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Everything posted by angrybuffalo238
You answered your own question... OH YES! We answered our own question... Thats why it refuses to install because it says thats THE WRONG PLACE TO PUT IT so I will ask the question again. Where do we install it? Because the correct place is not the correct place, so why dont you stop being a smart ass and answer the question! ANGRY FACE!
How do you remove dependencies from .ESP files?
angrybuffalo238 replied to angrybuffalo238's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yup, so I figured out how to rename the masters in Wrye Bash, but then when I went to find the patch in TES5Edit it came back with errors... This is the patch im trying to use... Im back in over my head with this one... -
Hey guys, I like morrowloot and found that there are two others that are more of a complete morrowloot for the whole game not just items. If you had to choose, which would you prefer?
Hey everybody! Im looking for huge game additions like Falskaar or Wyrmstooth. Im pretty sure I have all of vanilla modded out and beat to death with a hundred angry mudcrabs so now I want to find more stuff and places to go that dont just add a new cave out in the middle of nowhere. I prefer for things to be more lore friendly, no (Dragonborn goes to Disneyland) type crap. Some of that can be funny and neat but I prefer serious roleplay. If I had a preference, I would rather go to cold places than hot because I like frostfall.
How do you remove dependencies from .ESP files?
angrybuffalo238 replied to angrybuffalo238's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE -
Look up Skydie prepare to cry edition and combat evolved. Those two are my favorites. (both together)
How do you remove dependencies from .ESP files?
angrybuffalo238 posted a topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hey guys, im trying to get a patch to work without one of its parent files being used. That may sound really strange but pretty much the patch does something really simple and I just want it to add the new item values without having to need both mods to patch... Make sense? Also, my CK doesnt seem to work... It just crashes at startup for no reason, not really sure what thats about... -
What mods do you consider essential?
angrybuffalo238 replied to angrybuffalo238's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I dont know, Animated fart shouts could be devistating... -
Please no load orders, just your thoughts if you would.
And what a great RPG it is! I can master anything and get all the perks! I always had to access the mages guild to get spells and enchanting. That so great! Npc tell me their whole lives and names as soon as I press E1, and dame they are always happy to talk about mud craps just like me! Bandits became strong just like the player, they have deadric armor as soon as level 20! The wild life is so dynamic, the wolves fear me and flee from existence when I get stronger! How convenient it is to be always be able to bribe my way when I screw up with npcs! The caves, I was so happy to know they all look the same because I really liked them! The only part oblivion is better than Skyrim, is questing. That it, everything else is about taste or worse. Skyrim modding is smoother, easier and there way more options. I wanted to mod oblivion but it was hard, I started with Skyrim and I was shocked to how much better it was. Well, thank you for making the vast majority of your post a mockery leaning toward insult... We have already established that Oblivion has a huge number of problems, but at least it didnt feel totally empty on the second play through... I can roam the wilds of skyrim without doing the main story and find piratically nothing out there that feels like a real adventure. The sum of Skyrim is combat, which is boiled down to hack and slash with nearly no strategy to speak of, but hey, if you have kill moves who cares right? People would rather watch an action movie than play a game where you have to make choices and live with consequences. Which is the underlying problem with the world in general today. People want all the right, but none of the responsibility... People dont want to think, they dont want to work, they dont want to have to set goals and try to earn what they want so that they would actually appreciate it once they have it. It all just give it to me now, dont make me wait, dont make me sweat about anything, and if you should dare criticize my manors or behavior you are a bigot and need to be punished. Its this kind of thinking and expectation that is destroying the world, and we see deep shadows of this in all the new games coming out. The whole notion of puzzle solving and creativity are now hated where before they were the delight of the world. The expectation that you need to earn something to have it and otherwise dont deserve it is called hateful and neglectful. And god forbid the practice of patience should ever be expected from anyone ever again. Give it to me now now now now now....... So there, my venting is done... Mission accomplished...
