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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. The cell id is WhiterunDragonsreachBasement When you drag an actor into a space, CK will automatically place them on the floor.
  2. Does your mod actually HAVE new resources? Meshes, Textures, scripts, sounds etc? If it is just a new cell built using pre-existing resources, you are not going to have a .bsa file. You would just want to add the .esp file to a .7z archive by itself.
  3. Cyclic rules is when you have file conflicts between mods, and you resolved those conflicts in a way where mod A loads before B, B loads before C, but then you set C to load before A. Could be more complex, but that is the gist of it. So you really need to go see what those cycles are, and reverse one of the rules.
  4. I did attach the fixed head in my prior post, hopefully that is the variant you needed.
  5. In a nutshell: In RaceMenu, make sure high poly nord head part is selected, import the facegendata head via sculpt tab, set weight to 1, then export the resulting head. (It is likely going to look quite ugly, with beard, brows, and other bits clipping) In NifScope, in the exported file, rename the face mesh, copy the texture paths from original head's face mesh, delete face mesh from original head, copy-paste the face part from exported to original head.
  6. So, after installing whichever version you want (I assume new hair - new skin - beard): Go to meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\skyrim romance animated.esp\, and copy 000012cc.nif from there to skse\plugins\chargen Make sure you have High Poly Head 1.4 installed. Run game, at main menu just open console and type 'coc qasmoke' to load into test area. In console, use command 'showracemenu' (probably want to remove the helmet first) Go to Head sliders, look for 'Face part' slider, and choose KLH_MaleHeadNord. Go to Sculpt tab, F9 to import head, import 000012cc.nif. Uncheck any pairs that are red. Go back to sliders, make sure to set weight to 1.0 Back to Sculpt tab, F5 to export head, export as something like 000012cc_2.nif Now, in NifScope, open both 000012cc.nif and 000012cc_2.nif. Copy 'Translation' for both NPC Head and NPC Spine 2 from 000012cc to 000012cc_2. Rename 'KLH_MaleHeadNord' in 000012cc_2 to HPBishopHead Copy all textures under HPBishopHead in 000012cc to same slots under head in 000012cc_2 In 000012cc, delete HPBishopHead branch (Ctrl+Del) In 000012cc_2, copy HPBishopHead branch (Ctrl+C), and paste it (Ctrl+V) under BSFaceGenNiNodeSkinned in 000012cc. Save the 000012cc file, and copy it to 'meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\skyrim romance animated.esp\' 000012cc.7z
  7. Ok, from that file that you linked, which option(s) did you pick? Old hair/new hair? Old skin/new skin?
  8. It really depends heavily on how a particular MCM is implemented. In most cases, you need to go into the MCM script source, look for handling of that particular setting, and determine where it is being stored. Fairly often it is stored within a property of some script. Either MCM script itself or some other "central" script. Suppose you looked into TrueHUD scripts and saw that this particular item is stored in a Bool property called 'EnableRecentLoot', in the script named TrueHUD_MCM, attached to TrueHUD_MCM_Quest, which has FormID 0x800 within TrueHUD.esl (WHICH IS NOT ACTUALLY THE CASE) Then you would need something like: Bool isTrueHUDRecentLootEnabled = false If Game.IsPluginInstalled("TrueHUD.esl") Quest _quest = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "TrueHUD.esl") as Quest If _quest && _quest as TrueHUD_MCM isTrueHUDRecentLootEnabled = (_quest as TrueHUD_MCM).EnableRecentLoot EndIf EndIf Caveat - to compile the above, you would need source code of TrueHUD_MCM script, which is not in the mod - so you would have to use Champolion to decompile it. Instead, you may notice that TrueHUD actually relies on MCM Helper mod to manage its MCM. So, if TrueHUD is installed, you can be quite certain that MCM Helper is installed as well. You will need to install it, as well as its 'MCM SDK' file. If you examine TrueHUD structure, Data\MCM\Config\TrueHUD\config.json, you can see that it has: { "id": "bEnableRecentLoot:General", "text": "$TrueHUD_EnableRecentLoot_OptionText", "type": "toggle", "help": "$TrueHUD_EnableRecentLoot_InfoText", "valueOptions": { "sourceType": "ModSettingBool" } } That "id" is what's important. Then, in your script, all you need is: Bool isTrueHUDRecentLootEnabled = false If Game.IsPluginInstalled("TrueHUD.esl") isTrueHUDRecentLootEnabled = MCM.GetModSettingBool("TrueHUD", "bEnableRecentLoot:General") EndIf
  9. More precisely, either missing or invalid. Same goes for males' mouth textures. Are females completely blue or just heads? (I.e. if you click her in console and type 'unequipall', is the body also blue?)
