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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. Well, searching "help dlc1vampirelordcape" or something similar, adding it to your inventory, equipping it, and then changing your race to dlc1vampirebeast does give you the cape with the physics.
  2. Well, that certainly put a damper on things. Most of the current medical equipment was just slashed out in one fell swoop by this man's apparent heart condition. It wasn't a game breaker, though. "Ehh... Crap. Well, if modern medicine doesn't work, there's certainly older methods around. Bandages, painkillers, sleep, nutrition, blood-letting... Can't forget about amputation. Wait, that's a horrible idea. There was a surgeon I read in this book that actually had a 300% mortality rate in one surgery." Megaton was just up ahead now, so medical attention for Morgan was in a short way. "I'm not a doctor, but when we get to Megaton, try whacking him awake and give him some decent food. If that doesn't work, we can chance the 300% mortality rate."
  3. OOC: Ahh, sorry. I was pretty busy the past day. "I'll help. It's not like this thing is really heavy, anyway." Saying that, Maya grabbed the other side of Morgan's collar with her remaining free hand, and dragged him towards Megaton as well. "It's the best I can do. I ran out of anything medical related several days ago." Hopefully some attentive town guard might notice and render some assistance. Two people dragging two unconscious people, their weapons, and a big glass window was honestly very clumsy and painstaking work.
  4. Hey, take it easy and lets start with archibuses.
  5. Put them in the same faction, maybe? Or jettison Lydia off a cliff with a good FUS ROH DAH!
  6. Dragon priests had verlet physics?
  7. From the progress they've gotten, it looks like we'll have cape physics within a month! Looks like they got an SKSE plugin out that allows for multiple capes with physics. :dance:
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3efpjKveO8 The uploader has more in his channel. Humina humina.
  9. All copies of Skyrim use Steam. It's only a matter of if you want to physical box and DVD or not.
  10. This is the Fallout forum, not the Skyrim forum. :ohdear: Nonetheless, you're either pointing NMM to the wrong directory or your copy isn't legit.
  11. All the problems you listed aren't storyline additions. They're bugs...
  12. Unfortunately, I don't think that's even remotely practical. You'd essentially have to displace a lot of what is already in the worldspace to simply accommodate a bit of extra land.
  13. I'll definitely buy that when it comes out. I've been putting off getting DayZ for a while.
  14. Actually, I read in a recent news article that Australia was the least likely Western nation to be targeted. The only remote reason that Australia would be targeted is the American elements that were in Australia during the Cold War, and then only those elements would be targeted, not cities. Just my two-cents for lore.
  15. On second thought, it looks like the combat system was revamped significantly with one of the more recent patches, so I cannot actually comment on the actual depth of the system or how it works in its current state. Still might be worth looking into though. Was this within the past year? From the wiki, looks like it happened back in June 2012. The system changed from having to charge up most skills before you can use them, to them being instantly charged, but having cooldowns. On the frontend, it doesn't change much since you still have to anticipate what an opponent will do and respond to it. The cooldowns for most skills don't really look like they would matter much since the previous system took a few seconds for a skill to be charged and ready, and using the same skill twice usually meant that the second usage took several seconds longer to charge. On the backend, it potentially changes everything since most of combat was about getting into a rhythm and being able to anticipate change or read behaviors. Even though the change seems to only impact players, it might mean needing different tactics and such. Windmill on the otherhand looks infinitely more useful now. I may even go back to it to poke around a little since some of the skill requirements were changed to be less grindy. Hmm, I might go back to it myself and take a look around. If it's less grindy, all the better.
  16. Another reason not to upload on Steam. :facepalm:
  17. SFBryant's story reminds me that you create a duplicate of your player ingame via console command: player.placeatme 000000014 000000014 being the reference for the player character.
  18. Maya nodded in response to Versing in lieu of shaking his bloody hand before responding to Morgan. "Skip the formalities, please. I'm not for them. Just call me Maya or Parker, whichever you like. Of course, I'll give you guys a hand." She surmised that the girl covered in the centuries old instant-mash potatoes was likely their friend. She bent down and picked up the three foot wide and four foot long canopy, and looked back at the girl again, pausing for a moment to think. It was a bit small, but it looked like it might work. "I was going to fashion this into a bulletproof shield, but I think it could be used as a makeshift stretcher for now, even if it's a bit dome-shaped. What do you think?"
  19. "Hmm, so it was personal. I thought for sure it was some failed raid on the town," said Maya, thrusting the canopy aside for some well earned rest. It was really hard to grip without a handle. "Me? Fine, really, besides a plane nearly exploding in my face. And all I got out of that is a pretty window. I see that little incident affected you guys as well," she continued, taking another look around the area. All around, there was little bits of airplane pieces and amongst them, a lot of mashed... potatoes. She decided not to ask about that. Curiosity killed the cat, after all. Maya dusted her hands off and extended an arm. "I'm Maya. Maya Parker. You are...?"
