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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. In Skyrim SE, CK looks for source code files (.psc) in Data/Source/Scripts, and compiled scripts (.pex) go to Data/Scripts. I think in LE, source was expected in Data/Scripts/Source. Many mods out there still tend to place their source that way. Be sure to unzip Scripts.zip in your Data - it will populate a lot of library scripts in Source/scripts. If doing anything MCM-related, you will also need to download source code libraries for SkyUI at their github: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui
  2. Ouch... that one is a MESS. To start with... in the zip, you got esp and bsa are outside of Data. Everything must be inside. In fact there is no need for Data folder. The zip files are already being installed into Data. The .bsa you include, seem to have no point. About only thing non-vanilla in them is the alternate gold texture. (which, being directly under clutter, will change th look of ALL coins in game) Inside, everything is duplicate. You got things dumped direct under meshes/textures, which is BAD. And you got it all duplicated (mostly) under meshes/CaptF and textures/CaptF. Your .esp lists HIMBO.esp as master, but does not need it. Also, you overload relationship of CurrentFollowerFaction to player, which can really mess up people's games. Also overloading some behavior packages that will affect ALL NPCS. Armor outfit includes both shields. I really did not delve into scripts and quests. I was concentrating on cosmetic stuff. Pretty much all your ArmorAddons were referencing stuff directly under meshes, not meshes/CaptF. A lot of texture paths were wrong. Many weapons and silver shield had 'Gallowmere' in texture paths. Boots under 'Clothes' had wrong texture assigned. Many armor .nifs were including 'BSFaceGenNiNodeSkinned' which should ONLY be present in head chargen .nifs. Helmet mesh partition was not flagged visible. Many armors did not have 'Scene Root' as root node (not sure this is required though) Texture sets are not really needed unless you need to specify an alternate to what is already set in the .nif. You do need texture sets if providing custom skin. Body was referencing custom Realore skin, but head was pointed to default skin texture, causing head/body mismatch. The chargenned head exported from Racemenu should not be used as HeadPart. You need to have it specially named and placed. I.e. in your mod, sub-FormID of the NPC is 5930. So you need to rename the head mesh '00005930.nif', and put it in meshes/actors/character/FacegenData/facegeom/CaptainFortFollower.esp/ Likewise, the tint/details texture is renamed 00005930.dds and goes into textures/actors/character/FacegenData/facetint/CaptainFortFollower.esp/, and you need to set its path in the head .nif accordingly. Another thing - the head parts specified for the actor in .esp must exactly match the naming of head parts in the head .nif. As you used vanilla native head parts for head/brows/eyes/beard, there is really no need to create your own head parts. You used hair from a mod - you should have copied the head parts EXACTLY. Hallgarth Additional hair indicates no specific .tri for that hair mesh (only for the hairline), so you putting 'malehead.tri' in hair caused the game to crash the moment captain spawned. Genitals - bad idea. For mod users who have SoS installed, SoS will equip the genitals as needed along with all the necessary support and physics. Way you did it, they would not even render. (genitals mesh is slot 52, your ArmorAddon indicated 32). Actually setting it to 52 would likely cause Captain's schlong permanently poking through whatever worn clothing - unless you included slot 52 underwear. For users who do NOT use SoS, the skeleton would not have the needed nodes, causing a 'mesh explosion' and likely a crash. If you want to provide a custom HIMBO body, either make SoS a requirement (potentially a master), or provide an alternate NeverNude body via FOMOD or alternate download. Either way, do not include your own genitals. For armor/clothes, most of them were referencing non-existent ground meshes. I created ground meshes, except where I could use native ones. I got things more or less organized and cleaned up. I edited the _0 and _1 nifs for the armor/clothes, but you really need to apply those same changes to your template files under BodySlide/ShapeData - and rebuild from those. Here is the file.
  3. I am using CK SSE, with the bug fixes and multi-master patch. Makes it real fast and very stable. Gameplay menu - Papyrusa script manager - and I can filter through any scripts, right-click and choose 'Compile' and it immediately tells me if there are errors and what they are. I use Netbeans for actual script editing, and double-clicking a script in manager opens it in Netbeans. Also, when attaching scripts to forms, makes it real easy to inspect and assign properties. I am not familiar with SSEScript, but I find CK workflow real easy.
  4. Yeah, need an nVidia card for that one.... I found this on Blender discussion: You can open, edit and export DDS files in www.Photopea.com :) BC1 and BC7 compression is available at the export.