Hey everybody. The last experience I had with Oblivion was one of those traumatic breakdowns that leave you unable to cope with what you are dealing with. Keep in mind that this all occurred on Xbox so the vanilla game was quite permanent throughout my experience. Im not going to give my life story so dont think im coming on here to vent about this or that. What I really want is to explain myself a little then ask for help. In vanilla Oblivion the system was rife with glitches and problems that made the game virtually unplayable if you were not on your toes the entire time. The biggest of them all being the 'leveled lists' in which basically every bit of unique equipment would be useless once you moved on to a greater level. Things like this compelled me to grind to level twenty before I even did my first quest to ensure that I would not be throwing away something that I would otherwise want to keep. Finally after a long list of horrible experiences I decided that I would never play the game again because the knowledge of what would await me was too terrible. And now, several years later, I find that I have very little to choose seeing that skyrim is pretty much the same if not a worse disappointment. I remember the little things about oblivion that I enjoyed so much and while in those days there was nothing that could be done to fix those problems the modern day some ten years later with a whole experienced modding community, I think that everything that was then impossible may now be very possible... At this moment, I still have an extreme amount of very bad emotional baggage that I dont know how to deal with. So trying to go this alone is going to simply be too painful for me. I would ask that members of the community would take pity on a poor wounded soul and help me break through what I have to deal with and find new life in an old flame... The first thing that I would want is a full breakdown of all the patches, bug fixes, optimizations, and everything else that makes the vanilla game behave the way its supposed to trouble free. Secondly I would like to dive head long into overhaul mods that would make everything in the game look sound and feel new. Everything from new landscapes to character and race overhauling both in stats and appearance. I remember seeing a skin replacer for the races in a passing glance one time that made Oblivion look alot like MassEffect. With real looking faces and textures and so on. I am huge on the concept of realism, so I would want to have brutal realistic combat with a lot of damage being one hit kills because thats how it is in the real world. I frankly just cant play role playing anymore without the need to eat drink and sleep, so those are going to be big. Crafting and maintenance of equipment is a big deal so on and so forth. I wont get into everything i want here because that would take to long. lol I dont need a baby sitter, but I would really appreciate people holding my hand and helping me walk through this, because I honestly dont know if I could do this on my own. I am totally new to modding in Oblivion and not having emotional strength is not a good way to start learning something that is usually stressful by nature. As I am by nature steeped in pessimism I have great hope and a willingness to trust in the community. Seeing as how a game like this has been out for so long I cant imagine anyone but the most passionate and appreciative of fans would remain. I would look to that passion and appreciation as an example and as hope that what I have always enjoyed in the past could be enjoyed into the future.
You know, having this conversation makes me want to look into this a bit more. Have you done any modding with Oblivion?
Most of that I have already seen but Extended Encounters is something I havent seen before, Thank you!
And thats the problem, what other games are there? To be honest I havent even touched Oblivion with modding because my last experience with oblivion was so painful that I just couldnt bare to pick it up again... At its core Oblivion was broken. From what I heard a whole crap load of data was lost during development and they simply didnt have the time to try and go back and redo it. So instead they took a bunch of short cuts to try and make up the time and have a game that they could sell or go belly up... I mean hey, at this point I am willing to try Oblivion but I would need someone to hold my hand in the modding process. There are far too many bad emotions tied into for me so it would have to be made easy for me or I wouldnt be able to... PS And what I mean specifically is that Oblivion has the worst leveling system you could ask for, horrible graphics, shotty psychs, and a gross lack of realism. If I were to mod I would want to start with wholesale overhauls of everything and then look for specialties.
