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Posts posted by ResidentWeevil2077



    How dare you, Ninja! Are you insane?! Are you completely and utterly oblivious to the facts?! No one and nothing can dispute the facts, you little insignificant speck of nothingness. Begone with you, foul devil! Get thee back to the abyss from whence thou hast come, daemon! :devil:

  2. Every single one of you are completely and utterly WRONG!!! All of you are single-minded buffoons who don't even know your arses from a hole in the ground. The greatest, best-selling, No.1 video game EVER is Super Mario Bros, and anyone who attempts to argue with me will bring down the wrath of the video game gods.
  3. But with a system like that, how the heck would someone ever be able to achieve respect amongst the members of the site, since because you already have given that person respect (that's what kudos really is). When you think about it, you're not going to turn around and keep giving said person respect when they already have it. It's makes no sense... :confused:
  4. @ Drazur: Yes, kids STILL fight over who's machine is better. Especially if owns Xbox 360/PS3/Wii, and the other owns whatever else the other one doesn't own. I think it's called "fanboyism" :rolleyes:


    My first system was a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES, or simply 'Nintendo'), with the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt game pak, two controllers and the Zapper. I still have it, although I don't think it works :unsure:

  5. If one browses to a website, a favicon will show up beside the address of the website they browsed to. If they were to then bookmark/mark as favourite the site, the favicon will show up beside the name of the site. Your web browser will automatically load a favicon instead of the usual page icon if it detects one. Now, if Dark0ne could only change the favicon for Nexus Forums... unless that's part of the board engine you're using...
  6. @ ninja_lord666: Dat true ;)


    @ Gankuku: The only way I know of that you could change the current layout (if you don't like it that much) is with Firefox and the "userstyles" extension. You could (if you know what doing, that is) use a "style" to customize how a website looks WITHOUT actually editing the site itself. It is pretty handy, so I just thought I'd mention it.

  7. The title of this topic reminds me of how Milla Jovovich's char in The Fifth Element was made :P Anyway, I always tell myself and others that you can't please everyone - it's impossible, as in it will never be possible. EVER. PERIOD.


    Like I said, I like the new site better, and I think it's for the better so you can distance yourself away from the old Gaming Source (or TES Source as it was really the only site with the most activity :rolleyes: ). I think what we need now is to have a Quake Wars Nexus, which could also include Quake 4. And maybe in the future when id Software releases Doom 4, there could be a Doom 4 Nexus... ;)

  8. Perhaps the most hated (and arguably the most annoying) NPC has got to be Glarthir, you know, the ecentric paranoid Wood Elf who almost always manages to find you while in Skingrad? The one who no matter where you go in Skingrad he always runs after you? I either just duck into "Colovian Traders" or "Hammer and Tongs", or try to avoid Skingrad altogether.
  9. Sounds better than before (altho I wouldn't know how that works... :unsure: ) Anyway, I guess members need to remember to have cookies turned ON in their web browser if they don't want the 2nd scenario to bug them ;) ...


    ...If the third scenario happens that means the member is a (_?_) (that's read "dumb @$$" :D )

  10. edit: i just realized this thread is 50years old, i dudt mean to revive it, but it seem to be pinned.


    here is my pointless post.


    it different to define what is best, you said its the most influential games. for me its the one that is most memoriable. half life was extremely influential for fps and cinematic gameplay, but too i couldnt stand to play it because the graphic makes me extremely headache and literally throw up after a while.


    the one absolute best is Terranigma, a snes rpg game, because the story is very touching to me. The main character was very humble and suffer a lot, but in the end he has to die after saving the world. Okay that might sounc cliche, the way it was presented was memoriable. FF7 and Chrono Trigger comes very very very close.


    yeah i have to say deus ex is close up. as for the one i would keep forever, Morrowind, not about the character customization, but the feeling it provoke. Oblivion doesnt even come close.


    its easier to list best of a genre than the best overall.