  5. In your first script, what error do you get when it does not compile? I would do it this way: But generally, your way ought to work.
  6. You got to start from beginning. What did you install between the time the game was ok last time and now To me, it sounds like a botched install of CBBE (or UNP) and BodySlide. If you open BodySlide settings, what is 'Game Data Path?'.
  7. I see. In BodySlide settings, right at top, it has 'Game Data Path'. And this has to point to ...\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\ As long as that is set properly, you really shouldn't need to mess with output path or anything. Considering that any mods that include BodySlide files, install them in ...\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\CalienteTools\BodySlide, if your BodySlide looks for them instead in ...\Skyrim Special Edition\CalienteTools\BodySlide, it would have trouble finding anything... Hopefully your CTD issues are now behind you.
  8. Not to mention that Nexus has no affiliation with Bethesda or Valve...
  9. 'kha' meshes are for Khajiit. 'gnd' are 'ground' meshes for when item is dropped (also to show item in inventory) And looks like we are getting to the root of this. Those _0 and _1 nif file pairs need to be identical. They must literally match vertex-for-vertex, only difference being actual coordinates of each vertex. Engine uses _0 for weight 0, _1 for weight 100, and interpolates per-vertex for anything in between. How to fix... The way you describe it, you likely had some mod that changes the look of ALL DB armor(and likely a few others) - hence you have all those files. I would try to remember what it was. If you use Vortex, and at any point installed CBBE, look for it (search for Caliente), right-click the mod and choose 'manage file conflicts' See with which mods CBBE competes for dbarmortorso_f_0/1. Whatever that mod is, completely remove and reinstall it. Another option: run Bodyslide, (again, assuming CBBE, but UNP should have something similar), select outfit 'CBBE Vanilla - Body - Dark Brotherhood'. In lower left, it will indicate the output path. If it is in red or blue, you can right-click to see if there are other Bodyslide projects for same target file. Select whichever variant you prefer and build it. This should overwrite you dbarmortorso_f_* files properly.
  10. I doubt you have any skeleton or general body issues. If you did, your problem would be a lot more widespread. Ok, so it is not happening on a truly clean game, that is good. But if you, on your current modded setup: Start new game via 'coc qasmoke' from main menu Use 'player.placeatme 1bdb4' to spawn Astrid. (or 15cfe for female DB initiate) She will appear in the 'prison' room ahead of you - do you CTD as soon as you see her? Also If you use 'showracemenu' to change to female, use 'player.additem d2844 1' to get shrouded armor (body item), and put it on, do you also CTD? And with mods present, exactly what files you currently have in Data\meshes\armor\dbarmor? Are there both dbarmortorso_F_0.nif and dbarmortorso_F_1.nif? Do they have exact same size and 'last modified' timestamp? Hypothetical situation: You install mod X which comes with only dbarmortorso_F_1.nif, and in the .esp, it overrides native DBArmorAA form, setting female weight slider to 'disabled', so mod armor always renders at weight 1, thus only needing the _1 file. If it comes with Bodyslide project, that one is also flagged to generate the _1 nif file only. Later, as part of your update to AE, mod X gets disabled, or your load order gets changed. Now, the last loaded plugin that has DBArmorAA form, has female weight slider set to 'enabled', but the dbarmortorso_F_1.nif file from mod X is still there. As soon as you try to render an actor with weight between 0 and 1, game will try to interpolate between the _0 file - likely found in Skyrim's native bsa, and _1 file that is from a mod. That is an almost always a recipe for crash.
  11. Well, it is really hard to diagnose this stuff remotely... Is it both male and female or just one of them? How EXACTLY does it happen? That is, can you describe step by step, what is your sequence of actions from starting a new game, that leads to a CTD? Is your game at present in more or less vanilla state, with only maybe a few core things (SKSE, AddressLibrary, CrashLogger) installed? As in, no armor-affecting .esp plugins enabled, no .nif files in Data/meshes/armor/dbarmor, and no .dds files in Data/textures/armor/dbarmor. From how you describe it, I sorta paint this picture: 1. Start a new game. Either normally or by using coc at main menu. If using coc, use showracemenu via console to setup your character. 2. Make an initial save. (Save 1). From this point on, if you exit the game and restart, you can reliably load (Save 1) at all times. 3. In game you open console and type: help "shrouded armor" You should get back something like: ARMO: (000D2844) 'Shrouded Armor' ARMO: (000E1F15) 'Ancient Shrouded Armor' ARMO: (00105966) 'Shrouded Armor' ARMO: (0010EB5B) 'Shrouded Armor' D2844 is the enchanted version, 10EB5B is cheaper unenchanted. 105966 is a weird non-playable version, and if you try to do: "player additem 105966 1" and then "player.showinventory", you will see that you actually received a '10EB5B' 4. You use command: "player.additem D2844 1", which puts a Shrouded Armor in your inventory. 5. You equip this armor - I take it at this time the game does not crash? 6. You make another manual save (Save 2) 7. You exit the game, start it again, and try loading (Save 2) - at which point game crashes. But you can still load (Save 1) just fine. Does this describe things more or less accurately?
