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Everything posted by Jumonji

  1. Um... most of your ideas are sound, but you do not need a huge image like this. All you need is a one-pixel gradient line for the background image, then force it to cover the entire height with the image properties. It's an old html trick. No download time at all, but covers the entire page with a left-to-right gradient color. ------------ Dark0ne, I appreciate that you don't want a garish site, and I don't either. But there's a world of options between garish and boring. You want tasteful but appealing, and highly functional. Professional graphic designers spend their careers trying to master that balance (and most don't succeed, by the way.) I'm sure you'll still have a very large audience, probably as big as you need or want. But if you started out with this un-design in the beginning, I doubt you would have built up the loyal fan base that you now have. Anyway - 'nuff said. I'm just glad your back! -Jumonji
  2. In statistics, it's common to leave out the "outliers" when computing averages. The precise way... compute the standard deviation of the scores and drop anything more than 3 standard deviations from the mean. The easy way - drop the top and bottom 5 percent of the scores, and average the remainder. Another option is to give higher weight to those who have posted their own mods.
  3. Images aren't important? Are you nuts? :wacko: If you mean a certain kind of image encoding, then ya. But if you mean graphic design isn't important, then why aren't you playing a text-based game? The new site is just boring. Ya, you've heard all the kudos about how glad we are that you're back, how glad we are that we still have our content, and I totally support that. But the new look is just too washed out boring. Doesn't remind me of Oblivion in the slightest. The sections run together; Not enough contrast. And we can only see o e small uploaded image per page to catch our eyes... We want our eye-candy! :rolleyes: -Jumonji
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