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Everything posted by Salona

  1. Well duh-uh! 'cuz they aren't trained in the "...old magic, from a time before your Circle even existed." :laugh: Alistair doesn't say it's "impossible", just "difficult". And we Dwarves are a lot better able to resist the effects of the Taint than those puny Humans or weakling Elves! :tongue: And besides, as we learn in WH, if your Warden EVER warmed Morri's tent there's a child, regardless of whether or not the DR was performed. (One presumes THAT child is NOT an OGB, but I guess we have to go through the Eluvian to find out! :teehee: ) But if Morrigan was already prego, what would happen to the baby in her womb already? Afterall, I assume there was more to the DR than just screwing her :happy: And I am sure my mage can manipulate Alistairs body.... :thumbsup:
  2. Does anyone else find it ironic how in romance, the Warden never gets preagnant (the women, of course) despite many 'attempts' in the tent, yet after one try (wether it be Alistair or Male Warden) that Morrigan falls prego straight off the bat? :biggrin: Afterall, Alistair always complained *cough* whined *cough* when he became king that he would need an heir, and with the taint it was not likely - Grey wardens who had children had them before the taint, after all. :happy: *sings* Irroooony.... *sings* Meh, I am rambling :mellow:
  3. Well, I don't know if I am the only person who gets the 'ghost loghain' glitch, as it has been refered to on other forums (just contradicted myself -_-) but would it be possible to fix a few things for people who get this glitch? a) At the final battle when the companions are talking to the GW, both Alistair and Loghain's one comes out (atm, I only get ghost boy and no prince charming...) b) If Alistair is not made king, could his position post-coronation be moved? At the moment, if he is not made king, we only get wrinkly old Loghain in Alistairs place. Thanks :yes:
  4. Okay, thanks! -rubs hands together- Time to make morphs! :biggrin:
  5. Hey Salona; You won't need to mess with the "chargenmorphcfg.xml" file to change an NPC's face. That's ONLY for your Warden when you're creating her/him. Make a copy of the ".mor" you like and rename it: " hf_genfl_leliana.mor ". Put THAT in your override, and that's what Leli will look like! :thumbsup: Thanks Thandal :thumbsup: One more thing - do you know why mods like 'more hairstyles' (in general, all hair mods) wont work when I use them in Toolset? The mesh is weird, and the colour is some blocky blue and green colour. I will upload a picture when I can - my internet it slow at the moment though and uploading anything is making it crash at the moment. Thanks, again, for the help :thumbsup:
  6. Okay, as I suck at toolset (not to mention it seems to hate me and wont let me use custom hair styles in it) I decided I want to make a morph for Lelliana. Anyway, I created a character and made the morph I wanted and used DA Face Replacer to extract said morph (.mor) from the saved game. Now, the only question is: how can I put it on Lelliana? 1) I know I need to re-name it to something for it to 'override', but what? 2) I also know I need a chargenmorphcfg.xml for it. Any help? :unsure:
  7. I have that last one as well. And you're right that item and appearance mods shouldn't have anything to do with this. So I'd remove the other two and see if the problem still exists. If so, we can dig deeper. If not, at least you'll know what caused it. Thanks :thumbsup: Will let you know as soon as I have un-installed them and tested it.
  8. Hmm..... Anyone Can Marry Alistair? Alistair Last Kiss at Fortdrakon. Equal Love? (need it to unlock Morrigan 'Acheivement' :sleep:) Ermm..... I honestly have no idea what else. Most other Mods I have installed are Armour/Hair and Eyes/Wepons.