  20. This was some prose I wrote a while back that I thought I should share. It tells the story of the HMS Lutine(also my forum namesake), a very real ship that sank carrying very real gold. Indeed, when the HMS Lutine sank, it caused a stock market crash in Britain. Ouch. This was my take on the voyage. The last bit was a little cheesy, rushed, even. If I ever extend this(I likely will), I'll definitely be editing out that part in favor of a more realistic and gritty plot. --- The brass bell of the 32-gun frigate HMS Lutine rang loudly as massive swaths of waves battered against its beaten frame. Like a duet, the ship creaked and groaned along with it. Another wave. Jeremiah Cromfeld winced as the dark wave swept several sailors off the deck to drown to their deaths, their safety rope having been snapped. He was almost mesmerized by the chaos on his ship. The long rows of brass 26-pounders on deck had been fastened down. The proud colors of the Royal Navy was in shreds, and the frigate's characteristic yellow-and-black Nelson colors was discolored and unsightly. A man yelled from across the windswept deck, but he couldn't make out what he was trying to say. The man yelled again. "Sir! She's crouching!" Jeremiah glanced towards the bow of the ship. He could barely make out the bowsprit amidst the sea spray and the torrential rain, but no doubt about it, the venerable ship had developed a severe list to port. For a second, just a second, he considered abandoning ship. She was a proud Royal Navy ship, but she would never withstand this beating. No, he reminded himself. The gold must make it to England. Jeremiah pulled the young midshipman on the bridgedeck aside. "You there, Mitchel! Get below -I don't care if you can't get down- Move everything we've got to starboard. Now!" The young man stammered a reply. "Y-yes, Captain Cromfeld!" The officer hurriedly jumped down the bridgedeck stairs, ripping his soaked navy blue jacket in the process. A futile act, he thought to himself. He had already lost the entire mizzen-mast to the hellish storm during the day, and the main topgallant mast came down an hour later. In addition, the pumps and the men working them were half-dead from exhaustion. Gritting his teeth, he shot a glance at his first officer. He was at the bow with two other sailors, cutting the port anchors loose in desperation. Stumbling his way to the portside by gripping the rough wood railings, he made his way towards the bow. 'Riley!" he barked. "You're in command." Without saying more, he turned away, back to the quarter deck. The quarterdeck doors were swinging wide open, likely bashed inwards by unsecured material. He groaned as the oak door fell inwards when he pushed on it. The cabin itself wasn't far off from the doors' condition. The framed glass had shattered, beaten in by the unrelenting rain, and paper amongst other personal belongings were strewn all across the room. Futilely drying himself off with a towel, he looked down at the rain-soaked canvas charts on his desk. They were still at least a hundred eighty sea miles between them and Ushant. He shook his head in discontent. They would never make it. A large outcry suddenly rang out on deck. Surprised, Jeremiah ran out, tripping over the crumpled door. "What? What is it?" he yelled, startling a sailor frantically fastening rope beside him. "Sir... It's the ship! The devil's ship, I tell you!" the man quivered, pointing out to the pitch black sea. Jeremiah scowled. "What kind of nonsense is this?" he asked, pulling out a brass spyglass from his belt. Then he saw it. A streak of lightning highlighted the pitch-black silhouette of a merchant brigantine, floundering at sea. The vessel itself was innocuous enough, but eerily, it was drifting towards the HMS Lutine's port side at an alarming rate against the current. The captain frantically yelled at the helmsman. "H-helmsman! Hard to starboard! Starboard!" It was a futile attempt. All sails had been struck for the storm. They themselves were drifters in the ocean. The ghost vessel rammed the frigate at an incredible speed, splintering against the timber of the old warship. A beam struck Jeremiah on the head and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
  21. I was always under the impression that if you dropped the item again, everything would be cool. I might be wrong, I haven't actually stolen anything in my playthroughs. A goody-two-shoes I am. :P
  22. Hmm, well it looks like a couple of the Nexus servers are offline, so it might be better to wait a few days when everything's normalized. You could also drop Dark0ne a PM, he usually deals with the money stuff.
  23. Maya arrived at Megaton by dusk, a little more well equipped than when she left the aircraft wreckage. Indeed, the little fiasco with the airplane attracted the attention of all the raiders in the area, and they swooped down on the aircraft wing like vultures coming in for the feast. The various raiding groups quickly broke into an argument and a gunfight, and pop went the aircraft wing. Maya looted several ever-important boxes of 9mm round ammunition, and even a couple of 5.7mm rounds from their burnt and rather dismembered bodies. Carrying the glass canopy with her hands raised above her head, she trucked into Megaton, with a few bodies strewn left and right. Intriguingly, the bodies were not raiders nor bandits, but legionnaires. Maya was about to enter the town but spotted a battle-worn NCR and another man sitting a little while away. Swinging the glass window to a more comfortable angle, she approached the two men for answers about the bloody mess in the vicinity of Megaton. "Okay. Okay, WHAT the hell happened here? Megaton was peaceful just a few days ago. Why the bloody hell...?"
  24. Have you guys tried logging out and logging back in?
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