Why is no one making my mod request? The reality.
angrybuffalo238 replied to micalov's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
So, we should form some kind of modders guild? :psyduck: Appoint leaders and form a committee to set rules that all modders MUST follow or suffer some consequences? "You, modder number 37685 failed to follow directive 37. The punishment for that is drawing and quartering." :pinch: Nah, I don't think that is exactly what you had in mind. :whistling: What you really want is some kind of standardization - and it's just not going to happen overnight as nearly every modder wants to do things their own way - this is a characteristic of creative people. They resent being told how to be creative and if you try to force it, they will intentionally do it different. :tongue: "MY way is better because I like it better than YOUR way." :ermm: - Who decides which way is the 'one' right way? You? Me? ( I don't want that job) some unknown faceless committee that makes up directive 37 which must be obeyed? Yes it would be nice if everyone adhered to the same standards. Or even some standards. :rolleyes: And there is some effort in that direction. We try to have recommended standards, but modders are just too independent - it's like herding cats. Then we have the SDK (CS, CK, GECK, or whatever they call it for each game) - every game is different and has a different way that things have to be done and no rules come with any of them - so standardization between games is out the window. :confused: One of these days we are going to get organized. But today isn't that day. And tomorrow isn't looking too good either. :teehee: We are always open to suggestions as to how things can be done better, but hard and fast rules just won't work in a community like this one. :smile: Well a the risk of getting into a fight with a moderator... My way is better because I dont just look at one thing in one direction with one purpose in mind. I take the whole picture of what something is at face value and then take into account all the divergent trees that spread out in all directions as real factors and not just 'my opinion' or 'what i want to do' For my tastes specifically I want everything to be exceedingly realistic. While I see this as a superior way to build a role playing experience there are always going to be people who want to play casually. So what i was saying with the whole template system is that you allow the end user to pick and choose modules to fit the taste of that play style. What im talking about is not about forcing people to behave a certain way, but rather the industrializing of all systems where as they are seems to by quite feudal in nature. Consider this, you are a green modder joining the nexus community. When you pop into the 'workshop' you are immediately confronted with the spread sheet of how to make a mod in a universal format and given the tools to do so. It would be like having the engine of a vehicle standardized in every aspect of how it works and when someone comes in to 'modify' the engine each part unplugs leaving a free slot for what ever the modifier wants to put in its place. And further more there would be slots on top of those standard parts allowing for additions so that the part in question can become more than it was initially intended to be. I might just be rambling at this point but thats as clearly as I can think to put it into words. And really when we think about modding the real issue really just boils down to 'I want things to look this way' 'I want to add this new stuff' 'I want to change the way this behaves' 'I want to fix this problem' and for me to say 'well look, if everybody just does whatever they want because their free to do so then none of these parts are going to fit together and nothing is going to function the way its supposed to...' I dont think such a remark is in any way over any kind of realistic line... I mean consider modding without a Nexus Mod Manager and just throwing mods in left and right without any consideration for keeping track of what went where. You are going to find huge catastrophic problems and have no idea how to fix it other than whipping the whole thing clean and starting over. I find the whole prospect to be a waste of time and energy. I mean hey, ill just be perfectly honest with you, I find the whole idea of individual opinions to be a form of insanity. The world we live in is built and functions upon cold hard facts and brutal mathematics. To say that everyone can be right in their own mind and has a right to that is insane. I defy you to break a law and tell the cop that your opinion is different and that he cant force his on you, see what he does in response... :psyduck: But in the end, if anyone should try to impose anything in any capacity feelings will get hurt and trivial violence will ensue... So rather than trying to have either a fascistic or an anarchistic system why not just live by consent and save some time and energy? -
Does anyone else get the feeling like the world is kinda dead and empty? I recall from Oblivion that there were a ludicrous number of side quests to the point where I am sure I never did them all. And with all the faults that Morrowind and Oblivion had they both seemed very alive and lived in. I have been roaming this way and that in Skyrim adding mods and doing all kinds of stuff to try and make it a far superior experience compared to Vanilla but what I find everywhere is a sobering lack of substance in the world in general... It seems to me like there is nothing hidden in Skyrim, all the major places are mapped and apart from a few shabby holds with a number of small towns in between it seems like everything is so empty... Just caves camps and ruins for miles and miles... The factions in both previous games were a lot better by far. This one seems more like its just a bunch of fetch quests an a hurried main story line and your done... Not that great... So I guess what im really lookiing for are better factions and such. More quests and activities with dialogue and a better feel of interacting with real people than just task-reward-moving on... Oh, and more crazy happenings on the road, I found a few mods like Immersive patrols that have merchants traveling and factions fighting each other and so on and so forth. Just not enough human activity though, everything seems to be so mechanical and scripted which really hurts you if you want to have a fantasy about living in another world. I dont know, im just thinking out loud... xD
How Do I Make Scripts Take Priority?
