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Everything posted by Draco1981

  1. what is that, a manager? Although I am stupid, but I have never used a manager. I am mine own manager, If I make a mistake in the installation, then I am angry with myself. But if there is an error by the manager, on Whom can I then be angry? The anger then remains in me and that is not good for health. LOL
  2. I hope the service is for non-English speaking people to HEAVY! otherwise it would be a step backwards. ;)
  3. this whole text is not legible and understandable for me!because even makes Google translate limp. ;)
  4. sorry I don `t speak English. I do not understand why these mods are not public, as it should be actually. on other websites this procedure as would not be tolerated.
  5. what should that?? it is me already several times noticed, that here on Nexus such mods are uploaded. why is that possible and why makes of this author that? will he with his Mods earn money? and why this allows Nexus and even speak out warnings. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74312/?
  6. the first two are not my fall, too clunky and primitive design. There are yet a further sword. ;) this is the original Conan Father Sword :) http://www.mareg.net/Media/Thumbs/0002/0002506-conan-vater-schwert.jpg http://www.budoten.com/pics/pic2/604012.jpg http://www.mareg.net/conan-vater-schwert
  7. sword of the Lord Kalidor. Conans sword http://www.swords-and-more.com/shop1/images/14265_6001.jpg
  8. Crom! no Kalidor! Lol Lord Kalidor :laugh: :wink: Crom is the god of war in Conan http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EiWorAqPg6U/TsPn0hCOnKI/AAAAAAAAA5Y/wulrKbKMK98/s1600/crom.bmp
  9. You said it, it is not Conan, but it is Red Sonja! ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sonja_(film) https://youtu.be/B8prRGBQSlQ CONAN THE BARBARIAN outfits by Prometheus_ts http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4793/? Howards Conan by Sabbath6100 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59070/?
  10. me it is jacket as pants (no matter) what with Fallout is, I've never played and I will never play! for me is "Fallout" no RPG but rather a shooter, it has nothing to do for me with a classic RPG.
  11. In response to post #24564064. #24564289, #24564449, #24564849 are all replies on the same post. if I for mods pay should, then the time of the mods for me is over! of course it's hard work what modder make, but I have already paid a lot of money for game and DLC's that supposed to be enough.
  12. fight animations in 360 ° here are quite simply modder asked! it is already possible to the character to move in 360 degrees, even swimming is possible in 360 °! but as soon as a weapon is pulled, this 360 ° are disabled! each blow with a sword, ax, mace and every shot with a bow, is always forward (horizontal) an example: if I'm in a fight and be attacked at once from behind, then I have to turn my character with the mouse. why can not I just, beat or shoot rearwardly? So all combat movements in 360 ° I hope it's all to understand, my english is "equal" zero. Here is a complete video, looks it at yourselves and be amazed.
  13. exactly what I mean, earlier in a landscape texture mod I could see a lot of pictures, which gave me the decision easier to use a mod. now when so few pictures are to be seen, I do not know if I should use this mod! I have many pictures its very appreciated to nexus, but this now I am very disappointed. german genau das meine ich , früher bei einem landschafts textur mod konnte ich sehr viele bilder sehen , das hat mir die entscheidung erleichtert einen mod zu verwenden . wenn jetzt nur noch so wenige bilder zu sehen sind , weiß ich nicht mehr ob ich diesen mod verwenden sollte ! ich habe an nexus seine vielen bilder sehr geschätzt , aber das hier jetzt enttäuscht mich sehr .
  14. what's wrong? since when is "in the download area" stingy with pictures, there are only a maximum of three images available! now when I look for a jewelry collection, only three pictures are there where * earlier times ten were! what's going on, have not enough memory here? german
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