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Everything posted by deedes

  1. I know it is pretty rare that a mod is released for multiple games as the files are not compatible (exceptions may come with Fallout 3/Fallout NV), but things like tools are sometimes made for multiple games (In my case the .tri file import / export tool can work for Oblivion, Fallout 3/NV and Skyrim). Would it be hard to implement an option to "tag" the file and it's page for multiple games, so that mods and tools could be uploaded and updated easily without opening several file pages (one for each game)?
  2. To answer your question: yes I would be able to do it myself. But no, I wont do it at all. It is not worth the time invested. Hope this quote of myself makes it clear why nobody who is right in their mind would do it. Especially not me, who got better things to do. I'm actually not even interested, as I havent played the fallout games for quite a long time now. So i wouldnt get anything out of this at all. I just wanted to state the relatively obvious fact that its (probably) not possible. Why people automatically assume that someone who states this will need to do it is not quite clear to me. But trying to push someone to do that is quite low and stupid. Its not hard. Its just a LOT to do. Try to learn to mod and you will see how much time goes into a big project like this. PS: You can always try to pay someone for doing such things, but that usually does not come cheap
  3. Not to be buggin here, but any new ideas / solutions to this? =) I'm busy with school but try to find some time - and once I do I'd like to try to go thru the code of the hkx files once again... but it would be nice where to start / so that I dont "find" what someone has already torn apart =)
  4. I have never said Impossible. Just probably not possible. There are quite several differences between the two statements. I guess I'll explain it in more detail then. There are three outcomes for me: a) It is possible and someone will do it (very unlikely) b) It is possible but nobody here can do it (very likely) c) It is possible and nobody will do it as it is a lot of work to do and someone else already did it (very likely) Why I said that there is a chance that nobody here might be able to do it? For one you may take the casino games and the companion wheel. They are most likely hard coded or at least really hard to redo. Ask Bethesda / Obsidian Games if they can do it for you. The easier way to fix it: If you can't play a mod with the requiem you might want to try to patch the esp/esm so that it works. Sometimes it just needs the master file entry of FO:NV added - sometimes it has ID collisions... Its quite easy to fix that.
  5. Would probably not be possible, as there are elements in NV which are not aviable in FO3.
  6. Aaah, nice :thumbsup: I'll take a look at it as soon as I have time. I wish there was a tool which would allow you to reimport the hkx files into the Havok Behavior Tool... (or a tool which does the same work?) Havok really did not plan for modability and Beth just took what they got :facepalm:
  7. I guess its a simple 4Byte hexadecimal number to track it - which is close enough to ARGB... ^^
  8. I realize that most already know how to work with this but I wanted to check if everyone here is using this method... Find the animation you want to find out about. - e.g. you wanted to know about the HugA... --> searching for it in the behavior files will bring you to the 0_master file. --> searching the ID (#0537) from it's "hkbClipGenerator" will bring you to "<hkparam name="pClipGenerator">#0537</hkparam>". --> this parameter is within the object "<hkobject name="#0536" class="BSSynchronizedClipGenerator" signature="0xd83bea64">" which looks like this: <hkobject name="#0536" class="BSSynchronizedClipGenerator" signature="0xd83bea64"> <hkparam name="variableBindingSet">null</hkparam> <hkparam name="userData">0</hkparam> <hkparam name="name">HugA</hkparam> <hkparam name="pClipGenerator">#0537</hkparam> <hkparam name="SyncAnimPrefix">2_</hkparam> <hkparam name="bSyncClipIgnoreMarkPlacement">false</hkparam> <hkparam name="fGetToMarkTime">0.000000</hkparam> <hkparam name="fMarkErrorThreshold">0.100000</hkparam> <hkparam name="bLeadCharacter">true</hkparam> <hkparam name="bReorientSupportChar">true</hkparam> <hkparam name="bApplyMotionFromRoot">false</hkparam> <hkparam name="sAnimationBindingIndex">-1</hkparam> </hkobject> Hopefully someone will gets this mess sorted out with a handy tool soon... =)