angrybuffalo238 replied to angrybuffalo238's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Uh, I dont think were understanding each other exactly. I dont have a problem with FPS, everything runs perfectly smooth about 90% of the time, its the scripting system that is running too slowly. I have even been in situations where arrows leaving the bow had a good second delay. In the end I will be mitigating my FPS by lowering the graphics and getting more optimized textures and such to make the game run faster. I just need to get the scripting under control. The way I see it in my head is like having an assembly line of parts all adding up to a finished whole. At this rate the one line that produces the scripts is running so slowly that not all of the finished wholes have them included. My thought is that if I cant get that one line to move faster I can at least get the entire assembly to slow down enough for it all to happen at the same time. PS Thanks for that Papyrus note. Ops, wrong quote xD -
Why is no one making my mod request? The reality.
angrybuffalo238 replied to micalov's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
A problem with a community like this is that there is no uniformity to anything that goes on. People just 'do what ever they want' and in the end what we find are many hundreds of mods that really arent worth anything, sorry to say... On the other hand, if modders were to get organized and set up a system of modding not only would all the extreme conflicts of many mods not happen as often but the need for patchs would be addressed much faster. Ideally if there was a kind of template system in which different aspects of the game were corralled into compartments and each compartment was treated as a whole item them modding this or that aspect of the game would be more productive rather than making one mod that touches half the game and trying to figure out where that weird thing floating in the sky came from... Put it in these terms. Graphics is its own compartment, while animations often play a role in graphics they are both totally different objects. If all graphic modding was centralized then you would have the collective development of all mods in one place allowing you to pick and choose what aspects you want and slap it all together into a specialized package. Then once you like the way it looks you can then go to animations and build a package there that suits the desired effects. Normally each mod is a stand alone with its own graphics and animations assembled which most of the time are fixed and do not allow the end user to change it without making a new version of the mod themselves. But by making different things modular and pooling the resources in one place it could be very easy to get a well polished product that can be altered great or small to the end users desired outcome. Just my thoughts on the matter. -
Hey guys, so far in my overhaul adventures I have found a number of really great mods that change a great deal about the game. To my surprise however I have discovered that the mod that make combat fantastic also make potions and poisons virtually worthless... The 'deadly poison' when from doing about 200 dmg to a wopping 22 dmg... I got a hold of six of them and no matter how hard I tried I couldnt get them to do squat against a hardened opponent. Pretty much what I want is a mod that will not only fix there horror, but in general make the whole alchemy system better in some way. Thus far I have searched and searched and cant seem to find any mods improve upon alchemy. Maybe I just dont know how to look for them. I dont know... But yeah, if someone knows of a mod like this I would really like to know about it.
Hey guys, I have been tinkering with mods and such for a while and I have a problem that I just cant seem to shake. I have what appears to be a near ideal set of mods but I have terrible script lag. Thus far the only answer from anyone has been to 'use less script heavy mods' which is not a solution to the problem... As I understand it from all these vague indirect forum posts in the pit of forum hell, the way the system works is actually pretty predictable. Each time the system goes to make a new frame to put on the screen it has to calculate everything. What scripts are running, what key strokes were used, all the little factors that make up the game. It does this cycle over and over then spits out new frames that make the game seem fluid and natural. What I want to do is take that process and tell it to run scripts first every single time regardless of what else gets delayed. By doing this I can get all the real meat and potato aspects of the game to run as they are supposed to. In the end my FPS would suffer but then I would just dial back the graphics until it was reasonable. I got a brief education in how the papyrus system works, unfortunately I dont know how to alter its states... I saw all these script modifying posts but I have no idea what all the different values mean or how to enter them into the Skyrim.ini if someone could help me understand how to do this I would be very grateful. Not to mention all the other people who have the same problem. Thanks.