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About possum440

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  1. Ty sir. I have a bunch of mods but apparently never had one create that folder, done now and working, thanks again.
  2. Excuse the noobish question. I have a mod Dl'd and everything is in its place except for one item, a script folder. i have gone through all trees and cannot find an "old" script folder, does this "new" script folder go into the data folder?
  3. Wow, from your response i get this, your a hard and fast bethesda supporter and you have very low standards.
  4. Markarth is one messed up town, and another reason i traded it away at the conference. As for the quests, encounters, i had zero problems, played as i would have in reality making choices, it all came out well in the end. I saved the girl, pause and appropriate item makes the guy turn on you, passed up the thalmor request for proof, solved and cleared the dungeons, handled the forsworn incident and even got thrown in jail after having to kill many guards in a certain outcome, one that led to a suprise and a satisfactory and realisticly grudging ending that was in my mind very well done (one of many solutions though). Total time to cleanup tha Markarth messes, 3 days. Stories are well done for the most part, thought the graphics, ui and other major gaffs for the pc abound.
  5. I see you having a premium membership you take your blog site seriously. There is no nitpicking in the pc community, no "small details" left out. Skyrim is a console product and it shows. No amount of story, no infinite number of quests, no large land mass will change the fact the world of Skyrim was made for dumbed down, mass market consoles. The simple concept of detail and realism are non issues to the bethesda devs, money and market were the only factors in how Skyrim would be released. If more Gamers had the brains to build a pc and thr market showed most gamers used a pc, then Skyrim would be wonderous indeed, because standards would demand it. Instead we have a generation of simple minded people mass marketed into the console era and the vast majority of games made for this market slice, with developers leading the way because to put it simply, consoles are easier to program for as the detail is simply not needed or expected. All i can hope for is that the great modders out there fix Skyrim and make it what it should have been for the pc. You console users can keep your own s*** version of Skyrim, i will wait patiently for mine.
  6. OP, The female body is much more pleasant to look at than the male body. Of course seeing that your post was totally related to role playing and you stating you play a male character, it is good to come clean, i applaud you, we all do.............not that there is anything wrong with that sort of thing nowadays.
  7. The housing and storage and simple concept of common sense and creativity are lost to the bethesda programmers, the talentless freaks. So when are the fantastic modders on this planet going to make my dream home?!!! Please!!!!
  8. Another reason not to buy consoles. Games are so dumbed down its funny to see threads like this, not that the op is funny, its the fact that auto targeting is well known on consoles, its needed to keep players bying them as no autoaim would sink the console market, fact. You tube videos of gaming heroes showing the prowess they have in sniping folks in cod or mw2, etc, are simply autoaim geeks, and they get laughed at, not with. It was sad the game was made for consoles as it is very dumbed down verse what it should be for the pc, nothing beat the mouse keyboard combo action and this has been proven on testing forays with console players getting eaten alive by pc users during one such famous test where auto aim was disabled entirely for the console, those little gamepads are not accurate, nor fast reacting enough, and the console users were decimated, scrapping potential plans for cross platform servers. You console players will note a selection in the basic menu for autoaim or aimassist, its called several things in many titles. If you ever do disable the autoaim for your console you will find your skyrim experience much more difficult, if not simply unenjoyable, unless that is what you are looking for.
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