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Everything posted by M3rvin

  1. I'm sure that the 1st way worked a few patches back. And the creation kit wiki article on additem says: akItemToAdd: [...] If a form list, then it will add aiCount of each item in the list.
  2. I want to add 1 unit of every item in a form list to a container. But the basic Container_ListView.AddItem(List_Sort, 1, true) doesn't work. If I replace that by the following loop, it works like a charm. int i = 0 Form Item while(i < List_Sort.GetSize()) Item = List_Sort.GetAt(i) Container_ListView.AddItem(Item) i += 1 endwhile Does anyone know what the cause of this problem is?
  3. I'd like to use << as the text for a button of a message box. But the game seems to recognize it as some kind of text replacement. Is there any way to tell the game that it should ignore any special function/meaning of the following characters? (The @ character does this for strings in C#)
  4. @ BlackCompany Just take a look at Automatic Light Switch. It provides the script you're searching for with a detailed tutorial on how to use it.
  5. Is there any function similar to GetInventoryObject added to Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas by the corresponding script extender (obse,fose,nvse)? It might be added by the skyrim script extender to Skyrim, but I couldn't find any documentation for its functions.
  6. Is there any "top level type thing" for all the things that are listed in the CK's Object Window under "Items"? I'd like to create a array of this type as a property of a script of mine. I could add an array for each type of item (Weapon[], Ammo[], Armor[] and so on) but that's way to complicated for me. The array should allow the same type of input as the GetItemCount function. Furthermore, I have a problem with the RemodeAddedForm function, that I already posted here I hope that you, fg109, can help me with my problems.
  7. Scripts aren't part of the .esp file like in Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas, they're stored in an extra folder (Skyrim\Data\Scripts). Did you remove the scripts from this mod from there as well?
  8. Could you please upload your source files (.psc) as well?
  9. So the Papyrus Script Manager successfully compiled the script(s) you edited? If so a .pex file(s) with the same name(s) as your script(s) should be in your Skyrim\Data\Scripts folder. If you compiled the files correctly, the .pex files should be automatically placed in the right folder, no need to move them by hand. Anyway, how do you know that your script doesn't work?
  10. You have to compile the .psc and thus create .pex files 1) Place the .psc file in the Data/Scripts/Source folder 2) Open the CK and load just Skyrim.esm 3) Gameplay > Papyrus Script Manager 4) Use the filter to find your script, rightclick on it and select Compile You can also set up the compiler to be used from some editors like notepad++ (wiki link)
  11. Thanks for the tip. I did a quick test and it looks good so far. :)
  12. Is it possible to overwrite the default action that an activated objectreference performs? I want to create a script that checks a certain condition and then either opens the container it's attached to or not. I assume that I have to do something with the OnActivate Event but I don't know what.
  13. Could you please describe what that exactly means?
  14. I'm currently trying to manipulate a FormList filled with items using a container. The script is very basic but already gets screwed: Event OnItemRemoved(Form BaseItem, int iCount, ObjectReference rItem, ObjectReference rContainer) List.RemoveAddedForm(BaseItem) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form BaseItem, int iCount, ObjectReference rItem, ObjectReference rContainer) List.AddForm(BaseItem) EndEvent I used message boxes to track the problem: The items are added to the formlist without problem. The list itself is empty and gets just filled by the OnItemAdded Event, thus every item I want to have removed from the formlist was previously added by this very script to it. RemoveAddedForm just removes the form from the formlist at the very first try in the currently loaded save. That means that the first Item I remove from the container gets removed from the list as well. But then RemoveAddedFrom stops working. It won't even help to open the container again or to refill it completely.
  15. I didn't set the properties of the script, next time I should read the tutorials more careful. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. :thumbsup:
  16. I started working on a little project for Skyrim and at first, it all went well. But then I started to fail at using the simple AddItem(...) function: My script is applied to an activator that is used to open a container placed outside the area the player can reach (somewhat like a merchant's container). Before opening the container, the items from a formlist should be added to it, so that the player can take them or add others to the container. There's some other code involved with the container, but this stuff works flawless. So here's my code: Scriptname SOM_ActivateIgnoreListUpdate extends ObjectReference Import Game Import Utility Import Debug FormList Property AlcoholicDrinksList auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference rActor) Actor Player = GetPlayer() ObjectReference rContainer = Self.GetLinkedRef() if rActor == Player Notification("Opening the Container") Wait(5) rContainer.AddItem(AlcoholicDrinksList) rContainer.Activate(Player) endif EndEvent The container that should be opened and manipulated is a linked ref of the activator. I'm using AlcoholicDrinksList as a dummy to ensure that I don't try to add the items of an empty formlist (in case by other code didn't work). I added the Notification and Wait commands after reading the official wiki article on additem (Don't call this function immediately when a game is started/loaded as it does not seem to work. You can have the game Wait a second before doing it which should correct this problem.) I did notice a strange thing related to them: Directly after activating the Activator the Notification pops up and after 5 seconds it appears again. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  17. @ SinderionsBones So replacing this 1 big rock with several smaller ones would be the best solution, right?
  18. It sounds weird but it helped. Thanks for this tip. :thumbsup:
  19. I'm working on a little house mod and something started to really annoy me: I edited the small "island" at the waterfall by increasing its size with land (landscape editing) and rocks (static objects). But one of these rocks (RockCliff05FallForestGrass01) doesn't show up in-game. It's not invisible, it's just not there as if I never added it. But when I load the mod with the CK, the cliff exists, thus it should be saved in the esp. I even compared the "stats" (like "Is full LOD", "Respawns") with the not disappearing cliff to the right and they're completely the same. The strange thing is that just this one object is bugged. In case that this matters, the edited cell(s) are around 26, -13 (the same location as Dragon Falls Manor) I attached 2 images to show the disappearing cliff.
  20. Is BBCode disabled in the comments? I can't use the tag anymore.
  21. I just noticed that I forgot a very basic thing in the script. :wallbash: if button = -1 Return; elseif button == 1 ...
  22. I have a problem with an switch. It has a complex script attached but that's not the problem. When I activate the switch in game (like a light switch f.ex.) the menu message pops up, I chose an option (f.ex. "Help") and the corresponding part of the script runs (the help message pops up). But when try to activate the switch remotely, it won't work. The menu pops up, but then nothing happens. It seems that GetButtonPressed doesn't work correctly and that it sets the variable button to -1. The switch is remotely activated by a .activate player 1 command in the OnFire Block of a weapon.
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