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About StarSkye

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  1. Hope I got the right place to ask this. Let me know if I'm wrong and I'll direct my questions to the proper thread. I'm not sure if this is only happening to me or if it's a problem with the site, but clicking The Moderating Team at the bottom of the first page of the forum takes me to what seems like an empty page. It still has the header, with my account link and search bar, but nothing between that and the footer. Similarly but not quite, clicking the Chat option in the header gives me this error: This page isn’t working forums.nexusmods.com redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS I tried clearing cookies from Chrome, no change. I couldn't find any threads about the chat not working so I wonder if it's just me. Thanks in advance for any response. Ellie Edit: I had messaged Staff member AltheaR about the link being broken in order to know if it was only for me, and she has confirmed it is indeed broken.
  2. Not completely sure, but I tend to read the descriptions before choosing which to download, be it SexLab or anything else. I don't use enbboost, and I'll admit I'm not sure what that is. I've looked through that thread, might try it out. Thanks. I've decided to just install them all over again, so I can read the descriptions again and ensure it wasn't my fault for missing an important detail here or there. But thanks for the hints anyway, it was all very insightful and I'll be sure to read through what you've given me and establish a 'routine' for installing and using mods according to the information you've listed here, specifically checking for errors before trying the game or any time it crashes. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write all that to help me learn how to work with mods and their related utilities, having it all in one place is much better than scrambling through results on Google.
  3. [RESOLVED - THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP] Hello, I'm looking for some assistance because I've installed Skyrim and a variety of mods I want to use twice already, from scratch and despite testing them one by one and disabling/deleting the troublemakers that would get me CTD at the load screen, I'm now getting CTD for no apparent reason. First off, I'd like to point out I played through the intro in Helgen before adding any mods, just to be safe. Secondly, even though I changed the skyrim.ini file so it would create logs upon crashing, nothing has been created even after dozens of crashes. I use Mod Organizer, its built-in LOOT function, LOOT itself while trying to figure out what was wrong, and I have SKSE, FNIS and two skyprocs (automatic variants and EBD which I disabled while testing). So, the issue is, my save is just after my character and the other survivor escape from Helgen and we're outside in the wilderness. Because of a heavy mod load I tend to wait about 5-10 minutes to let everything settle, the warnings finish, everything showing up in MCM, no problem. I can move, talk to the npc, pick up ingredients, but it will always just randomly CTD after a while and I can't for the life of me figure out why or what's causing it, there's nothing specific that I do to cause it because I've tried several different courses of action after everything loads (it seems to happen faster if I decide to just walk over to Riverwood). As per instructions in the pinned thread, here is the list from ModWatch: http://www.modwat.ch/u/StarkofGenius. Let me know if anything is wrong with that link. I have more mods than those listed but they are disabled and 'shouldn't' affect anything. If there's need for me to share that list as well, just drop me a line and I will. Other than this, I don't know what information to post given that I don't get error messages from MO or LOOT when running them, or the game, and I don't seem to have any crash logs. At most I see 15 warnings of 'dirty mods', but I've checked, the descriptions from the authors say not to clean them. If anyone could talk me through providing better information, please do. Lastly, I realize it's an insane amount of mods and my hope regarding getting help in this is thin, but I figured I'd give it a try. If no one can help, I'll eventually suck it up and reinstall everything piece by piece, reading more carefully through descriptions and readmes (when available) to check for incompatibilities even though I already try my best to avoid these. To anyone who's spent the time to read this far, thanks. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
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