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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. You sure that actually does get called? I suppose you have Papyrus debug logging on. Try adding something like Debug.Trace(Self + akActor + " : setting Raven to 1") right before Raven.SetValue(1)
  2. Did you try starting a new game? Or from main menu, go to console and run 'coc qasmoke'? To see if the game even starts with that mod setup? You tried cleaning your save game with Fallrim Tools ReSaver? Did you at any point remove mods? It could be your save could have old invalid references to a previously installed mod whose slot is now being recycled. If using Vortex, from mod page, do Open - Game Settings Folder. Edit Skyrim.ini Papyrus section: [Papyrus]bEnableLogging=1bEnableTrace=1bLoadDebugInformation=1 After crash, look in that same directory, check logs under SKSE and under Logs/Script.
  3. What you are doing is a pretty good way to end up with a corrupted save. If you had an .esp loaded that added a new item to game, that item would have a FormID comprised of that.esp assigned slot, and relative ID within the .esp. An instance of such item in your inventory would be referenced by that FormID, written to your save game. If you move that item entry to another .esp, it will be in a different slot, and likely get assigned a different relative ID. In other words, it will have new FormID, and old one will no longer be there. So what happens when you try to load a save and it has FormIDs not referencing something valid? Best case, you'll be missing stuff. Items may be gone from inventory, Follower might go missing, or your follower pretty hairdo might go ugly vanilla. Worst case, you get a crash. Lets say you just end up missing stuff. Thing is, those dangling references are still in your save, polluting it. They can bite you in the rear a couple hundred gameplay hours later. Flagging an esp as esl has about same effect as moving its entries to another .esp. FormIDs will be different and those already referenced in a save will go undefined. Not an issue starting a new game, but merging or esl-flagging mods midgame is asking for trouble. At the very least what you should do: 1. Unequip any items from mods you plan to merge, and prefferably dump them into a chest you don't use often. Any new custom added followers should be dismissed, reset if using AFT. 2. Disable all the mods you plan to merge or ESL-flag. Load your save, do nothing for a minute or so, save again and exit. 3. Use Fallrim Tools ReSaver to clean your save. Enable the new merged/flagged mod(s).
  4. These are in Data/Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, you will need to unpack it. The path for it is Data/Textures/actors/character/mouth/mouthhuman*.dds
  5. Thanks! This indeed was the issue. I actually did find this setting earlier today, after I figured the problem must be in the esp and not with the .nifs. Thing is, I been using Creation Kit to inspect the ArmorAddon and Armor entries and compare them to some vanilla stuff, and CK has no mention of this property whatsoever. So I figured I'll take a look in SSEEdit, and there it was. Was enabled only for Weight Slider - Male, blank for Female. And I am wondering how the heck the mod author got it that way. Creation Kit does not expose the property, it just auto-sets it to Enabled when a given gender Biped Model is assigned a .nif file ending in _1. Guess .esp editing was all done via XEdit, ArmorAddon for feet was copied from some other form using a singular female model, and then changed to use the heels_1... Oh well, got it fixed and dropped a note to mod author. Thanks again!
  6. I got this rather weird case, wonder if anyone may have an insight. It is for this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41532 All pieces work fine except for the boots. Regardless of the weight of character wearing them, the game uses the 100 weight model. On a 0 weight character, the thigh bands are sorta 'floating' around the legs. The boots are built in BodySlide to same body preset as other outfit pieces, and it is set to generate high/low weight. If I delete the heels_0 and _1 nifs from the directory, an then build, new files appear there. If I preview in BodySlide and move weight slider to 0, I see the model shrink as expected. I imported the built top_0.nif in the studio and added the heels_0 nif on top of it - perfect fit. The .esp is definitely pointed to those .nifs. I thought that maybe the heels_0.nif being generated is somehow invalid and game ignores it. So I deleted heels_1.nif, and made a copy of heels_0.nif renamed to _1. OK, NOW they were snug on a 0 weight NPC. But of course clipped like crazy into a 100 weight one. Which proves that those ARE the nifs being used and that heels_0.nif is generated correctly. Just not used somehow. I tried building the outfit to a different body preset. The body shape definitely changed, but again - boots snug only on weight 100, loose on weight 0. Tried the non-3BA version - same result. I thought maybe game was bugged in general, but I tried several thigh boots from other mods. None of them have the issue. Proper fit at any weight. Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
  7. Depends on where you want it... This mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10231 Lists two 'boob_rose' and one thigh_rose' texture in the files...
  8. Ain't gonna work like that. Regular Elven is just 4 standard pieces (armor/helmet/boots/gloves) This stuff is modular with separates for upper and lower body, shoulders and neck. You can load up the upper body piece in Outfit Studio, use 'Add Project' to add lower body, neck part ('Amulet') and shoulder pieces. Maybe also add zap sliders for neck and shoulders. Then use 'save project as' to save with a new output file name, (i.e. armor_0/1.nif), as well as different display name and shape data file. Then build it in bodyslide. After that, one can still do the thing with copying the files around, but it will have one complication: the helmet. You can copy over the circlet.nif to replace helmet_0 and _1, but elven helmet uses both circlet and hair slots, meaning anyone wearing elven helmet will have it look like the crown, but they will also be bald. It would be best to fire up the mod's esp in Creatiuon Kit, and edit the vanilla ArmorAddon and Armor entries for Elven to point to this mod's models.
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