  12. Creation Kit does not do anything to the textures. The textures are nVidia .dds format and size heavily depends on compression type used. I use Photoshop 2023 with nVidia Texture Tools Exporter plugin for my texture work. A typical 2k armor texture, saved using BC7 RGBA compression, is around 5MB. Same texture, saved using BGRA method, takes the size to 22MB Both types of compression work fine in the game, and I can't say I see much difference in quality running in 4K resolution. I dunno what sort of compression is there in GIMP, but one thing you can try is get the standalone application version of above-linked nVidia Texture Tools. It is free, you just need to create a developer account with nVidia. You should be able to take files from GIMP and re-save them using BC7.
  13. In SSEEdit, you would need to expant 'Skyrim.esm', not 'SkyrimSE.exe' That crashlog is from Dec 10. Was this crash from when you still had mods in place? Got anything more recent? If the problem is indeed with meshes\armor\dbarmor\dbarmortorso_f_0.nif, and it was generated by Outfit Studio, it is a BodySlide build, not native mesh from .bsa. As far as 'managed by vortex' file goes, it is not an issue by itself. But it tells me two things: 1. At one point, you did have some mod mesh files in that directory. Potentially bad ones. 2. You did not clean out your Data directory as thoroughly as you claim. No telling what other leftovers might be still around, causing issues.
  14. Confirmed. Manually downloaded. Used 7Zip to uncompress the .rar. Used Cathedral Assest Optimizer on the extracted directory. SSE Profile, set meshes to 'Full optimization', 'always process headparts' and 'resave meshes' both checked, 'Necessary optimization' on textures. Re-compressed the directory. Dropped into Vortex to install. (Running Skyrim AE 1.6.353) Did not go to place where she is supposed to be, just used player.placeatme to summon her. She seems to work ok, no crashes/glitches, custom dialogue and voice works, and I received her initial quest. I tried out her alternate outfits using equipitem. Seem to work fine. Body type is definitely UNP, works well with UNP outfits. Not so much with CBBE - gets wrist/ankle gaps. Should be fairly easy to convert though.
  15. From mod's permissions and credits section: And in description: Thus endeth the discussion. What you can try doing: manually download the Oldrim mod, unpack it, run its meshes/textures through CAO, repack and install in SSE - see if that works.
  16. Are you by any chance using some auto-unequip ammo mod? IIRC, normal game behavior is to keep ammo equipped, so you constantly have the quiver showing, even if using magic - and there are mods that auto-unequip ammo when ranged weapon is unequipped. Me personally, I use Auto-Hide Ammo mod, which keeps ammo equipped, but hidden.
  17. I am willing to take a look, though got to say, I would consider making the pips on cards more prominent...
  18. Fun little exercise, assuming you got a functional install of Creation Kit. Open CK. In File - Data, be sure to check Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, click OK In 'Object Window', under 'Items', click 'Armor'. In Filter, type 'beggar', and double-click 'ClothesBeggarRobes' to open it. In the 'Models' section, you can see that it has 'BeggarTorso01AA'. Remember that, close the window. In Filter, type 'ebony', double-click 'ArmorEbonyCuirass' to open it. In 'Models' section, right-click 'EbonyCuirassAA' and choose 'Delete'. Then right-click, choose New, and from the list, choose 'BeggarTorso01AA'. Click OK. Now, open 'ArmorEbonyGauntlets'. Delete whatever entry it has in 'Models', then do 'New' and select 'NakedHands'. Now, in main menu, go File - Save, make sure you are saving to 'Data' in SSE folder. Pick a name for your plugin and save it. In your mod manager, you now need to go to plugin list and enable your new .esp file. Now, in game, anytime anyone puts on ebony armor, it will look like they are wearing beggar rags. And anyone putting on ebony gauntlets will look like they got bare hands. Easy, eh?
