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About Benmc20

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    Fallout 4, Civ 5, MassEffect Andromeda
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    Actually ? MassEffect Andromeda

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Community Answers

  1. As for the new site, I didn't revert back to the old site. The new one is : - far more responsible than the old one - adds some nice features - looks is cleaner Good job.
  2. Hello there. I was warened about attempts to upload files about Panam and Judy body mods in the Cyberpunk Nexus and just found this : https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/54022747 Any moderator to check this ?
  3. Any ETA for this incident ? Fortunately, even if we can't logon on Vortex, the current profile can be used.
  4. Sadly it didn't work for me. Tryed this bat at the whole and typing each command manually.
  5. I'll save you some time (and sweat), it happened to me aswell :
  6. I have the same problem and the specific error reported by Vortex is "HTTP error 500", which is server side. Normally temporary. Only concern the "https://api.nexusmods.com/v2/graphql" URL.
  7. Not bad... I can't be affirmative because I only open the new forums right now, but the first contact seems promising. I di like the new theme too.
  8. Here is how I use Vortex for Starfield : https://imgur.com/a/YjDjc8G
  9. Any idea where to find these filters in our profiles ? I've searched and didn't find aynthing related to filters in my site profile...
  10. I can confirm this. And really slow speed of mods bigger than 200 MB, even for a lifetime premium, like me.
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