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Posts posted by ResidentWeevil2077

  1. @xeanander right. thank you for precising XD


    as always, virtue lies in between. vagrant stands for a more conservative, relatively old-fashioned way of thinking (the exaggeration of the phenomena came with an erroneous consideration about HIV, something that also happened quite recently and was immediately uncovered as an abusive statement) and a corageous, hot, perhaps rash, way of tought from rob_b. sorry vagrant, but I was touched by his impetuous apology of human rights (being a student of Law myself).


    what IMO is the core is the prejudice inculcated in heads about certain things (not necessairily this). one must be sophisticated about certain matters in life, wheter he's involved or not.


    @rob_b keep up fighting for what you believe in. your reckless honesty is far more pure than the politically correct, even if you will encounter difficulties.

    Thx Ansem, but what I say is true, even if I'm shunned as much as those I defend. But with a little effort, I know we can shatter the walls that have been built around this fortress of utter misery and wanton logic.

  2. Vagrant, you exactly proved my point, that you and others who think like you are so closed off to everyone else. And why is it that I need to back up my thoughts with logic and reasoning? This is precisely the kind of attitude that keeps everyone segregated. How is it that what I think is my belief as well? When it comes to human rights, I don't believe, I KNOW. Logic and reasoning? Pah, that's a poor excuse for your own blatant ignorance.


    You're still so closed off that you yourself can't see how wrong you are. How in the bloody hell is it that we need "research" to accept people like Corr and homosexual people? Human rights does not need ANY kind of research, and thinking that way is blatant ignorance and utter folly. And now, I see your trying to cover your arse. It doesn't work, not with me, because you know that I know you're wrong. Quite frankly, I don't see the reasoning behind what you think.


    You wanna know something about me? I used to think like you, I never accepted people who were "different" from me. I got so used of the way society portrayed such people. However, I changed my way of thinking. I realized that they're no different from me at all, and are capable of everything I can, or perhaps even exceed my abilities. Because I understood. I had to understand. I needed to make that change. But I digress...


    ...I'm ashamed that someone who is respected as you would make these statements, but I guess I thought wrong. It's not me who's not allowing people like Corr to lead happier lives, it's people like you who are unwilling to accept at all. Because of logic and reasoning. Don't use that on me again, because I'll have none of it. The only thing I'm closed off to is logic and reasoning, because that's what makes people blind.

  3. Vagrant, who in the bloody hell do you think you are, huh!?! Just because you think homosexuality/cross-dressing/transexuality is wrong, doesn't mean you even give you the damn f**king right to say anything. I don't care if this gets me banned, but I'm not gonna let you get away with slandering ANYONE who is different from you.


    This has nothing to do with what is right or wrong, black or white, for when it comes to the rights of human beings, no so-called "morals" will get in the way. It's this kind of prejudice that sickens me, more than anything, because people like you will NEVER understand a g*ddamn thing AT ALL. It's people like you who are less human than those you despise, those that you see as different from you, those that you feel are living their lives wrong...


    Nah, it's you who are wrong, you're the one that is so closed off to everyone else that you are blind. Blind to humanity. You're a misanthropist, because you let you're so-called "moral system" blind you from seeing that everyone else isn't so different from you. I've got nothing else to say to you, or any other time after this, because I know who you are now.

  4. I think it is best for someone like you to share with us your situation - after all, we don't see many transgendered people around here, so you are taking a very brave yet important step for our understanding of transgender. To me, it is harder for a transgendered person to reveal who they are more so than it is for a homosexual person to "come out" as they say.


    But in this day and age, people are generally more understanding and more accepting of who you are, rather than what you are, right? I myself am open-minded, and I can understand what you are going through Corr. I found myself in your position a few years ago, after I broke up with my last girlfriend, and I questioned who I was.


    I realize that I was only out of touch with myself, since I am simply more sensitive to my own feelings, as well as those of other people. All of my girlfriends before that never understood me for that, but I have no regrets or resentments anymore, because I am me, and that is all I ever want to be :thumbsup:

  5. *sighs* People just don't know when to quit, do they? Well, this should serve as a warning to all leechers that your little DoS games will come to an end :devil:

    Sadly, the message isn't as clear as that of a low-yield nuclear weapon. A flux compression generator would work, too.

    Yeah, that's the best way we'd be able to put an absolution to this madness :unsure:

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