  9. Well, this is pissing me off every time I get to the end of the game. Even if I killed Logahin, he will be in my party (in the same spot as Alistair) and when it gets to the gate where your companions talk to you, he is 'invisible', yet he talks to me whereas Alistair doesn't :confused: Am I the only person who gets this glitch? It happens to me on every play through. :mad:
  10. Thanks for the help :thumbsup: And you seem to get a different screen to mine :mellow: No wonder I got confused :laugh: Managed to release my first morph package thanks to you :woot:
  11. Okay, I un-installed it and re-installed a different version and now it works. I am still confused :wacko: I dont have a button that says 'Source', I only have one that says 'Set as Source', and when I click that it doesn't open any window... :sleep:
  12. Ok, you need to install the Python programming language (link to the download and install page is provided in the DAFR readme.) Then when you start DAFR, it opens a window with several hot buttons and text boxes. Click on the Button labeled "Source:". You'll get a (semi-)familiar Windows file navigation panel. Browse to the FOLDER with a saved game containing the character who's face you want to extract. (Example: "C:\Users\[username]\[user's documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\Characters\Thandal\Saves\Slot10" NOTE 1: Select an EARLY game (low numbered slot) so you're using a small ".das" file. NOTE 2: Remember this location, you'll need to be able to get back to it later. :thumbsup: Look near the bottom of the window, to the RIGHT of the the "File name" text box for a drop-down menu (the default choice is: "Dragon Age resource, *.erf, *.din".) Change the file type to: "DragonAge Savegame, *.das" Select the ".das" file that will now appear in the panel. Click "Open" You are now back in the main window. Click the button labeled "Destination file:" Give the ".mor" file which is about to be extracted a new name, (like "My Female City Elf Warrior for Sharing", or "Santa Claus". It doesn't matter, as long as you'll know what you meant. :laugh: ) Click the green "..." button at the bottom. Click the green "EXTRACT" button at the bottom. NOTE 3: By default, the ".mor" is created in the exact same folder as the ".das" from which it was extracted. You can adjust this, but I wanted to keep this simple the first time. So there you have it! A ".mor" of the face you liked, which can be re-inserted using DAFR into another savedgame (yours, or someone else's.) NOTE 4: Strange things happen if you insert a ".mor" of a different race/gender than the underlying character's. For example Human faces on Elves or Dwarves result in a "floating head" because there is a gap between the body model's placement and the (new) face's. :tongue: [Edit: Oh yeah, now you can click the red "Quit" button!] Well, I have installed python version... 3.2 and I am using the DA Face replacer that says use python versio 2.5 and up, but when I try to open the DA Face Replacer a black box appeared with some text in it for less than a second and then nothing happens. :down: Should I try with a different version of python?
  13. :dry: Can't work that thing out :dry: Dont know what on earth I am doing. Am I meant to open it using the python programme? If so, then what? o_O
  14. Well, I was wondering how (if you can) to import my morphs from characters (i.e. my saves) I made on Dragon Age (Character Creator Screen) into the toolset, as people have requested me many a time to share my character Morphs, yet I am slightly useless at the toolset, so I can just abount manage importing my characters face morph etc, and then save it it to share. So, any help? :sweat:
  15. Ah, Dark Times. I do wish to play that badly. But, alas, with a downlaod limmit on my internet I have to wait 'till end of Janurary (when BT get their arses to my door) to download it :(
  16. Would probably need more work than that. 1) Dialogue - I am sure a majority of them would have something to say, hence you would need VO. 2) Conflict with Storyline - you dont know the additional ingrediants (untill awakening) for the Joining other than Darkspawn blood. 3) Cutscenes. 4) They would need an option to kill Archedemon then when you have them in the party, hence needing more cut scenes and Voice Overs. :turned:
  17. Hmmm, but how would it work when making it join your party? Human Noble Origin: Get your Mabari from the kitchen! Okay, I will go get my flame-breathing dragon- I mean, drake. So not only would it have to be a simple morph of it, it may also causes a lot of interferance in cut scenes and in general not make sense (example above). I think I have just confused myself :blink:
  18. Well, I think it would be cool if when we switch wepons, we could switch out armor as well. For example, sometimes on my mage I use her as her Arcane Warrior spec, but other times (like when dragons try to eat her and she dies in a few seconds) I keep her at the back using her staff while Alistair is eaten. Anyway, it gets kind of annoying having to pause the game and switch from her armor to robes and so on... so, there is my request. Yours sincerely, ~ Salona the Wannabe Grey Warden :thumbsup:
  19. If it is Fort Drakon one, that is only with Alistair. If there is another, please do link me ^_^ Thank you! May not be a 'romance' (hint, hint) scene, but still. Thanks for the link x
  20. If it is Fort Drakon one, that is only with Alistair. If there is another, please do link me ^_^
  21. Well, I have played dragon age about 20 time through, if not more. And alothough it is my favourite game, it is starting to get a little.... flat. Any suggestions to liven up the game? Or in general any great mods out there that I should use? Thanks x ~Your wannabe Grey Warden. ~~ Salona. :thumbsup:
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