. Yay. Explosives gets it the worst. Not even a grenade launcher, so your only option for ranged explosive combat is a missile launcher. Too bad copyright/legal issues make it impossible just to import all of the guns of new vegas into FO4, and make them a little prettier. That'd make me happy, at least :P. I think what might be easier is to focus on melee and unarmed and explosives. We don't need ideas for guns, many people will be making those mods for guns. Guns will get the MOST love from modders. But if I run melee, it's basically either use the super sledge, or a modded combat knife if i'm sneaky... yay, that's fun and lots of variety /sarcasm. Unarmed has a pitiful amount of options as well. Albeit, power armor gives a new twist to being a juggernaut, so I guess that'd not be so bad, but I imagine there's upgrades that can be done to the power fist to make it use ammo for special purposes, like shotgun shells for a ballistic fist, etc... corrosives and poisons for a DoT type character, paralysis, so a lot of the syringer effects being applied to fist weapons. Special martial arts moves doing specific thigns with their own boosts that separate melee from unarmed would be good too, but you can't really create a new weapon/weapon mod for that :P.
  17. Well, to be honest, I find it pathetic and perverted whenever I see skimpy stuff, even mods to add pregnant bellies to women Player Characters, "milking" mods, and some down right disturbing things that quite frankly would not exist in real life, because the uploader would not have the benefit of being anonymous in the "real world". I'm usually silent on this, since I've adopted a "to each their own' type of attitude, since I don't make mods, I feel like I don't really have the right to (I totally do, free speech and all that, make no mistake) but, I feel like it's pointless. The most devastating thing that kills artists is not being recognized. Negative words only give notoriety to that which you hate, and draws attention to it, possibly gaining the person the status of a martyr, gaining them allies. The best course of action, is to be silent and say nothing of their work. If I was an artist, I'd rather have someone say may art was utter s#*! rather than have nothing noticed or said about it at all. I agree with Nivea completely, that Skyrim got EXTREMELY lucky, most likely because SKyrim was a better success, one of the best successes of Bethesda to date, and therefore more people were interested in modding it, unlike Fallout 4, which I guarantee will have less mods because of how it is, but that's a whole 'nother issue. Sometimes, there's some really good stuff with those skimpy mods, like nice lacey classy looking gloves or boots that are nice and can be mixed with non-shameful and actually tasteful (by my own biased standards) armor. Armor should cover and be armored, clothing, on the other hand, can vary I think, because you can be going for the "Sensual distracting" thing as an RPer or something. Using the feminine figure and all that jazz. I think a woman can be fully covered and still be feminine. She doesn't have to go full on burqa or what not, it's just silly to me that with temps getting well below zero, that you'd be sporting a leather thong and nothing else... It's like in the new star wars movie, where the female character is on an ICE PLANET with no sun and in basically slave rags with no covering... that wasn't skimpy at all, normal clothes, and I thought it was moronic, but then again, she was captured on a forested planet while she was still wearing her normal outfit, so, I guess it made sense and she did escape without taking new clothes, not dying and all :) so I will forgive it. Hothtrooper made some BADASS armors for the males and females, and they are lore friendly and super original. Someone made them more female friendly, more curvy and stuff, without exposing da boobies :P. I took that patch, even though I know in the middle ages, women would be making babies and dinner, and not fighting, historically, but it made a stylistic sense (and lore sense since women fight in this universe) to have more female form catering armor types. As a teacher, I think about the young ladies I teach, and I just think that it would be so disgraceful for me to even consider those shameless mods. To each their own, but they are perverted, you can't deny it, sorry. You'd just be lying to yourself. I think anyone who has to deal with young women on a daily basis will have a strong reaction to skimpy trashy stuff, because at least for me, I've grown to respect women beyond just being sex objects to get aroused to (real life is FAR more offensive to women than modders here can ever be, so I forgive the authors, since ilt's not like I'm contributing anything to nexus, doesn't hurt me, so I don't care about it !). I think people who do NOT have to get to know women on an intimate level, as friends, students, colleagues, are okay with skimpy things, because honestly, once you see women as equals, it changes things dramatically. You start to understand why it might be offensive. It's okay if you don't see it that way, honestly, because it took me a while to outgrow the "horny teen" phase and finally understand why women in all aspects, games included, should be afforded the same respect and dignity as men. Simply though, those that enjoy skimpy mods don't understand the simple fact that it makes whatever you apply the mod to, as just an "object" to be manipulated at will, and it's okay, because they are the player, and they get to play god in their game. All things, included women NPCs are "not real people" so it's "okay" to think of them and dress them in skimpy things. I would wager though, that these same people subconsciously take the same ideal to real life. Maybe not though, and maybe they just like sexy ladies. I can't blame them for it! Hell, we got one life, and if one's worst crime is liking to see boobies in games, engaging their inner pervert, well, it's not hurting anyone, no skin off anyone's bones, so whatever. There are far worse things in life, so it's not a big deal. I think things are progressing though for the better. There's no shortage of GOOD stuff and GREAT stuff for Skyrim. I hope that trend continues to other titles. I think final fantasy has some skimpy get ups, kind of like Fang's outfit from FF13 and what not, but I guess I take a different tone to that for some reason, oh well! :) I remember a funny thing, maybe on college humor, where the girl had to wear "protective female armor" and it was just a chainmail bikini HAHA :). Seriously though, if you have a significant other, or have females in your life that you consider important, you ought to give a little thought to how your dress your PC or whatever. Or don't. Do what you want, it's your damn game anyways. You paid for it, you should do what you want.