  19. Interestingly, my unmodded game didn't crash this time, despite there not really being much difference between now and the last time I tried that.[/size] With 'problem' armor equipped, make sure to go into racemenu, and play with 'weight' slider - set it to 0, 0.5 and 1 on both male and female. Sometimes, when for a given armor, the _0.nif is fine, but _1 has issues, you do not observe a problem unless you set weight to 1. Not really sure what you means by this: Question for the last step, though: do you mean that I shouldn't see that file path in the expanded directory in SSEEdit, or I shouldn't see it in my file explorer? Because it is indeed absent in the former, but not the latter. [/size] What do you mean by 'expanded directory in SSEEdit?' The 'ArmorAddon' form associated with the Armor form in question is going to have entries for: -Male world model -Female world model -Male 1st person -Female 1st person. (1st person entries are typically only set for body and hands items) I.e. for DBArmorAA (D2841), 'Female world model' is "Armor\DBArmor\DBArmorTorso_F_1.nif" The indicated path is relative to Data\meshes\ inside SSE folder. Now, if you open File Explorer, and try to go to your SSE directory - Data - meshes - armor - DBArmor, you might not find those files. If they DO exist, they are placed there by some mod.
  20. Well, there is Crash Logger... https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818
  21. Yeah, it you check this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75303?tab=files It essentially adds 'remote crafting' spells to player. Need to attach 'theObject' property to a crafting station in some cell. The stations in 'qasmoke' are a good option. To do it an inventory item, some insights here: http://www.gamesas.com/open-crafting-menu-from-item-inventory-t258498.html
  22. 'Light' mods are limited to a maximum of 4096. (their slots are indexed by 3 hex digits, from 0x000 to 0xFFF), and a light mod can only have up to 2048 of its own forms (internal IDs ranging from 0x800 to 0xFFF)
  23. Which mod manager are you using? Are you getting CTDs trying to load saves made when you had mods active? Or on a brand new game started AFTER update? You are saying you tried a complete reinstall of the game. If so, you should have very little under your SSE's Data directory, as nearly all resources would be packed into .bsa archives. Do this: Start Skyrim. At main menu, instead of choosing an option, open console and type 'coc qasmoke' You will spawn into a test area as a male Nord wearing some iron armor. You can use 'showracemenu' console command to customize your sex/race to be same as your character in the saves that CTD. Run following commands: player.additem d8d50 1 player.additem d2844 1 player.additem 2019adf 1 player.additem 5b6a1 1 Which should put forsworn armor, barkeep clothes, vampire robe and shrouded armor in your inventory. Make a save. Try equipping these armors and see if you get a CTD. If not, and you can save/reload wearing these armors, then your meshes and textures are fine, and you introduced some incompatibility to your existing saves when you updated. Suppose you get CTD wearing DB (shrouded) armor on a female. Launch SSEEdit. if you did clean reinstall and mods are off, there should be only the official files listed. Expand Skyrim.esm - Armor, look for 000D2844 - DBArmor - Shrouded Armor. It should not be overloaded by anything, and its Armature should be 'DBArmorAA' - 000D2841 Expand ArmorAddon section and look for 000D2841. Again, should not be overloaded by anything. Note the mesh file paths for female world model and female 1st person. Next, under SSE directory, go Data - meshes - armor - DBArmor - see what you have there. If your mods are off, that path should not even exist, or at least be empty. If it actually contains some files (i.e. DBArmorTorso_F_0.nif and _1.nif), those meshes are from some mod. Maybe a result of BodySlide builds, and are likely what causes you to crash. Erase everything there, and see if you can equip shrouded armor in-game now.
  24. The forehead shaping is supposed to be rather subtle, but it looks REALLY pronounced in that light. Could be something with ENB settings. You got REALLY harsh shadows there (can see it on the neck as well) If you use ENB, make sure to disable game's own SAO - go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition, and check your SkyrimPrefs.ini. In [Display] section, set bSAOEnable and bSAO_CS_Enable to 0. Another problem that can be is your head normal map. Data/textures/actors/character/highelffemale/femalehead_msn.dds I am not sure which skin you have installed, and what options you picked. Fair skin cleans the high elf female face a LOT, but it still leaves the forehead ridge a bit. Demoniac skin practically eliminates it. Tempered 'rough' option is almost like vanilla, smooth leaves the cheekbones, but smoothes forehead quite a lot. Here is the comparison: Assuming you got a mod female skin installed, you could try copying Data/textures/actors/character/bretonfemale/femalehead_msn.dds over to highelffemale.
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