  9. Heya - I would like to ask people to do an alternative start mod. Hearing several requests where these should be I was thinking that since there seems to be quite the need for them, a complete package of starting points to pick from should be done. I am not able to do this since my time is already well put with other projects, but I'd like to see this done as well as quite a few others. A real mod for alternative starting points should have multiple choices for your new charakter and should start to work before the vanilla starting sequence even kicks in. And of course it should have a failsave mainquest start... It could trigger once the player gets into the area where the vanilla starting point is... there you will see stormcloaks and imperials fighting .. Suddently you get clobbered down from the back.. and your screen blacks out.. and suddently... you wake up in the back of the carriage... and bam... your in the main quest (the damn char gen editor should not pop up however.) Since all this is quite interweaved with the main quest it should be only one mod that does this. Aka it should be running perfectly + it should not be compromized by other startingpoint changing mods. Discuss and post starting locations! ~ deedes
  10. Heya, I had put this up in the Bethesda Forums and had not gotten a single reply - and since there were only 15 new views I guess the Beth forum is too crowded to have a conversation like this... Orginal post there: So yea. I wanted to rise awareness that when you edit a race entry in the Armor data you will have to compromise with the errors it will cause: Entrys in the armor blocks from the .esp/.esm files will definately override each other. IF we wanted to use this feat, we would have to merge all esm/esp with changes to the vanilla ARMO blocks somehow. Somewhat like a Bash patch. ~deedes
  11. Had to try this, as i was kinda happy to hear that its possible, so i made a quick skeleton fix for the wolf ^^ http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/2023841-1325159992.jpg Now it would only need the right animations and it would be fully playable ^^ Okami mods anyone? :o A small observation in my part: while each race has their own entry and anything, but their naming system for the bones is very bad... ... in the recent games they usually all had this "Bip01" suffix... now every race seems to have a different prefix for the name (canines have Canine_<name> while NPC <name> is the usual character skeleton description...) ... which makes it obviously harder to mod this... :o
  12. Steam seems to be the only Skyrim supporting platform for the game up to now... The picture on the TES Nexus frontpage doesn't seem to show the full PC DVD package - so it could be anything... But I wont buy Skyrim if its for Steam only because... ... I was disappointed that my FO:New Vegas DVD didn't contain the game but only the steam code,.. ... the game doesn't even run in a offline mode for me... ... It wants to be updated before I can even play the game... ... of the fact that they only offer game coupons and items for Team Fortress 2 (A game which I stopped playing a long time ago) as a bonus for the purchase shows that steam does not really seem to grip what a "bonus" is supposed to be... ... I dont really want one big corp to know what I am playing all the time... And there probably are more facts I havent even seen...
