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Everything posted by VinnyOcean24

  1. to verify your cache go to your game in steam and right click then go to properties then local files. sometimes when you uninstall something it will not replace it with the vanilla asset and also i do not think you need the official resoultion patch with the high res mod that can cause issues on its own
  2. yeah thats a bit weird im thinking it has something to do with the texture and or mesh causing it to make two swords appear but you only get one when you pick up
  3. always read the mod description they will tell you how to uninstall and reinstall. it is never the best idea to install more mods during your saved game always try to get your mods in order as you start a new game. Try to verify your cache and check for conflicts between mods, posting your load order would help narrow it down a bit
  4. never had that issue before, are you using a modded weapon at the time and or does it do it to vanilla guns as well? i would assume you used some sort of animation replacer
  5. most likely something went wrong with your merge patches i would cut down on the last 10 mods you installed and verify your cache
  6. nvse will rarely be the problem unless you have a mod built for a later version and your running an old version. you most likely need to clean your data folder and get all the mods out then run verfiy cache and go from there.
  7. yeah i think those might be an issue themselves try it with just ncr rearm and caesars new regieme. and notice these two mod will lower performance in a warzone or anything with a large ammount of both factions since they are retexs. i usually only use one or the other to avoid that
  8. very possible it is a win 10 bug for new vegas since alot of those have been happening. But my guess is that you were able to play until you got to a point in the game where a mod conflicted an area. If you can post your load order and i can try to help you from there
  9. a few of your armor mods overlap as well adam, ncr replacer, and cnr all could be conflicting as well. i do not think its your card and or system but just a simple overlap of a few mods can easily do that. what were the last 5 mod you installed?
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635/? nvac i use this along side with yups ultimate game patch but most likely it is a hud mod conflicting with a large script heavy mod
  11. yeah no problem happy to help. And yeah i loved the companions in new vegas, alot of them were better than fallout 4s vanilla. I still have hope they will comes back as long as bethesda gets their s#*! together before skyrim remastered
  12. try to verify your game after you enabled your mods and see what that does. usually when this happens it is a conflict from several mods at once. careful making merge patchs as well, if you mess that up you will have to delete and try again
  13. a lot of moders have quit since the whole bethesda letting people steal mods and port them to console thing went on. from what im aware they have fixed it for the most part, people dont even want to bother with it now.
  14. yeah thats quite the list i would try to cut down to 100 plugins and go from there
  15. my best guess is windows 10 and your 960 are having an issue with running mods. i have the same card and a dual core proscessor but win7 and have no issues. but from looking at your mods i think your hud mods might be the issue i can never get them to run right with project nevada and eve. most of what you have are very script heavy like IWS and random encounters
  16. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36409/? one of my favorite ones just a main menu replacer
  17. have you retex the ripper in any way?
  18. might be a dumb question but were u able to run it in full screen before u modded it? and or check your graphics drivers and or if u have a nivdia and are on widows 8 or ten that might be the issue
  19. theres a mod for loading screen replacers which has alot of nice concept art
  20. there are already a few mods that adds one. project nevada adds a unique one called dragoon rifle
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