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Posts posted by Halendia

  1. Yeah now when mentioned... Already rooted out the culprit. Something called Yontoo, can't remember installing it...

    Must've come with some pack somewhere. Just reinstalled Windows and I've been downloading old software like crazy, must've missed this one.


    I just thought it was so weird it only showed up today. I didn't install anything yesterday.


  2. Well, I just came online to have a pop-up ad slammed in my face, and there's a really annoying new feature, namely sidebar ad..?


    Additional to this, the excessive adding of ads seems to have broken the menu, I can't use the dropdowns "Files", "Categories" and "Nexus Network".


    Am I the only one? No?


    (Oh, and the Search Field won't come down either)


    (Installing AdBlock seems to be a workaround for this, as of now (menus are working) but I really really hate blocking ads, I think you guys deserve the revenue from that, but if the site's broken...)

  3. Hullo! I'm doing some research in this area, and I've tried going about using <a href="http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27955">Omega99jp's Tutorial</a> but shamefully... I've problems deciphering his English at times :/ I've been looking around for different tutorials but to no avail, so I'm coming to you now, dear community.

    Basically I've just created a custom NPC, placed him into the world, Ctrl+F4'd my file in the CK, gotten three files (.nif, .tga and .dds). Now he's telling me to "Copy the necessary files from the files that unzipped by using the BSA browser". I've no idea what that's supposed to mean.... I've not extracted any .bsa, and I don't understand WHICH .bsa I'm supposed to extract, if so, or where to place those files.

    Now, where I'm stuck is at part 31 of his tutorial, I simply don't understand what I'm supposed to do here. Anyone got any ideas? (or perhaps able to point me to another tutorial?)

  4. As title said, the CK refuses to load Hearthfire. I've done the usual editing of the .ini file, and I'm 100% sure I've done it right (since it works for Dawnguard). I load Dawnguard and Hearthfire the same way in the CK, accept error herpaderp and so on. Dawnguard content is displayed when it's done loading, Hearthfire isn't. It just doesn't seem to realise it's actually loaded...


    Any ideas? I want to edit my Housecarls :)

  5. I'm having the exact same problem. Not much testing done but I know Lydia and Jordis are bugged. Husband Onmund, Hireling Jenassa and Argis the Bulwark are working as they should, whereas Lydia and Jordis act and talk as if they are my followers, but won't follow me in Proudspire or Breezehome, let alone outside.

    • They don't care if I'm with another follower (no difference in dialogue), but will talk as if they are too.
    • They aren't dismissable, they ignore my commands, hence not recruitable either.

    I'm running out of ideas, I've tried resetai, set playerfollowercount 0, killed them ran around etc. etc. getting miiiiiiildly pissed of (as in incredibly pissed off).


    Anyone, anything? No?

  6. Topic title and description says it all, really...


    I'm experiencing an issue where my Skyrim crashes with my breton, but redguard and wood elf loads fine.


    Breton is my "main char" and has significantly more played time and content than the other 2. Overall it has been the messiest save I've ever played, encountered bugs in many questlines, hearthfire etc. but now it simply refuses to load. (well, it DOES load, but crashes a couple of seconds into the game, no difference if indoors/outdoors.


    Any suggestions?

  7. I have looked everywhere and can not find a fix for my ENLARGED menu's while I have Skyrim in 5760x1080 res.

    Item menu's and talk trees are impossible to work with at that res.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    FYI, I just got me a new system and want to play Skyrim in my full res mode.

    I have been playing for over 1400 hours on my steam page.. LOL,




    Great, screenshots would be great bro, FYI

  8. First off, I hate your attitude. If you want stuff done, do it yourself, that's a good motto to live by.


    Second; The entire modding community is based on demand and interest, people create mods based on what they themselves like and what others are likely to like, and since the majority of the community consists of heterosexual men, mods for their pleasing is going to be the #1 thing you'll stumble across here. If you want to change that, you're either going to have to create a bigger demand (ie. recruit more females to gaming) or you're going to have to get stuff done yourself.


    I think what you're saying is very relative though. Your pretty male is probably not the same as my pretty male. I don't DL "custom followers", I think there are many enough as it is, so I don't know what people make and not. However I do know that the NPC editor utility is great if you just want to customize existing ones yourself, which is not hard at all.


    Remember that it's just as hard for you to learn and create yourself as it was for anyone else..


    /Female who does simple s*** herself instead of relying on others to do it

  9. I guess one issue triggers another... I've been going through my plugins now; disabling all of them worked, and I did that because I redownloaded the eye mods I had and deactivated them through vanilla launcher: I could no longer become a female without game crashing!

    ve been activating them in groups, a handfull at a time, starting Skyrim, gone into racemenu, making sure there were no more eyes than vanilla and making sure I could become female, then saving, qqq, activate more plugins, repeat.


    This was I was able to narrow it down a bit, saving time. However, I've encountered a new, very funny thing! After activating a couple of plugins, with standard procedure, the game crashed on load, I deactivated the newly activated plugins and started the game just as it was before, I didn't save or anything between because it just crashed before I could even make sure the plugins I'd activated were OK. So I loaded up again, a save which had worked previously, with exactly the same plugins as I'd used before that I'd confirmed to be working, and ta-da:


    When I switch genders, all the sliders disappear except for the ones under the "Mouth" category and the "Forehead colour" slider is also accessible, the rest have vanished!

    (Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4)


    Switching to khajiit and Orc works, it seems, BUT if I switch too much; game crash! :D


    It would also appear that switching to any "human" races, Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Nord causes a game crash.


    I'm so incredibly confused right now.


    aaaaaaand I'll start disabling everything again, muh.

  10. So basically, since a week back I've been having strange issues with the character creation. The slider for eye colours is like... infinite. There are hundreds of textures to choose from but say 95% are just duplicates.


    I've removed all eye texture mods, the folder in data is completely empty now, but it doesn't "revert" to vanilla textures.


    Wat do?

  11. Same here after the last patch black screen crash with pure vanilla when i start skyrim worked with 62+ mods previously with my current setup.


    Reinstalled windows a week ago everything worked.

    crossfire -AMD 7690s

    8gb ram

    driver 12.3 - worked fine before patch havent tried a earlier driver just yet.


    I've never experienced a crash with vanilla Skyrim, maybe because I barely ever played it (!); modded this pile since day 1.

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