  13. Nope, I also turned off all other addons in Firefox to try if it works... But it does not help :/
  14. Heh, not your fault - actually its not really anybodys fault ;) Tough there could be new idle animations - like a shying animation (for the horse) where the horse rises and kicks with its hooves (could be taken from the jumping animation)... ... but i have actually not seen any of the idles for horses... at all, yet :/ Aah... well.. lets see if someone will find and finish this before Skyrim comes out ^^
  15. Hi, i dont have any idea where to post bugs, so i will just do this here. Whenever I want to vote a file for the "File of the Month" it will pop up the usual little box like it should. I have downloaded the mod a time ago and i had already "endorsed" it. Now i put the checkmark in the box ("I would like to vote this file for File of the Month") and click Submit. But the button does nothing. I looked into the code and extracted the link of the "imported" voting page: >http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/vote.php?id=15973&time=1303149825< But still it didnt do anything when i clicked "Submit". I am using Firefox 4.0 as my browser and I didn't have any problems *cough* a few months ago [grovel]Ooooh oh almighty help me, help me![/grovel] - Thanks for the help. =)
  16. Hello =) I dont know why nobody has actually done any animations for the Horses yet. Actually i even added a skeleton which allows people to edit the poses easily. It makes me somewhat sad that it hasnt been used yet ^^' Here is the link to the mod in the tes nexus... *Click*
  17. Stock Oblivion with BBB <-ClickMe-> You can either use Coronerras Maximum Compability Skeleton or use my skeleton *cough* self advertising sucks
  18. Not really a summon Jyggalag, but a Companion :o <-clickme->
  19. Since i started playing Oblivion (which is about ... two months now) i have heard this multiple times: you cannot have different body on npcs! I looked around and saw attempts for going around the annoying problem that comes up, when you only have one set of torso, legs, hands and feet. Usually they just use a item that gets equipped as soon as the torso/hand/lowerbody/foot slot gets empty. This is half Tutorial and half Request. You should know about weighting and animating for this. Now here is my suggestion, which proved to be pretty good, but not perfect - since I'm not as good as a modder yet: 1. Select a bunch of different bodys (i will take the four lowerbodys from HGEC and Roberts Feet for HGEC, Argonian Feet and modified Khajiit Paws, fitting on the lowerbody from the Argonian feet. 2. Add the needed Bones for the skeleton - In this case you will need 6 Bones - 4 for the Legs, 3 for the feet - I named mine: I Parented them to the Bip01 NonAccum -1 with 90° rotation, for a better view - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC S - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC M - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC L - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC LL - Bip01 Plantigrade Feet HGEC RF - Bip01 Digitigrade Legs HGEC M - Bip01 Digitigrade Feet Argonian - Bip01 Digitigrade Feet Khajiit 3. Import all the Nif Files into Blender (no, not the kitchen appliance :teehee: ), maybe put them on different layers, remove the orginal bones. 4. Parent the bodyparts to the skeleton (CTRL+P) 5. Start weighting the corresponding bodyparts >>completely<< with 0.01 by going into the edit mode and selecting all vertices, adding the vertice group: - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC S for the HGEC S Legs - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC M for the HGEC M Legs - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC L for the HGEC L Legs - Bip01 Plantigrade Legs HGEC LL for the HGEC LL Legs - Bip01 Plantigrade Feet HGEC RF for Roberts Feet for HGEC - Bip01 Digitigrade Legs HGEC M for the HGEC M Argonian Legs - Bip01 Digitigrade Feet Argonian for the Argonian Feet - Bip01 Digitigrade Feet Khajiit for the Khajiit Paws and hitting Assign. We only add a weight of 0.01, because a higher value would slow down any other animation on the body. If we would take a weight of 1, any other motion done would be only going half as far - the character would look like walking with stilts. 6. Export the Body. 7. the weird part - Animating the body. Heres where i could not get any more confused.... I tried three different approaches, of which only two worked, to an extend: Visibility: After seeing the basic animation tutorial in the CS Wiki, i thought it could work on the body, too. Well. No, it did not. I guess its an item only animation. Scaling: Scaling worked fine, when the weight was at 1.000, but it would only turn the body into a flat disk which would be hanging in the middle of the body. At a weighting of 0.01 it would simply shrink the body a little, but as soon as the scale was turned to a negative value, it would grow again. Translocating: Simply taking the bodyparts you don't want to see right now, and putting them 10 million units away from the Character. Out of the eyes, out of the mind. I would stick to this method. Now here's my request: I got the animations all right when i had them within the Idle file, but they would not play when i used them in a special idle. I don't know much about the idle system within oblivion, and after looking at it for a whole day and having to go into the tes cs editor about a dozen times to see if it works now, i tough i should simply let someone else do this. I can upload the files i already made, so that someone might be able to add the animation, but i would like to hear some other people's ideas first :) The screenshot shows the bodyparts I used in a lineup, which i made with the animation.
  20. First try to deactivate all the mods, if that doesn't cover it, reinstall oblivion and patch it up - run the vanilla oblivion before you use the mods.
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