  18. Virtually all SPECIALs are and stat boosts by proxy are meaningless and worthless to companions since they don't make use of almost any of them. The only one that's worth a damn is Strength for more Carry Capacity and melee damage. Crits are handled in VATS (which is a borderline moronic ideal, but w/e) so luck is worthless, I believe they have a set HP so Endurance is worthless, and, they can't die anyways unless they hate you. INT is worthless since they don't gain EXP, Charisma is worthless since they don't barter or speak, PER is worthless to them because of set stats for the NPCs themselves, and AGIL is worthless since they start with rank 4 sneak and don't use AP.
  19. See, that's a problem with a so called "open world, do what you want be who you want Sandbox game". The Stanley Parable is the kind of game that gets this idea right, and that isn't even a sandbox. I should be able to abandon the MM and have the world react to it, because it's a plausible decision to make. Why would I put myself in harm's way for a random person that can't help themselves in a WASTELAND? But no, Bethesda got stuck with the writing, so they force you to be a goody two shoes good guy hero :(.
  20. You need a main objective though. There has to be some kind of momentum propelling your character forward. I haven't played, but have watched LP's of The WItcher series, and you can have a game without a heroic type of character, just an average, run of the mill everydude that does what he does because of simpler motivations. We don't always have to have a main story where we save the world. I think this is where Bethesda should change. We shouldn't be tasked with saving the world, because it doesn't make sense to. In fallout, the main character should not go out to save the world. In fallout 1, this was not the main objective, but eventually could become the main objective after saving your vault. All of the Fallout Games followed this "path to heroics and greatness" thing, but they didn't have to. I would say FNV almost broke the cycle, but didn't, you were more like a mediator between groups, but still you eventually "saved the world". In The Witcher 2, there are warring factions, and yet you never get involved because you can't because it doesn't make sense for a random ass dude to get involved. That makes sense to me. Profit for yourself for survival and taking care/benefiting yourself. That makes sense. We are so stuck in this motive that we have to be a soldier, or a hero of some sort that games that are brave enough not to follow this McDonaldization where everyone is trying to copy the "winning formula" or the flavor of the week, we praise it for being original when it shouldn't have had to be in the first place. Not every game has t be like Legend of Zelda, where there's a hero that fights evil for the sake of the world all of the time... If you think about it, none of the FO protags should be heroes.... there's no reason and no business to be. I guess in The Elder Scrolls... but considering you can be one of the non heroic "beast" races, it'd not make sense for half of those races to even care about the civil war in Skyrim. I never play the beast races for that reason. Elder Scrolls demands that we be the hero, and a Khajiit or Orc doesn't look the part, so it feels weird for me, whereas if the main goal was a more "everyday person" type of goal, instead of "saving the world" I would think differently. Point is, you say maybe a main quest shouldn't exist, I say it needs to to have purpose, but shouldn't be saving the world all the time, because that seems to get Bethesda stuck in corners that it cannot get out of
  21. Meh, every game company has made some stinkers from time to time. Capcom made some HORRIFIC games, as well as HAL Laboratories (Milon's Secret Castle) and those were the guys that mad Street Fighter II, and Kirby and Super Smash Bros respectively. Hell, even KONAMI that made friggin CONTRA for god's sake made some shitty games. Sega was once one of the TITANS that was head to head with Nintendo, when Nintendo was practically God, or the Microsoft of the Gaming industry and Sega is reduced to stupid arcade and hello kitty claw games. I think we just expect Bethesda to "Do no harm" ever, and we get our expectations way too high. It's like expecting your teacher to know everything and all of the answers all of the time, and getting pissed off when they don't remember something. (personal experience :P) Face it, this game is mediocre at best, but that doesn't mean that the game is over, it's just half time, and there's a whole 'nother round coming up. Things will get better, but they have to get worse before they can get better. Remember Morrowind in its glory? Then remember Oblivion? Yikes! Again, Oblivion was a mediocre game (so I mean it was a good game bunt not great), with its moments (Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild), then Skyrim came along, and some of the Morrowind magic came back, it wasn't as superb as Morrowind with respect to worldbuilding, immersion, and lore, but it was a damn great step forward from Oblivion (eve nthough I love oblivion to death, I still can recognize the flaws compared to other titles). If Skyrim is any proof over Oblivion, Bethesda CAN and WILL improve. Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure, and I'm sure there are plenty that love FO4's new "improvements". You have to remember that they are not designing for you... they are designing for the Almighty Dollar, and with enough pressure, anything can change.
  22. Careful, Evil D, I suggested similar and got chewed out by some people raging and all butthurt :P.
  23. Lol honestly I don't think you can really play like that and be anywhere near efficient. I don't think this game is built for that kind of thing to be blunt. They want you to shoot shoot shoot those raiders with all sorts of kill sticks :P. Maybe mods will allow multiple followers or something. The AI in this game for followers is such utter s#*! that you'd be lucky for them to kill things for you in an efficient manner on survival. And most perks that you'd take will be taken anyways on a regular playthrough (Crafting, Hacker, Lockpicking, Medic, some of the CHR perks maybe) so you wouldn't be totally original. It'd be mostly how you specifically play. It's a novel concept, but FO4 is kind of piss poor in delivering that kind of gameplay. CAN you THEORETICALLY do it? Yes. Is it intuitive? HELL NO. There's no benefit to completing the mostly linear, shoot them dead and return from fetching something quests that are in this game, unlike FONV where it'd make sense to make a smooth talking CHR based character that lets the followers do the killing. This game took all of those steps back, and you can't really RP or have specific builds like you used to be able to, since Bethesda loves making you into a god by endgame. All of the modern fallouts have this going on for them, even NV with the expansion packs.
  24. Okay, first of all, chill the hell out. There was no need for a personal attack of that magnitude. It's a video game. After you've calmed down... I was giving my perceptions on what went on throughout the world of Fallout as opposed to our own world. I was speculating on what was happening (in a fictional non real world based on our own) that would cause such factors as cultural stagnation to occur where things would get stuck in the 1950's Atomic Age era. It IS stuck in that era, whether by Bethesda's choice in design, or if it would have "logically" happened due to war strain on society combined with declining resources. Most communities in America (as evidenced by little blurbs of info that we have from the loading screens and snippits of things in game on terminals, etc...) show that the world was NOT in a good state, and it would lead one to believe that there was little room for major cultural developments. Also, before you be rude to me again, I only brought up "no internet" because that stuff that they have is so primitive that it couldn't possibly be as advanced as our internet is... it looks more like ARPANET or something, something so crude and basic that it couldn't possibly be in most homes. Remember the Transistor wasn't invented (something you didn't point out in your rant) so most families and regular people didn't have access to the internet, as most homes don't have terminals that are blown up, and the Pip boy is the most advanced portable computing device in the Fallout world, that's in the damn game.... The Pip boy can play basic barely arcade quality games and have a radio feature... yeah... that's some internet and computing power right there... surely most would be connected world wide. Also, their phones are basically radial phones, most people would not be consuming globally produced material like on Youtube and other major sharing services like Hulu and streaming services to be exposed to diverse forms of media, other than television and radio. According to the Fallout timeline, world travel DOES cease... and that was made by the guys who designed Fallout, so like I said, before you blow your top over a video game, I did attempt to connect what info I had access to, in order to come up with an answerto the OP's post.
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