    Well, I agree some of these are rather memorable (Morrowind and Chrono Trigger are games I still play today), but I think what you have to understand that while these games did bring new concepts to the gaming world in general, they lack something a very select few games have: immortality. As I posted quite a while ago in this same thread, Super Mario Bros. STILL makes an impact on gamers today.


    Even though Mario and Nintendo aren't quite what they used to be (all thnx to Microsoft and Sony :dry: ... ), I know, for a stone-cold fact, that SMB is THE WORLD'S greatest game of all-time. Dispute this fact all you want, nothing will ever achieve what SMB did back in 1985. There was no other game (not even on the Commodore 64 OR Amiga) that could have done what SMB did.


    SMB is the definition of what a "game" is: deceptively simple, not violent (at least by the way "violence" is defined ;) ) so everyone can play it, old and young alike, and above all, easily replayable, even after all these years. THESE are the things that make a game immortal. Never, not EVER, has one game since the release of SMB on the NES back in 1985 been able to achieve success quite like it. And THAT is a known fact.

  11. File Transfer Removed

    I have removed the file transfer functionality from the file upload pages since many people, despite examples, could not understand the concept of a direct link.

    What part of the upload page was this at? And what purpose did it serve?

  12. Indie rock isn't that bad... Some times. And anything is better than all the rap you hear over here... No offense to those who like it but I can't stand it.

    Same here, cuz to me it's not music at all, just a bunch of loud noise (I keep it with all what I call "noise", which includes rap, excluding hip-hop since it's different, metal, and grunge rock). I listen to anything that sounds good to me, but I usually listen to electronica. My signature should've given that away, as that's from the Warp Brothers first track Phatt Bass, a remake of New Order's Confusion, specifically the Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix from Blade.


    Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone, not just the Elder Scrolls or Gaming Source communities, but the entire world.


    ...Oh yeah, and Happy Hanukkah to all the Jewish people on the forums too ;) !

  13. I'm 21, and in the prime of my life (well, I haven't even begun to live yet, so what am I talkin' 'bout :P ). Seems to me there are a majority of young 'uns my age (18-21), so I fit right in like the missing piece of a complicated jigsaw puzzle. BUT, unlike most in my age group, I have the mind of an ancient and powerful wizard (actually, it's kinda like a nerd's brainy brain inside of a jock's hot bod, more or less, altho I'm not that physically active nor THAT physically fit :closedeyes: ).
  14. Been listening to everything else nobody else listens to. Actually, I've just been going through my collection of CDs and discovered I don't listen to them anymore. Probably cuz I've ripped 'em all to my comp. I haven't really been listening to too much of the lastest and the greatest, simply because it's not in my tastes. I'm a trance guy pretty much, especially the hardcore 150 BPM "I-think-I'm-having-a-heart-attack-and-an-orgasm-at-the-same-time" euphoria you hear at raves and whatnot. I'm not into that tribal crap, though, I like it hard, fast, and rough. If you catch my drift ;) ...


    Examples, please? Oakenfold rules, btw. ;)


    Stuff like Lisa Lashes, BK, Andy Farley, and Infected Mushroom are just a teeny tiny sampler of the shyte I'm into. I suppose Oakey is aight, a tad on the prog house side of things, but decent none the less. PVD is a much better trance producer tho. Same with Tiësto and Armin van Buuren. And ATB.

  15. Been listening to everything else nobody else listens to. Actually, I've just been going through my collection of CDs and discovered I don't listen to them anymore. Probably cuz I've ripped 'em all to my comp. I haven't really been listening to too much of the lastest and the greatest, simply because it's not in my tastes. I'm a trance guy pretty much, especially the hardcore 150 BPM "I-think-I'm-having-a-heart-attack-and-an-orgasm-at-the-same-time" euphoria you hear at raves and whatnot. I'm not into that tribal crap, though, I like it hard, fast, and rough. If you catch my drift ;) ...
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