  10. Do not forget that Vortex creates hardlinks for files, does not actually copy files, but that means game must be installed on same physical drive as Vortex staging directory. Did you by any chance reinstall SkyrimVR on a different drive? As to ESL under VR: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106712
  11. When you upload your mod to Nexus, they add some metadata to the archive header. So that even if you manually download the file, rename it, and then drag it into Vortex drop box, it recognizes that it is from Nexus, and can essentially link it to the mod's site. But if you download a mod file from Nexus, uncompress it using 7Zip, re-compress it right back, and THEN drag it into Vortex, it will show up with 'None' source and no version/category. Nexus itself will obtain version and category from you mod page.
  12. I think you'll have better luck with this on Lovers Lab..
  13. Never tried whichever mod you are talking about, but did you check relationship rank via console? Or their factions? What other mods you got installed? For example, I think in ORomance one can screw up a relationship so bad the NPC attacks you on sight.
  14. Indeed, you generally want your hand, feet and body meshes to be from the same body system. Classic case - using a UNP body outfit on female character with a CBBE body or vice versa.
  15. The command to start a quest is 'Start()', just like that 'BladeTracker.Start()' line already there. So, 'modtest.Start()' I assume you did add a 'Quest' type modtest property in the properties page, and populated it with your quest. Now, this is really a very poor practice. The DA08 quest is start game enabled, so the script instance is created when game starts. Means that if your mod is added after game is started, that property will not populate. So, you have a few options: 1. Use 'GetFormFromFile' to obtain your quest form without reliance on property population. 2. Create a StoryManager node. I would probably use a 'PlayerAddItem' event, and run it on subject, checking that the item is the 'rusty blade'. 3. Attach a script directly to the sword.
  16. If it is a 'BodySlide issue', it means you batch-built Yurianna clothes and bodies to a different preset, which means you have, in your lineup, a mod that has BodySlide files for Yurianna. (Either CBBE or BHUNP) Your options are: 1. The original mod's meshes are still in the YuriannaWench staging folder in MO2, but are overridden by the ones from BodySlide staging. You need to eliminate the ones from BodySlide. If this was Vortex, this would be accomplished by reinstalling Yurianna. In MO2 - no real idea. 2. You can just run BodySlide again, and build Yuriana bodies/clothes again with a properly buxom preset. However, did you verify via console? If you open console, click Yuriana, and issue command 'showinventory', does the stuff she wearing have formids starting with same two digits as Yuriana's own BaseID? Or different? If you use command 'unequipall', does the nude Yuriana have her original body or the reduced one?
  17. Even if NPC itself is not flagged Essential or Protected (Protected means they can only be killed by the player), they can still be loaded as an alias into a number of quests, and an alias can be flagged as essential or protected. So as long as that quest is running, those flags will apply. In MIC, if you click an NPC, and scroll down their info window, there is an 'Aliases' category, and you can open up info about each alias.
  18. Does your patch plugin have the original mod as master? Is your patch plugin enabled in the game? If you create some basic form (i.e. color) in your patch, can you look it up in console via help?
  19. I mean, if you reinstalled the game, it should have cleared the stuff you did - unless you are using MO2 and it pollutes your fresh install? Did you check for that file (QF_DA08_0004A37B.psc) under source/scripts, as well as ite .pex counterpart under Scripts?
  20. You problem is you for some reason assigned that '10 sec silence' file into all your responses. What happens here is it does not play the response - it starts playing the sound file and immediately proceeds through dialogue. You gotta remove it. Once the Sound File is removed, the responses run properly, subtitles and all.
  21. Errors of this sort are about impossible to analyze without having the material. If you upload your mod someplace, I can take a look.
  22. Another possibility is you installed some mod that distributes alternate outfits to NPCs via SPID. Check what load index is YurianaWench.esp is in your mod manager (should be something like 08 or 07) I also suggest using More Informative Console, In game, open console, click Yuriana, check which .esp is last to affect her Base ID. Pretty certain it should be YurianaWench.esp Type command: showinventory It will list the stuff she got, including what she is wearing. If the formIDs of what she wears have first digits different from her plugin (i.e. YurianaWench.esp loads at 08, and clothes she wears start with 00), then you got some outfit distributing mod. If her clothes formIDs also start with 08, then it looks like a BodySlide thing. If you open BodySlide and search outfits for Yuriana (or potentially YW), you might find them.
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